
I'm a Loli Clone

Isidore had found himself in quite a interesting situation. He died from a unknown cause and now he is inside a laboratory as a test subject, but there is one important issue...She is now, officially a girl...a Loli Girl to be exact. What will she do? how would she react? and what kind of world has she gotten herself into? The world she is in, is the most famous virtual reality, video game name *SHI-MMORPG* ............................. /// Rewrite Version of [ I'm a Loli ]. /// Slow Update. /// The picture is AI Generated, some part are edited by me. /// English is my secondary Language. /// Please don't expect much..I'm only writing it for fun and amusement.

The_Imperfect_Idol · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

[EDIT]Chapter 1: Transmigrated as a Loli

Chapter 1: Subject 1076 Has Awaken

POV Protagonist

'Where..am..I?..' -Isidore

I tried moving around but couldn't as if something is restraining me from doing that, all I saw were endless darkness...there is nothing but the void from up to bottom

"Who..am..I?" I asked but nobody answered, I tried to recalled what happen before everything turn black

I'm Isidore...a 24 year old guy...I worked in one of the most popular game company...I'm responsible for fixing Bugs and checking for any glitches in the game,

'I...Remember now.' -Isidore

My mother is in the hospital, and today is the day to pay for her hospital bills...I have to wake up from this weird dream..


Suddenly a flash of pink light enter my vision surprising me and interrupting my thoughts process

[Host Soul Found! Finding suitable world ]


'This feels...familiar' I thought, a bit disoriented by the intense light, hitting my 'eyes'


[SHI-MMORPG has been selected as a suitable world, transferring Host Soul to a suitable Body]

[Body Found! Transferring....]

" SHI-MMORPG? Wait! Isn't That!-" -Isidore


Before Isidore could ask again, everything went blank, and Isidore soul travel through countless world leaving Earth behind....Just Kidding! His soul just went inside a Portal I Made


"Ugghh my head hurt so much" -Isidore

I tried to move my hand to relief the pain but, I'm unable to find the strenght to lift my hand, I tried opening my eyes and the same thing happen

"Why can't I-" before I could ask a pink light appeared before my closed eyes

[Host Soul hasn't adopted to the new body currently]

[Current progress 0.7%]

"Who are you?" I asked in a confused tone, its not everyday you see a pink window screen floating in black space with your eyes close

[I'm a Loli System for the propose of making the Host Stronger]

"Why? No how did I die!?" I panicked, I clearly remember the moment I was in the car and then I felt that something hit my car, when I woke up, all I saw was darkness

[Due do a interference from a higher being{The Author} You were given a second chance in another world ]

"Interference? Higher being? Why...can't I understand?.." I repeated the words with confusion, maybe I'm disorientated or hallucinating, I tried moving my hand again, but didn't manage, I could only lift a finger for now

"##### #### ### ######" -Unknown

"Wh-whos there!" I manage to open my eyes and saw something shocking, I was inside a Glass Chamber with Red liquid floating around

I stare at the blurry figure in front of me, confuse and curious about this white figure identity

the blurry figure had long white hair and blue glowing eyes, she was wearing in all white dress? Shirt? Skirt? Pants? I can't see very well in this water, wait why is there blood floating?

"#### ###### ####### #### ########" -Unknown

/// I will translate what the Unknown figure is saying, the only person that understands it, is you..The Reader

"Your right! Subject 1076 survive the experiment!" -Unknown

"Where am I? And is she speaking I watched a lot of anime so I naturally knows its Japanese

[Yes host, she is speaking Japan]

"Not only that! But I could feel the Link between me and Subject 1076!" -Unknown

"I don't understand, system could you translate what she is saying? " -Isidore

[I'm sorry host but the language record has been damage due do a malfunction while transferring the host soul to a new body]

"??" -Isidore

"Finally! After a Thusand attempt we finally manage to make a clone that could handle my Power without exploding into a messy bloodbath!" -Unknown

"So noisy"-Isidore

The white figure come closer and tapped the glass to gain my attention

"hello there Subject 1076 you must be feeling a bit tired! But don't worry after the blood water is replace, your physical body will heal gradually!" -Unknown

I look at her in confusion not understanding a single words she had said, and as if feeling the confusion the white figure sigh with a disappointed look?

