

[3rd P.O.V.]

~Celestic Town Historical Research Centre~

Leaving behind the arguing duo, they reached the front of the building in quick succession.

"'ll follow you, don't worry I can keep up!" Shouting from the ground was 'Star' as Garchomp was already airborne, nodding her head.

*Boom, Boom!*

Two sonic booms were made, shaking the Centre a bit, but that didn't stop or even help to quell the shouting of the two inside.

The workers were accustomed to it as 'Star' running around in the past months causing wide-ranging disaster due to his shockwaves.

Looking at the direction she was heading to he knew or at least had an idea of where she was going.

Pushing his force against the ground a gust of wind blew through the front door of the building.

Causing any nearby wildlife to scatter from the shockwave that was created by his movement.


Leaving a footprint on his right foot he followed behind the flying land shark, towards the outskirts of Celestic Town.

While they were making their way to a clearing to release Darkrai, the mentioned Pokemon was going through what Garchomp feared the most.

A mental breakdown, one that stimulated it to release its full power, enough to destroy a Wailord that could be compared to a typical level 60 Pokemon in one attack.

Its abilities weren't being used at full power, as its actual stats were too low to break through its limit at the moment.

It couldn't take the load of the peak of its move [Dark Void} either, radiating a dark cloak that slowly began to spread covering the facility, making the entire ordeal more difficult for the two.

Reaching the peak of the mountains, which was flat for some reason he looked back up to see the clouds parting a couple of hundred metres away.

Internally sweatdropped at the sight 'Star' sat on the peak waiting for Garchomp, who didn't take long to reach.

"Seems you're a bit late huh?" Completely ignoring his provocation she slammed into the peak, landing in a way similar to that of a superhero.

"Where is the Pokeball, and don't question if I can resist or come out of this alive. I faced worse so let's get this show on the road."

Seeing her conviction and the aura she radiated was that of absolute seriousness he nodded, opening his palm to reveal a Pokeball.

Pressing the button on the ball it enlarged to reveal the perpetual darkness through the seeable side, shocking both of them.

"It seems we're in very, very deep shit huh." Deciding not to condone his choice of speech due to the truth he spoke she pondered on what to do.

"You were barely able to stay conscious the first time, which seems like child's play compared to what's inside of here,"

Pointing at the ball he spoke with seriousness written all over his very being, but he had a plan.

He knew she would never keep a secret from her 'Master' but he was willing to relinquish at least this secret once he was able to get Darkrai on his side.

"I'm able to resist the ability it has due to an inherited Ability-Stand Physique, it allows me to change into that of a spiritual being."

Her eyes widened, what does that even mean, 'how can.... is it similar to Spiritomb, but it's an ability instead of an actual body?'

"I won't need to eat, sleep or repeat. It also has some other sub-abilities but all you need to know is I'm able to share it with others."

Her mind was going into overdrive as she was looking for some hint that blatantly pointed out any tricks up his sleeve.

But she couldn't, it sounded like he really just wanted to help, other than having Darkrai as an ally she couldn't find anything otherwise that could not directly affect her.

Neither was it going to affect her 'Master' as it would strengthen her team by a considerable amount.

"If you had such an ability, why didn't you tell us before?" She couldn't remember a time when he said anything about his ability other than Precision.

"When it was the right time, which just happens to be this very specific moment." She squinted her eyes at his answer.

Having two was rare, extremely so as only certain species have it and according to him he was one of a kind.

Which meant he was the only one with an ability of his calibre, which if I do say so myself is overpowered once used right.

"Are you ever going to tell us what you are?" She asked intuitively while multitasking, making up a plan on how to deal with the Darkrai problem.

Showing a friendly smile, one that shouted mischief, "According to Cynthia I am a Pseudo Legendary for the time being, aren't I?"

Clicking her tongue she focused more on the plan she came up with, which more or less was the same for 'Star'.

"How do you share your ability?" Asking a question she needed an answer for as it would correlate with her plan.

"All I have to do is have physical contact with you, also we are short on time." Nodding her head she grabbed his hand and without delay he released Darkrai.

Before it could fully emerge, black ooze came out first covering the surroundings, as Darkrai began to form out of the ooze, disintegrating the ball in the process.

