
I'm a Villain in My Own Game?

Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Romance My original work, plagiarism is prohibited. Word Count: 1500-5000 words per chapter [Arc 1 - Survival Test ~ 52 Chapters] [Arc 2 - Academy Tournament ~ 27 Chapters] [Arc 3 - The Chosen Saintess ~ 37 Chapters] [Arc 4 - Aragonian—Venetian Wars ~ 55 Chapters] [Arc 5 - Corrupted Tree of Elven Forest ~ ???] A game developer suddenly enters his own game world, taking on the body of an antagonist? After realizing the suffering of humans caused by the scenarios he and his team created, the protagonist vows to try to prevent and minimize casualties from the disasters they caused in that world.

Gerhman · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Arc 1 Chapter 28 : Strawberry

[Valeria's PoV]

Along with fifteen others, I began to enter the southern tunnel of this underground mine. It was quite dark, so we had to take turns using light magic to illuminate the area.

We needed to be cautious of any traps that could have been set by that perverted man.

This place was incredibly narrow... We had walked about 200 meters in, but still hadn't found the end of the tunnel. It made sense why Princess Elena's group didn't have time to escape from the western tunnel before it collapsed.

After walking roughly 500 meters, we reached an exit of the tunnel. Ahead of us was an underground chamber with a small river flowing deep into the area.

"Everyone, examine the surroundings carefully. If you see anything suspicious, report it immediately," I instructed the group I was leading.

We had to be vigilant in this unexplored place.

"Valeria, we've found a fork in the road!" one of the team members informed me.

I approached the location and saw three paths—one leading left, one straight ahead, and one to the right. No doubt, the left path would likely lead us to the exit of the western tunnel, and the right path should lead to the eastern tunnel where Brian was.

Could Elena's group have survived the collapse and still be near the western tunnel exit? Is that why they couldn't return because their way out was blocked?

"We'll take the left path!" I commanded the group.


[Brian's PoV]

"Hurry up! We can't afford to waste time!" I ordered the team I was leading.

At this moment, we were heading toward the eastern tunnel. This was the farthest tunnel from where the Eagle and Griffon Clans were gathered.

After running for a while, we finally reached the eastern tunnel. I noticed some of my team members were out of breath, clearly exhausted from the sprint.

"Don't waste time! We need to find that cowardly noble quickly!"

We entered the tunnel, and I began to sprint as fast as I could, eager to get out of the narrow space. I hated the idea of fighting in such a confined area.

"Wait, Brian! Don't go too fast!"

I turned at the sound of a teammate behind me. They were trailing far behind. What was wrong with them? How could they ever hope to become Imperial Knights and Mages with stamina this weak?

"Come on, hurry up."

After running through the tunnel for a while, I finally saw an exit and a vast underground mining area ahead.

I glanced back to check on the others.

"Tsk, they're so slow!"

Eventually, they emerged from the tunnel, with some immediately sitting down, breathless and panting.

"We're going to explore this mine now," I instructed. "Get up, and let's finish off that cowardly noble quickly."

We continued our journey through the mine. I could hear the sound of running water, probably from an underground river.

After some time, we reached a crossroads. I didn't know which path to take, but my instincts told me that if we went straight, I would soon confront that cowardly noble.

"We're going straight!" I ordered the group.

We resumed our march, choosing the straight path. At least it wasn't as narrow as the tunnel we had just passed through.

On the way, we came across carts and mining tools. What exactly had they been mining here?

Not long after, we turned a corner and continued down the path. And then, I saw him. A hundred meters ahead was a man with black hair, wearing the academy's uniform.

"I found you, Raul!" I could barely contain my excitement to beat him.

"Oh, is that you, Brian? How many people did you bring this time?" that cowardly noble asked.

"It doesn't matter how many are here, I'm going to take you down with my own two hands!"

Yes... I would make him pay for daring to kidnap Ariel from me! I would destroy his body until nothing was left but a pile of mush!

"Where are you keeping Ariel?" I demanded, my voice rising.

Ariel... She must be feeling lonely and scared, stuck with that cold and filthy man. But it was alright, I would rescue her soon from this cowardly noble.

"Ah, Ariel? We've had a rather nice time together, just the two of us here," the cowardly noble said with a satisfied grin.

"Brian, do you know how soft Ariel's skin and body are?" the cowardly noble asked again.

Huh? What was he talking about? His words reminded me of the time I hugged Ariel before dueling him. But Ariel had looked uncomfortable because I did it in public.

"We've spent time alone together, undisturbed."

Hearing those words made me furious.

I began gathering mana to activate Justice Spirit, the spell I used last time to defeat him in our duel.

"Have you ever tasted her sweet lips?" the man said, touching his finger to his lips. "They're as sweet as... strawberries..."

He said it as though recalling a fond memory.

No, no, no! He must be lying! He had to be making all of this up.

"Stop it... Shut your mouth..."

My heart filled with rage. For the first time, I felt the urge... to kill someone.

"Do you know the charming expression Ariel had when our lips met?"

No! I didn't want to imagine it. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Ariel... She was mine, and mine alone. I wouldn't let any other man get near her or speak ill of her!


I charged at him, my body engulfed in golden light. All I could think about was killing him and cutting out that filthy noble's tongue.

"Wait, Brian! Don't fight him alone!"

I ignored the warnings and rushed forward, eager to strike Raul, who had a satisfied look after spouting those lies.

Seeing me sprint towards him, the man smirked, then turned and began running away.

"Coward! All you can do is keep running!"

I chased after him at full speed. Ahead was a turn and a cliff at the end of the path we were on. He turned the corner, disappearing from my sight, hidden by the stone walls.

"I won't let you escape!"

I picked up my pace and rounded the corner. But when I got to the other side, I was shocked to see Raul charging back towards me.


I blocked his punch with my hand, but the force of the blow pushed me back, causing me to fall off the cliff.


I plunged into an underground river, the strong current pulling me away from where I had fallen.

"With this, it'll be easy to eliminate the people you brought, Brian."

I could barely hear Raul's words in the distance.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

I had fallen for his trap again!

"You're a coward, Raul! Fight me fairly!" I shouted.

But the black-haired man just looked down at me coldly from the cliff without saying a word.


[Valeria's PoV]

After walking for about half an hour along the left path, we finally arrived in the area near the western tunnel exit. From here, we could also see the landslide that had sealed off the exit.

"Search the area. We might find Elena's group nearby," I ordered my team.

"Understood. We'll report anything suspicious to you, Valeria."

After giving them instructions, I started looking for any clues about what had happened here.

Near the tunnel exit, there were traces indicating a battle had taken place. It seemed they had exchanged blows and were thrown apart by their attacks.

Hmm... Judging from the marks, one person was thrown toward the center, while the other was thrown to the edge of the area.

I walked toward the corner of the area. Not long after, I spotted a blonde woman lying on the ground, not far from the rock wall.


I hurried over to check her condition.

Blue marks covered Elena's entire body.

"This is... Elena's magic circuit has been destroyed..."

Without a magic circuit, humans couldn't use magic. The magic circuit was the pathway through which mana flowed freely throughout the body.

If the mana circuit was destroyed, the mana they produced wouldn't be able to circulate, and forcing it to activate would only weaken them.

How did Elena become like this?