
I'm a psychopath : How do I take care of children?

"William Teller or black crow, 21 year old male sex, who has killed more than hundreds of innocent victims. Not counting dozens of autopsies, according to the latest reports, is that true?" It looks like a man with slightly pale skin, slim body with a pretty handsome face, has rather long black hair. And wearing black and white prison clothes. "I don't know, I don't remember!" William answered with a smile. After hearing William's words the man carrying the paper sighed, then put down the paper. "Then do you have any last words? Like I'm sorry?" asked the man. "Let me take another life?" replied William. Receiving this answer, William, the man who brought the paper, smiled cynically. Then he turned around. "As expected of a psychopath. Serve the sentence!" Bang! The sniper trigger is pulled, all three need to exit the sniper barrel simultaneously through the surrounding air. During this time William felt like the world was slowing down, he then closed his eyes enjoying his last breath. Craat! The bullet went straight through his skull. Fresh blood flowed from the hole in his head, flowing onto the black and white prisoner's clothing he was wearing dyeing it red. Ding! [Finding suitable candidate hosts.] ... William Teller, a psychopath with hundreds of more victims, stood in the shooting room tied to an iron pole who was on death row. After his death a miracle happened, William got a system to move to another world and was required to take care of children. "System, you have to be kidding me!" [Detecting host rejection.] [Starting brainwave punishment]

Lazy_author · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Good or evil?

"Tell me, who are you? What is your goal?" asked the man.

A moment later, William's headache began to subside. Then he glanced at the mining soldier who was brandishing a sword at him. William wasn't scared, he was more angry and irritated. Due to the system of judging men in the presence of good people, William clearly remembered the moment before running into the forest.

William remembered very well, that man was one of them. The moment their eyes met, the man was on alert. Because he saw William covered in blood, but looked fine without being hurt. Obviously it wasn't his blood, it was his partner's blood. He believes that all of his colleagues have been killed by William.

As for William, he watched the man carefully. Because of the male rating system in the presence of good people, he can't just kill. Actually to kill him is very easy for William.

'System, explain what do you think the word good means?' asked William to himself.

Suddenly a blue screen system appeared in front of him, of course the screen system only William could see personally.


[Answering, because this man still has some kindness in him. More than his crimes.]

'So, how do you tell the difference? should I use Karma eye? if it was I know, but it can't be used now you understand?'

"Because my brain might explode!" William replied to himself.

[The system apologized earlier, for not providing executive skills that are not bound by the Lottery.]

[This skill is a mandatory thing that the system has to give you, it also needs some conditions for you to unlock other exclusive skills.]

[In order to make it easier for you to discern the good and evil of each being, the system will grant you an analysis ability.]

Seeing the notification William got very annoyed, accidentally phrased it directly with keywords.

"System, you damn it! What a pain! Why not from the start!"

"More importantly you when providing information about the system, why don't you provide this information?" William snapped.

[You didn't ask.]

[Then do you want to open the window status ability? System, suggest you open window status ability.]

Receiving system notifications William was even more angry, occasionally he took a breath and closed it. William tried to stay calm.

"Forget it, show status ability!"


[Shows information ability.]


The man saw William suddenly become irritated and grumpy, not clearly surprised. After that he stared blankly at the open air, and spoke to himself.

Even so he was still on alert in case William attacked, with his sharp gaze and gripping sword in hand tightly pointing it at William.

"Damn, that man is very dangerous. I feel like running away with Mary, but it's obvious I can't do that. Otherwise my sister might have died sooner."

'Because Mary has the disease 'Don't forget me.' The medicine I often give can't cure it, but it's enough to make life longer.'

Actually, the man was afraid that William would attack him directly. He wanted to run away, and take his little sister to a peaceful place free from all this. But he had to undo his intention.

Because his younger sister is currently suffering from a strange disease, where her physical condition will continue to weaken until she finally dies.

After she dies, the grave where she lies will grow a beautiful flower. The flower has wide purple petals, and a spreading spider-like pistil.

