
First Dungeon (12)

As I walked through the forest, following the trail of white webs in the trees that got thicker and thicker while dodging the ones cleverly hidden throughout the forest floor, I couldn't help but curse Professor Lee and the entire academy staff out mentally. 

What kind of island had they thrown us into and why hadn't they scouted the place out or even properly investigated the heroes watching over us? Did they actually want us to die? Why weren't they scrambling to come get us and why did I have to team up with annoying people and deal with this bullshit? 

I continued grumbling to myself while making sure to walk quietly and without alerting the odd distant spider I spotted here and there.


Hearing the little mimic on my head, I quickly grabbed it before hiding behind a tree as a small group of three spiders scuttled by. These ones were larger than some of the ones I'd seen scurrying about. They were about the size of a large wolf and were black with thick wirelike black and gray hairs covering their entire body and eight brown banded legs that ended in sharp points. Their numerous bulbous green eyes glowed even in the daytime and they chittered as they walked.

As they passed by, I noticed they were dragging the body of what looked like a large deer bundled up in webbing. The thing was bleeding and leaking green pus with fang marks all over its visible body while bleating pitifully and I almost felt bad for it. 

The group of spiders stopped, and the one in the lead looked around while its jaw snapped open and shut as it looked around while waving its front two legs.

Holding my breath, I clamped my hand over the mimic's mouth and waited for the spiders to pass by. As they continued moving, I took the opportunity to Analyze the smallest one in the back.

Steel Legged Darwin Bark Spider

[Rank E]

[ Strength - E]

[ Intelligence: E ]

[ Perception – D]

[ Speed: E ]

[ Magic power – E ]

[Abilities: ▷Paralyzing Venom (E)]

[Able to spin and shoot sticky webs at a quick pace. Their legs are quite strong, able to pierce through even the hardest of rocks.]

The spider in the back paused to wave its front legs but the lead spider quickly chittered at it and they began moving once more.

After they disappeared, I released the mimic and chastised it.

"Can't you be useful and copy a spider and go infiltrate the spiders for me? Look at Lionel, a perfect copy of the original while you're here chirping like a little chicken. Don't you feel ashamed?"

As it chirped in confusion and offense, I rolled my eyes at its uselessness before tucking it back into my hair and cautiously following the spiders. As I continued walking, the forest continued to get darker and darker, with more webs covering more of the ground and trees.

Quietly walking, I eventually got to a small clearing filled with large web-covered trees. In it was a large rock surrounded by webs that had a large hole burrowed into it. Crawling all over the webs were spiders of all sizes and I felt a sense of disgust run through my body. Seeing the mass of hairy black and white bodies, some walking aimlessly around, some munching on monsters and even other smaller spiders, I immediately wanted to set the whole place on fire.

Spotting a tree that had branches that extended over the top of the rock and seeing that it looked pretty bare of spiders, I quickly began scaling it. As I climbed, I did my best to not disturb the flexible yet tough webs, carefully poking certain sections with a crafted knife to check for stickiness before placing my hands and feet appropriately.

I had to pause every once in a while as some spiders paused to look around and some even crawled over to investigate when I disturbed a web. Seeing one quickly approach me from the bottom I crafted a large stone and intentionally threw it far away, sighing in relief as it and quite a few other spiders leaped at it and began striking it with their legs.

Disgusting things.

Restraining my urges to begin shooting, I quickly continued to climb the large tree. Finding a large branch that seemed able to bear my weight and extended over the spider den, I swung onto it and began creeping forward.

Suddenly I heard a chittering sound. Glancing upward, I saw a pair of green glowing eyes peaking from the dense trees above.

"Hi," I waved at the little spider staring at me from the branch above me, well camouflaged within the leaves of the branch. As it reared upward, legs raised to strike, I quickly activated Blind, and a dark curtain fell over the little spider. Before it could move, I crafted a spear and sent it flying into its body. Quickly crafting another one, I stabbed through its jaw, making sure it penetrated and stuck in its body before pulling in toward me. 

Pulling out my short sword I quickly stabbed each of its eyes before slamming the dagger into its hard back shell, piercing through it with a snap. As green guts erupted and splattered on my face while its legs began curling up as it twitched and died, I stabbed it an extra time to make sure it was dead and unwillingly held the body so it wouldn't fall.

"Eat it," I ordered the mimic grabbing it and placing it on top of the dead spider's corpse.


It sent over feelings of unhappiness and disgust and refusal.

"I don't like complainers and I don't care if it tastes nasty. You've eaten dead bodies, snakes, and who knows what else so why are you being picky? Properly devour it and transform into a spider and keep guard for me."

As it continued shaking in refusal, I arched my brow at it.

