
I'm a Kaiju?

Jackie had a good life, he had wonderful parents and a wonderful future. Until he had a marathon of intercourse non-stop. Now reincarnated in the Godzilla verse as a kaiju that he has never seen, Jackie must learn how to survive this world. Did I mention he had three heads now? An: Art ain't mine it's @spooky splash on twitter Or @moviac

StoryCraft · Outros
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42 Chs

Act 20

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide:



ANIME OP: reason living

Anime Ed:

An: I finally found some time to unwind and write this fanfic. Sorry for the delay, but here it is. Is there a way to enable dark mode in Inkstone? My laptop needs to be repaired. Also, I've been meaning to ask: does asking for donations constitute a copyright infringement? I've seen a lot of fanfics that appear to do that, but I could be misreading them. I just need someone to explain it to me.



Gestroyah growled as they searched in vain for the ancient titan. They were concerned that something of that size could elude them. It wasn't until later that they realized the creature wasn't simply hiding, but that something was actively preventing them from locating it. When they tried to locate whoever was assisting it, all they could detect was... only themselves, but unique. It was twisted, empty, perplexed, fearful, and in constant pain.

It made no sense. Did humans ever create a clone of them? The only plausible explanation was that another kaiju replicated their DNA like Orga. Another thing was that there was a tsunami because of what Excelsus did, which irritated the three.

However, the chimera put these thoughts aside when they saw King Kong and the ship. Gestroyah descended slowly, with a few EMPs here and there, as King Kong and Manda greeted him. While the viper lowered its head, the great ape stood tall.

Because the ship was barely intact, the humans could only watch and hope that the two titans did not fight. The beast growled and made a small rumble. Kong growled back, unafraid of the overwhelming odds. The tension builds until the chimera lets out a laugh-like noise. It resembled a cross between a hyena and a fox.

The great ape also laughed before flipping them off, which confused the humans on board.

"Do you need help?" Ning inquired. Kong huffed and declined the offer, stating that this was a personal journey and that the surface required his friend. Odin gave each of them a bow, while Cody fought back tears.

That is until they noticed Slenra camouflaged. "SLENRA FRONT AND CENTER!" exclaimed Ning.

The T-Rex quickly revealed herself and slowly made her way to the chimera. "Care to explain what in the world you're doing on a ship?" Odin glared.

"Slenra, are you hurt? Did any of them hurt you?" Cody asked.

"Relax Cody, she's fine." Ning said. "Now care to explain what you're doin' here, kid?"

When Slenra explained her reasoning, Cody appeared to be having a seizure. Ning shook his head, and Odin tried not to laugh.

Ning muttered, "Biollante is probably tearing something apart."

"Do you think she'll do 'that'? Man, if she does, we'll have to break our record," Odin inquired.

Ning yelled in horror, "ODIN! What the hell, man!" It was no secret that their mate was a huge masochist, and Odin suggested she split her consciousness onto the planet, creating mindless clones.

"Pfft, as if it isn't one of your kinks, ya damn cunt," Odin scoffed.

Cody said, "He got you there, dude."

Ning turns slowly and stares at Cody. Cody simply smiles nervously when asked, "Whose side are you on?" Do I need to point out that your horny ass was the one who originally killed us?

"Father, I would like to stay," Slenra begged.

The three heads turned to look at the T-Rex, perplexed. "I'd like to stay," Slenra stated again. "These humans, Father, they want my friend."

"No shit," thought all three heads, recalling the original timeline. They wanted their daughter to be safe, but the hollow earth turned out to be the safest place. They weren't even sure if there was a haven on the surface as the war raged on.

After some deliberation, they decided that Slenra would be far safer on hollow earth with Kong.

"All right, fine," Ning said, "but you listen to Kong, and if he says hide, you hide." Before turning to Manda, the three heads perked up to Kong and gave him a 'be careful look.

"Make sure Kong gets to the underworld/hollow earth and protects our daughter, Manda."

"As you wish, Alpha," the serpent said, bowing.

Cody growled as he stared at the humans. "We've got our sights set on you!"

The crimson devil flies away, satisfied, but not before leaving a piece of them to hide the boat Kong was on. They couldn't risk it because Godzilla was territorial. They had no idea Cody's actions had unintended consequences.

King Kong POV

The great ape watched his friend fly away, leaving him to continue his journey. He knew exactly what had to be done. Manda, the former guardian of Skull Island, inquired. "Have you visited the Underworld?"

"Nay, I was raised on this plane, but I recall your kind settling there before being banished by another; unfortunately, we don't know who banished your kin," Manda explained.

Kong frowns, knowing that even Gestroyah had no idea what had driven his family from their homeland. One thing was certain: whatever it was, he'd need all the help he could get when the time came to confront them.

Godzilla & Mothra POV

Godzilla swam silently across the ocean in search of the enemy. His thoughts, however, were on his offspring. Battra was correct; perhaps he had neglected his duties as king to the surface world. He had become too lenient in the matter; he was well aware of how fragile the humans' allegiance to him was.

Even back then, that was a stretch, as some humans had sided with the golden devil. He only spared them because of the strange human who assisted him. Though he would have preferred not to have his throne destroyed, it was a small price to pay for saving his world.

Then again, Battra might have been onto something. Humans have forgotten their place, and this war may teach them a lesson.

The monster king couldn't believe he was agreeing with that lunatic. Had he caught the madness? Hopefully, his offspring did not inherit the fool's folly.

Meanwhile, the queen of monsters was dealing with another issue. Mothra couldn't believe she'd forgotten about Excelsus. How could she have forgotten something so important? Something that significant should be difficult to forget, so how did she forget? What else did she forget?

Flashes of memories, long forgotten memories, surfaced, but Mothra couldn't recall what they were.