The name of the flower is also the same as the name of the disease, because indeed the flower grows from disease. 'Don't forget me.' This refers because the sufferer is not only weakened, but will also suffer pain in every cell continuously until he dies.

In their sick bed, sufferers are not willing to die and leave the people they love, they also don't want to be forgotten.

The initial symptom is that the sufferer will cough up blood for seven days, and it will always cough in the middle of every day.

The second symptom is that after seven days of coughing up blood, the sufferer will feel pain spreading through every cell of his body at any time.

The third symptom is that the sufferer's body will weaken, eventually stretching his life.

Medication will only slow down the process, not cure it. Because until now it has not been found, a drug that can cure it. Actually there is, but it's just a legend. Don't know whether it's true or not, what's clear is that don't forget me disease is very dangerous.

Turning back to William, he was currently staring at the Ability information screen. Because he just got a new Ability that the system gave him too late.


Innate ability :

- The Eye of karma

Passive Ability :

- Multi-Disorder (lvl 1)

Active Ability :

- Analysis (Lvl 1)

Description :

Allows the user to collect the target's information, and the user has a 10% chance of reading the target's mind.

The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.

(This skill can be leveled up.)


"So is this skill related to vision? Is Analysis the same as karma eye? It seems not because this ability can be leveled up." thought William.

"I'd better try." said William.

William looked at the man, also while activating Analyze. Her pupils turned blue due to the activity of the Analysis ability. William was able to easily activate Analysis indeed because of the experience from using the Karma eye. It was also because he had gotten information on the use of the Analysis Ability from the system.

The Analysis ability is not the same as Karma Eye which requires a lot of learning, in order to maximize its potential.

[Good 60% : Bad 40 %]

"Hm? Is it possible that this eye only sees good and evil? And also for some reason when I was activating the Analysis ability, it's not like Karma Eye."

"It feels like Analysis ability is much weaker than Karma Eye, this makes me not understand what that means." muttered William.

While muttering, suddenly several letters appeared around the man. Since this is another use, has a 10% chance of reading the target's mind.

The chances of reading the target were very small, and William was only lucky the first time he used the Analysis Ability.

'Who is this man? No! it doesn't matter, all I have to do is get rid of it to keep the boss happy and I earn more money.'

'Because this is all for Mary, so she can smile again and laugh like she used to.'

'I'm willing to do all these dirty things!'

William was currently reading the man's mind, of course this matter was not known to anyone other than himself.

The man just kept on constant alert, pointing his sword at William, he was on guard to be ready to attack or defend.

After briefly reading the man's true intentions and attributes, William nodded he understood what the system meant.

'So, this is categorized as good? All the disgusting things he did for his little sister's medicine?' thought William.

"Answer me! Who are you? What business do you have to try to save the mining slaves?" the man asked William again.

On asking William, the blade of the sword that the man was holding trembled. Because he was still afraid of William, also afraid of having to die leaving his sick sister.

"You don't worry, I promise I won't kill you. As long as you don't get in my way."

"Otherwise you will probably die with regret, leaving your sister who is sick right?" said William.

Upon hearing William's words, the man was in deep shock. He was so very surprised, because how could this strange man in front of him know his sister was sick.

"How did you know? No! more importantly I can't let you pass." said the man.

William who saw the man's tenacity, did not let himself pass and completed the task of the system heaved a sigh of relief.

"Really stubborn." William said sneering at the man's tenacity.

After sneering, a system notification suddenly appeared in front of him. And William's expression became even more tired, the smile that had graced his face was gone.


[Released new task!]


Title : The birth of a miracle doctor

You see an older sister struggling hard to heal her sick sister, your heart is moved to help her selflessly.

Rewards : Skills to become a doctor.

Duration : 2 days

Punishment/rebutt: hellish brainwaves.


After reading the notification of his new assignment, William's face became very tired. As he has no will to live, he is utterly tired of wanting to be lost to civilization.

"System, I've just arrived in this world for one day, you always give conflicting tasks continuously! And also I don't even know what his sister's illness is."

"System, you think I'm the main character?"

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