
I'm a Summon!?

John is your typical shut-in. He has never once had a girlfriend, or any friends for that matter. He was getting sent off to the military to be useful in life, when his life abruptly changed. He was given the |Summon System| and sent to another world. _________________________________________ This story follows John as a powerful summon, training and fighting with his summoner.

Undead_God · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Summon System

"God damnit!" John exlaims, looking at the letter he had just received. He was being sent to military camp!? "This is bullshit."

He opens a stale package of ramen, and makes himself a pitiful exuse of a snack.

He had no interest in being a slave to the military, but he had no choice. If he refused, or ran away, he would probably be mugged, starve, catch a disease, so on.

He gets ready and starts packing his bags. He doesn't have much, only some old food and clothes.

"I already have a job though." he mumbles. Although you could hardly call it a job.

He worked for some bastard across the street. Whether it be running errands or finding someone. He only made like 10 bucks a week, just enough to get some cheap ramen packets and rent a motel for a bit.

"Well I better get going before I get reprimanded."

He walks to a bus stop, and with his remaining money, grabs a bus to the location the military would pick him up at.

Ten minutes have gone by, when he arrives at the location. He looks around, but doesn't see anybody.

'I must be early.' He thinks to himself.

A few minutes go by, and he finally sees the military vehicle that came to pick him up. The man walks over to him.

"Get in." He says, looking at John.

"Alright." John replies. He walks to the vehicle, and gets in the back.

They arrive at the military camp, and John looks around. He sees a lot of different people, presumably other newbies.

'Damn I hope I make some friends, you dont want to be alone in the military.'

He starts walking, looking around, seeing if he can find anyone to talk to, when suddenly, there was a bright flash of light.

He looks around, and is greeted by the void. He doesn't see anything or anyone.

"What the fuck is this." He mutters, confused. 'I was just at the camp was I not?' He is still pondering what was happening when he hears something




|Analasys Complete|

|Summon System Online|

|Welcome Host|


I am new to this, so I expect critisizm. I also spell for shit, so sorry for any spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Undead_Godcreators' thoughts