"Nevermind I forgot that Subject 1076 has only been recently created, She probably doesn't understand what I was saying" -Unknown

The white figure press something on the bottom of the glass chamber, to my surprise the red liquid began to drain rapidly, my body slowly floated down and seat on the chamber floor like a lifeless doll

After a couple of second a pure blue liquid raise from the chamber floor completely filling the entire glass chamber while making my body float in the middle of it

"What is this feeling?" I asked, feeling a strange warm all around my body

"You! Check her condition" -Unknown

"Yes Vinny-Sama!" -Side Characters

"And You! Go and grab a language book for children " -Vinny

"As you Command Vinny-Sama" -Side Characters

I tried to lift my hand again, I succeeded to lift five of my fingers but not my hand

"Atleast I could lift five finger and not one, is this water healing me?" I asked in curiosity,

[Analysis Complete]

[Name: Healing Spring

Type: Liquid

Grade: A+

Description: A liquid that gradually heal any injuries done to the living creature even if their entire limps is torn apart this Liquid will still be able to recover your limps gradually except reviving dead creature

Side-effect: the living creature lifespan will decrease with each use]

"I don't understand" -Isidore

[Healing Spring can heal any injuries but cannot revive dead creature and with each use the living organism lifespan will decrease]

"Oh, can I see my status" -Isidore

[Power Level: a injured Child

Abnormality: Weaken, [Unable to recover HP & MP]

Title: [The Cursed One] [Transmigrator[Hidden]

Name: Subject 1076

Age: 5 month

Class: None

Bloodline: None

Race: [Loli Clone]

HP: 74 / 10.000 ([BLOCK]Recover 500 HP per minit)

Mana: 647 / 10.000 ([BLOCK]Recover 100 MP per minit)

Strenght: 1 {-49 Strenght}

Agility: 1 {-39 Agility}

Defense: 0 {-40 Defense}

Offense: 0 {-50 Offense}

Intelligence: 3 {-20 Intelligence} {-100 Low Intelligence}

Luck: [LOCK]

Status Point: 40

Loli Point: 50

Cursed: [Low Intelligence] [Glutton] [Linked]

"Unable to Recover HP and MP?" -Isidore

"Subject 1076? Loli Clone?" -Isidore

"Cursed? Low Intelligence? Glutton? Linked?" Isidore

"System can you explain what these thing are?" I asked completely confuse at what these word meant

[Abnormality: Unable to Recover HP and MP it means you can't regenerate your Health Point and Mana Point]

[Subject 1076 is the original name before the host took over]

[Grade: C - -

Loli clone is your race name, this is the only information, the system could gather in the database]

[Cursed: every living organism has a cursed, the cursed can either be deadly or helpful either way its still a cursed in the end]

[Grade: S +

Low Intelligence: A cursed bestowed by a Higher Being{The Author} this cursed make you unable to think logically or rationally, it also makes you childish and forgettable, this is the only information, the system could gather, in the database]

[Grade: C

Glutton: this cursed almost always make you hungry]

[Grade: D -

Linked: this cursed is bestowed by Vinny, this allow Vinny to feel your emotion and find your location no matter how far the host is]

"My head hurt just from listening to you" I exclaim, my eyes widen with realisation

"Why can't I hear my own voice?" I asked in confusion, my mouth didn't let out any sound whatsoever, as if my vocal cord is destroyed

[Host vocal core is currently damage and Healing Spring is gradually recovering the host injuries]

*Tap Tap Tap*

I gazes at the white figure tapping the glass

"Ahem! Now then, since you can't understand me yet! I will Teach you how to speak and understand me! Do you understand?" -Vinny

The white figure stopped talking as a awkward silent lasted for a few seconds before the white figure coughed

"Ahem, Ahem let's begin the lesson" -Vinny

Another white figure appeared behind the white(vinny) figure, the white figure(side Characters) handed some kind of book? The white figure(Vinny) grab it and showed it in front of me

"System? Why is she showing me a book?" -Isidore

[I think she want to teach you her language host]

"?" -Isidore

[*sigh* leave it to me I will analyse the content of the book]

"Okaayy" -Isidore

The white figure(Vinny) open the book and showed a large letter

"This is 'A' repeat after me 'A' " -Vinny

I stare at her with a confuse face,

'Am I...suppose to repeat the word?' I asked, how am I suppose to do that when my vocal cord is destroyed?

"*sigh* this will be harder then I thought" -Vinny


To Be Continue....


{ End Of Chapter }

/// This is a Rewrite and Improve version of [ I'm a Loli ]

/// expect this novel and my other novel to have a slow update

{Future Author}/// I didn't like how I introduce the Protagonist...so I edit some part of this chapter and made it to my liking