With her claw glowing light blue and her emotion in shambles she held onto his hand pulling him towards the mentally pained 'baby'.

Stealing her resolve she swung her arm using [Brick Break], as she had the type advantage thanks to 'Star's' information.

"Gaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr!" Smashing her claw into the ooze, the flashes of images she once saw vanished.

And she saw her 'baby' clearly crying as it looked around itself in fear, her once steeled resolve melted as if it was in a furnace.

"If you're not going to do it then I will, it's my responsibility after all." Without any hesitation 'Star' released her hand, as he had enough will to do it.

Even if it would leave a bad taste in his mouth from time to time, it was a task that had to be done and done right.


His hand was coated in something similar to hers as he rushed forward to put the little one to sleep.

If he was awake it could bring unforetold circumstances, that would make this even harder than it already was.

"[Close Combat]!" Calling out the name became something similar to a habit for him, as he learnt almost everyone and anyone knew the names of Pokemon Moves.

But since he had self-created ones he just called them out for extra flair as not a soul would know what type or kind of move it is.

Though is a Trainer battle he had no intention of calling out a single move, that was just counterproductive.

Inches away from the panicking Darkrai was a fist, and inches away from that of a punch was a claw, one that had malicious intentions towards that fist.


The fist connected with the claw that came out of nowhere creating a shockwave, which luckily fainted the poor critter.

At this point, he faced two traumatic events, a fist that was attempting to quickly and efficiently immobilize him.

And a giant whale trying to crush him, that would be feared by almost anyone in the entirety of the Pokemon world, not just due to its size but its raw power.

Looking behind Garchomp, he saw the critters' eyes losing their colour, signifying to him that it had fainted.

But the domain of black ooze and darkness was still spreading, "Didn't expect the ace of the Champion to be such a wuss?"

He asked in a tone as if he was the most curious man in the world, not even a hint of provocation in them, who truly wanted to know if she was a wuss.

"I moved on my own, I didn't know what was happening?" Her eyes were open wide, she technically sided with the region's destruction over saving it.

"Since you want to protect it, deal with this huh?" Opening his arms in a hugging manner he spun around signifying the spreading dark substance.

Which was corroding the mountain, alerting the Police Department of the peculier occurrence, adding to the already abundant amount.

Looking around she truly didn't know what to do, if she did use a move it wouldn't only disperse the substance but destroy the remains of the mountain.

Sighing, 'Star' looked at the foolish Garchomp, "We're going to have a civilized talk after this."

He spoke in a manner hinting that there was no room for negotiation or disagreement.

She understood fully well what he was implying and nodded agreeing as she had no clue what overtook her.

Looking around himself, he raised his right leg, stomping on the ground in the process using a move that takes priority over anything else.

"[Ice Style: Flash Freeze]." He whispered softly, as his right leg froze over, in a light sheen of ice.


The only sound made was the sound of ice cracking, which lasted for only a moment.

Freezing over the top of the mountain, putting a tremendous amount of mental strain on him.

Looking back at the amazed Garchomp he smirked, "Bet you've never heard or seen a move like that have you?"

Nodding absentmindedly her jaw was still open, walking past her he put his hand under it closing it himself.

"Pick your kid up, let's get going before he wakes up and causes even more panic, [Fire Style: Flash Point]."

Nodding absentmindedly again she picked him up as they had no Pokeball on them as they were more focused on releasing him and containing him safely.

Seeing his hand catch on fire she jumps upwards crushing the frozen ooze under her.

"It seems Darkrai wasn't controlling it but it had a mind of its own?" She asked him as he shrugged his shoulders.

They still had more tests to run and that wouldn't be anytime soon, due to this incident.

The best option would be securing it in a higher quality Pokeball, and modifying its enclosure or facility to its preference for the time being.

Gliding through the sky she didn't want to miss the moment as the move he used to freeze over the mountain was spectacular in her eyes.

Pointing his closed hand forward, it blurred as a torrent of flames shot forward covering the mountain.

Defrosting the ice, turning it into steam that looked like the mountain was engulfed in fog.

Turning around he looked up into the sky, as Garchomp's eyes glinted, turning around she burst off with a shockwave.

Followed by another as they both returned to the Centre, for the last time as the journey truly begins...