
Two-Face B***h

Winds blowing gently, the sun shining while the clouds covering.

A beautiful girl was sitting on a bench, she had an above average looks and a slender body, one that most guys will fall head over hill. Looking nervous, like she had something to say.

"*pant* *pant* Eun-Ji, sorry to keep you waiting" the person that said this was our MC 'Jin-Ho'.

He's looks was average and he's body were...

He was holding two cans of soft drinks, panting from being exhausted since he ran around searching for a vending machine.

"Ouhh, your late dog" Jin-Ho was surprised hearing the owner of the voice, he face went paled, why is this person here? when he lift his face to have a look, his face was full of disgust, it was none other than his best friend 'Man-Young'

why is she with him?! his arm was wraped around her waist and she was blushing from him groping her in public.

"Eun-ji..." Jin didn't want to believe whatbhe thought its going to be. "Jin... im dumping your lame ass" she didn't even told him the reasons or look at him. "but!" Man intercepted "Now that you know everything, we had sort this out, why don't you scram!" Man-young kicked Jin-Ho, he fell on his knees and making him curled up into a ball. he's not that strong, so being kick will definitely be painfull

Memories started flooding, he remembered thier times together. Jin would always help her when she needed, he would go from beginning to the end for her, To Jin she was the only one that he treasures, losing this he's heart broke to pieces. tears started flowing on his cheeck.

Jin-Ho skimping his way to his dorm, he is apparently a university student. Every student had their own room, so he yes he lives alone.

he's room was nothing special, it is the most normal looking room and that is considered boring. most students rooms are very well designed and furnished.

Jin went to shower to let loose, when he was in there he's phone vibrated telling that he got a notification. after showering, Jin went to check it immediately and only to find out it was just an advertisement on a new group chat.

Jin downloaded it immediately since he wanted to loosen up, originally he wanted to play games. Jin waited for a while for it to finish, he went to brew some coffee. *ding* it was a signal that it finished, Jin walk and picked it up and registered himself

name: Jin-Ho

age: 19

username: ....

Jin had a rough time picking on a name that fitted him, when he remembered what happened today he instantly thought of a name. Jin skipped all the tutorials, everything.

when suddenly *ding* "u have been send a request to join a group" Jin was surprised that they would send an invitation to a complete stranger, but he didn't care about any of those. he accepted it and *ding* *ding* *ding* he's phone vibrated violently with a non-ending notifications.

"welcome to the (three realms diety) group chat" "please say hi"

sun-wukong: "ouhh? who's this deity?"

sun god haemosu: "Sun! be respectful to who you never met!" "this deity ask for forgiveness, on this friends foolishness" *insert a mad and a sad emoji*

chang'e: "sun apologize!" *insert 2 angry emojies*

supreme dragon king: Sun watch your manners! *insert 3 angry emojies*

Jin-Hu was surprised to see a group of 8 GRADE SYNDROME people, nonetheless they were very respectful towards others. Jin paid no heed and replied.

Retribution God (Jin) : "Its is fine, i am your junior so no harm is done." *inserts 3 smiling emojies*

Sun-wukong:"Many thanks to junior, as friendship why dont we send envelopes?!"

Chang'e :" Your just taking advantage of the situation, you stupid monkey!"

Supreme dragon king:" but i do wish to get some envelopes, especially from this junior" *inserts 3 smirk emojies*

God of Fortune:"envelope? who is sending it? let this old one get some!"

god of luck:"hmm, when its envelope then you will act huh old man?!"

almighty God:"Then let this one send first"

*ding* *ding* *ding* "you have received envelope from the 'Almighty God' do you wish to open?" a bunch of notifications flooded. Jin was indeed curious on what the old man had send, he pressed accept and was pale to see its content.

5000 cultivation points (use in shop)

99× great recovery potion( physical or mental wound will recover)

life ascension (ascend yourself to a higher being of state)

"this... is a joke right?" Jin was full off suprise, he wanted to lie to himself that it was all fake. he actually believed everything, that is because he read alot of stuff like this. Jin jump in joy that things like this is actually real.

*ding* another notification came in" 'Almighty God' added you as a friend, do you accept? "

yes, Jin instantly pressed and went to have a chat.

Almighty God: Hello young boy, this old man know of your well being that you are not a god but a human and decided to help. now will you help this old man.

Retribution God: Many thanks, this junior will like to help... but in what will it be.

Almighty God:HAHA, now that's more like it, you see eons before humans were born, the deities sworn to not disturb the human with thier life. that mean anything that us acquired will break the law and that will ruin our reputation.

Retribution God:.....

Almighty God: what this old man want to say is that, will you be help this old man get some delicacies from the mortal world.

Retribution God: that's it?!