The humans had been on edge since spotting Gestroyah, and it only got worse when it approached them after firing an emp. But, after witnessing what happened? They were in a state of shock.


Because they heard the crimson devil speaking! Even Jia was taken aback, but she moved on because the dragon had always been a strange being.

"That thing talked... It was talking to us," Nathan exclaimed in surprise. For the first time, he wondered whether the kaiju were truly animals. Thousands of theories and questions arose in his mind.

Ilene Andrews was the same. Her brain was trying to figure out what was causing such high intelligence. Its abnormal growth and evolution were the only plausible explanations. That still didn't explain how it could communicate in an unknown language.

"w̷̧̯̖̍̾̌͜e̵̬͈̫͑̕ ̴̥̜̀͑̓̔ͅa̷̢͛̈r̴̢̡͇̫̃͝ȩ̴̛̹̈́͋͝ ̸͕̦́̃̒̍w̵̫̞̼̒̂̋a̷̦͖̍̏̃t̵͖̯̠̓́̈č̸̨̼̼̿̉͋h̶̡͕̿͜i̶̬̙̋͂̃̈́n̶̛͈͚͍͔̄̃̈́g̵̘͍͇̠̀̾ ̶͈̞̟͛͌̃y̷̢̬̤̫̐o̸͂͠ͅụ̴̦̠̇̇̽̍ͅ"

It was a frightening experience. Its voice was completely inhumane, and no form of technology could reproduce it. Twisted, malevolent, and, dare she say it, completely demonic. Worse, they had no idea what it said. Then they realized the T-Rex had spoken to it, and from what they could tell, it was acting like any parent would.

A shiver ran down their spine as they realized how fortunate they were that Jia had saved them. They can't imagine what the devil will do to them if that T-Rex dies.

As soon as the equipment went online, both called headquarters to inform them of their discovery. The entire world had devolved into a heated debate.

Mark was still unsure if it was true, but if it was, this entire situation had just entered new territory. If Gestroyah is now capable of human speech, they may be able to communicate with it.

However, it was not a language they were familiar with; it was most likely an ancient language that had been lost to the passage of time. That was fixable, but the issue was the implications of this information for humanity. The creature will undoubtedly harbor a grudge against them. Not only that, but some world leaders still wanted to kill it, which irritated it even more.

There was at least a small amount of good news. Gestroyah was an ally of Kong and didn't appear to be as abrasive as Godzilla. Then Mark recalled Mechagodzilla. He quickly voiced his disapproval of the plan when he learned that Ghidorah's skull would serve as some sort of robot controller. Ghidorah was a surprise. They knew nothing about the biology of it. Even though it was only a head when Godzilla destroyed it, he still witnessed it in person.

Sadly, his cautions were disregarded, and he can only pray that Ghidorah was dead.

King Kong/Manda POV

They finally arrived at the entrance to the hollow earth after several days of travel. Kong regarded the door and moved cautiously in that direction. While the humans observed, Manda and Slenra waited. The great ape senses a call from something.

He had no idea what it was, but he believed it to be significant. He immediately leaped down the sizable hole. Slenra and Manda followed suit, but they were unprepared for the fact that the other side was an enormous cliff. Fortunately, Kong caught Slenra while Manda's tail was tangled in a tree.

Kong stared in wonder at his surroundings. This was home, indeed. The strange land formations surrounding his home were fascinating. He can feel it running through his veins. His place was here. Slowly, the great ape descended.

Kong walked cautiously, slowly scanning his surroundings. While he can hear the whispers around him, they are difficult for him to hear clearly. Manda maintained his constant scanning to the left and right. They were being confronted by something. Kong signaled his ward to cover quietly. They were attacked by two serpents right away. Kong and Manda roared at their rivals, who roared back.

"You should have not come here, spawn of Griesus."

"The audacity to enter this sacred realm with your tainted blood."

Kong and Manda only gave them a growl before charging in their direction. The conflict ended quickly. Kong defeated them without even needing to use his lightning, but their closing remarks bothered him.

His blood was tainted... They were, in a sense, correct. He was no longer pure, but he didn't hate it because he had no power over it. Even worse, his friend didn't organize it.

He didn't have any allies in this place, and those creatures were just the beginning. He would therefore need to exercise caution.

Kong will soon discover, though, that many of the creatures of the underworld had already noticed him and were moving toward him. A creature rose from the east, a land of nothing but disease, its eyes narrowing as it became aware of Kong's presence. Another kaiju emerged in the West, a region engulfed in fire and storms, drooling for its next meal. A creature with white fur descended from the highest mountain on the southern side, which was a land of ice and stones. Red glowing eyes opened up in the north, where nature appeared to be in charge.

Gestroyah POV

The crimson devil arrived and cried out to Biollante and Battra. As it pounced on them, the nature avatar shrieked with delight. The plant monster sobbed, "My mate, Slenra, is missing and I can't find her."

"It's babe, we found her." Cody said.

"Where is she?"

"Underworld(Hollow Earth.)" Ning answered.

"You left your kid there alone!?" Battra yelled, ready to smack some sense into the hatchling.

"Relax. Kong is with them, and so is Manda."

Battra growled in surprise, "Wait, Manda! How in mother's name did you get him to listen to you? Not even that asshole dad of yours' would make him kneel." At least he was responsible enough to leave her with a capable guardian, even though he was still upset about how the hatchling had just abandoned its child.

"Might be something about Rodan. He was pretty pissed when we met him."

"That would definitely put him on your side." Battra muttered.

They were about to continue when they noticed something. Although there was a sense of chaos there, it was nothing like Gestroyah's. It was comparable to the red devil in terms of emptiness, rage, and chaos.

Then they heard the roar of Excelsus, followed by a roar that Gestroyah was well accustomed to hearing.

There is now ShinGodzilla.