"Blobby, blobby, blobby. You're currently a liability to me and honestly, more trouble than you're worth. Shall we test what happens when a familiar dies?" I gave it a gentle smile before crafting a gun.

Still shaking, it quickly reverted back to a shadow blob with a human mouth.

"No." As the discordant voice came out in a low whisper, I gently tapped it on the head while gently squeezing it.

"Then properly eat it and transform for me, keep watch, and be quiet. I like things that are useful. Don't you want to be useful to me?"


Somehow communicating its unwillingness even in blob form, the mimic expanded itself before swallowing the spider body whole.

Watching as its body wiggled before transforming into a spider exactly like the dead one, I frowned in disgust before pointing upward.

"Go guard and dissuade other spiders from coming here."

With a sharp click of its legs, it began climbing up the tree before hiding itself within the foliage.

Nodding in satisfaction, I continued inching toward the end of the branch and sat down, feet dangling as I observed the space below me.

It seemed that what I had assumed was one large rock was actually two large rocks joined together by numerous layers of webs stacked over each other creating an anvil-like shape. Within the webs, I could see a writhing mass of spiders all crawling around the webbing as well as inside the cavern-like structure. Pieces of monsters were strewn around the floor and passing spiders munched on pieces as they passed by.

Two areas of interest caught my attention.

The back area seemed like a food storage area with numerous monsters and students bound up on a wall created from webs. There weren't many spiders there and the entrance through the rock was lightly webbed up. Quickly analyzing a couple of the students, I saw that they weren't dead, only paralyzed. Unfortunate. It would have been easier to just light the place on fire.

The more concerning area was the large mound in the center. Numerous small spiders frequently clambered over it, covering up the mass. Despite how I looked at it, I couldn't figure out what it was, but I knew it wasn't a simple rock. Was it eggs or something more?

As I settled in for a long wait, I noticed 2 spiders drag a deer over to the mound. It suddenly erupted, sending numerous small spiders scrambling away and I saw the biggest spider I had seen emerge. It quickly snapped up the deer, crunching it down in a couple of bites as well as part of a spider that hadn't moved away quickly enough. Once it was done eating, it hunched down and curled up, closing each of its large eyes. Calm was immediately regained as the little spiders came back and continued swarming over the body, hiding it once more. 

Interesting. Very interesting.

After carefully watching, to make sure I hadn't missed anything, I memorized the structure and the surrounding trees while planning the most effective way to tackle this nest.

"Oi blob. Come here." I whispered.


I saw little green eyes pop as the mimic appeared above me. As it began dropping down by a web coming from its butt, its legs dangling, I batted it away lightly with my short sword.

"Don't touch me. You look gross." I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

Ignoring its feelings of sadness, I commanded it. "Stay here and don't get killed. I'll be back to collect you."


"Good boy. Or girl." I quickly slid down the tree and began making my way out. I'd seen all I needed to see. Time to head back.

Carefully retracing my steps to Lina, I quietly observed her.

Seeing her crouched exactly where I left her, clutching her scythe tightly while chugging a mana potion in her mouth, I felt like scaring her.

I smiled before crafting a water gun and shot her in the face. As she began sputtering while looking around and swinging her scythe, I deactivated Concealment and appeared in front of her.


"Ahhhhh!" she screamed and fell down on her butt.

Laughing, I poked her face with my gun, "Miss me?"

"You're a fucking asshole Asani." She muttered through gritted teeth while smacking it away.

"So I've heard. Spot anything on your side?"

"No. They've been staying put and have just spent the time grilling meat and killing anything that came close. Did you?" 

"Yep. But I don't like repeating myself so I'll tell you when we regroup with them. Let's go."

As I began walking and she followed silently, I turned to her.

"Oi Lina. Tell me about your other gift."


"I'm trying to plan effectively. Fess up."

"No. Not unless you share yours first."

"Pass." I shrugged while looking away. I already knew it anyway, I just wanted her to explain her limits.

We quietly walked, not meeting anything and as we got closer to Julius and Lionel's location, I shot a bullet up in the air to alert them of our presence.

They were both sitting around a fire with the remains of a meal around them.

When Julius spotted me, he stood up, dusting off his hands.

"Find anything kid?"

"Yep. Found the den. Got the layout." I flippantly responded before staring at Lionel who was glaring at me, "Gather up. I'll share the plan."

"There's no plan needed. Julius and I can just frontally attack. Lina can use a golem to support us and you can just shoot with that measly gun of yours to support us from the back." Lionel grumbled as he followed 

"And I'm saying no. I'm the scout and have the information so we'll be doing as I say."

"Julius, you're really going to let this trash order you around."

"We're going to listen to what the kid has to say Lionheart so chill out or leave," Julius told him as his body flared with flames.

"…fine. I'll stay but I still think this is overkill when we can just do a frontal attack. It's just a bunch of measly spiders."

Completely ignoring him, Julius turned to me, "What's the plan kid?"

"It's called Operation Fire in the Hole." I gave him a sharp grin before crafting a slender baton as I began drawing on the ground.

"The lair is located in a small clearing surrounded by trees and webs. There are two large rocks that have been tunneled through and covered with webs, kind of like a bridge. There is one main entrance in the front and a smaller hidden one covered in webs in the back. The front is set up like a cave with webs restricting the entrance into a burrow. Julius will be the bait. Starting as you approach, you'll begin spreading flames as wide as possible. I need you to enter through the front and begin burning through the whole thing while making a lot of noise. Ideally drawing most of the spiders to yourself."

"You're sending me in by myself?"

"Yep. Just turn the place into hell on earth. Spread your flames as much as possible and don't worry about us. We won't be there to hinder you. But make sure you don't get bitten. I think they're venomous and their legs are pretty sharp."

"Got it. I'm pretty immune to venom so I should be fine with a couple bites and my body is tougher than it looks. I can take a hit."

"There's quite a lot of them and you need to draw most of them to you. Will you be able to handle it?"

"I just need to burn everything that attacks me right? I'll be fine. I'm out of cigarettes and have been feeling pretty antsy. This will be a good stress reliever" Julius replied confidently.

"Good. Lionel, you're on rescue duty. There are 42 students tied up still alive and kicking. They're stored in the back so you'll have to slice through the webs and rescue them one by one. As I mentioned. 42 are trapped and I expect 42 to come out alive. If they're strong enough, they can aid us in killing the spiders. If not, still release them all, and when you're done go help Julius."

"You want me to rescue over forty students by myself? While battling spiders?"

"You can do it right since you're so strong 'Mr. I'm the strongest in my year, right? Or can you not even do that?" seeing him glare at me, I gave him a mocking smile.

"I can. But what will you and Lina be doing? Sounds like all the effort is on me and Crimson."

"Lina will be coming in through the top for a surprise attack. As for me, I'm weak. I'll be observing the situation from afar and taking care of any stragglers that I see. If I have the opportunity, I'll be aiding Lina until she jumps in. Questions?"

"How can we trust your words? You could just be making things up," Lionel asked while looking between Lina and Julius.

"Don't look at them, look at me. My eyes are very good and as I said, I'm in charge. Those two will be doing what I say. You leaving or are you playing along?" I gave him a knowing smile.

"Tsk." He clicked his tongue as he held his sword.

"Yes or no? I can't comprehend sound effects."

"Fine. Are you sure you didn't see anything else?"

"No. Should I have? Were you expecting something more?" I gave him a sly smile wondering if he would fess up to the giant spider I saw buried beneath a literal living spider mound.

"…No. But I was right. We could have gone in my way. Matter of fact, I should be with Crimson. It will be quicker that way."

"No. We're doing it my way. Let's get going. We have spiders to kill and students to rescue."

"You want to attack now? Why not wait until tomorrow? More students could arrive to help. Then they can rescue the students while I attack with Crimson" Lionel interjected. Seeing that he wasn't even trying to be discreet anymore with his useless plans, I didn't bother being polite.

"We don't need it. I have full confidence that you and Julius are capable of handling it. I'm not waiting another day for more students to die and I want this done before it gets dark. Lionel in front, Lina you're in the middle. Julius and I will cover the back. Move out." I coldly ordered while pointing forward with my gun. Who knew what the damn thing was planning. He needed to be in front where I could watch him.

Almost reluctantly, Lionel took the lead and the rest of us followed after him. As we walked, Julius kept glancing back at me and I moved forward until I was beside him.

Before he could say anything, I shot him a glance before whispering, "When I shoot at you, you back up as far as possible as quick as you can, got it?"


"Just pay attention and back up. There's a big boy hidden and I plan to make it go splat. And make sure to keep an eye on that one." I gestured toward Lionel with my head.

"What are you plotting kid?"

"Nothing at all." I gave him a dark smile, "Just make sure to light the place on fire. I want all attention on you."

"…got it. Watch out for yourself. I won't be able to keep an eye on you."

"Don't worry about me. Just make sure you don't die Crimson."

"By some spiders? Please." He snorted.

Author Note: Obviously I'm not an expert on spiders so if you spot inconsistent behaviors about them, it's a magical world.

Late chapter, my bad. I'll have another one tonight/early tomorrow.

Summer_Dazecreators' thoughts