
I'm A God Of The Harem

The universe was created to give birth, the sun was its incubator, from them it arose to become the future monarch. He who was born in a special and unique way will have a future full of joy and love, as well as short-lived adventure. Start reading to find out more. (This is a Fanfiction by Douluo Dalu - Doupo - Against the Gods - Konosuba) - [I do not own the rights to commonly used phrases and characters, except for the protagonist of the fanfiction.] (No lemon +18)

DaoisthjLX4f · Anime e quadrinhos
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33 Chs


Two hours later, Shen Wèizhī and Darkness finished doing their things, and so they reached Megumin and Aqua who were really angry about her sudden absence which lasted even two hours.

Shen Wèizhī makes plausible excuses to divert the topic as to why he hadn't arrived two hours ago, so I introduce Darkness as the new member of Megumin's party.

Quickly making friends with each other, they went on a mission to kill an Ice Dragon who had a bounty of ten million gold coins (Eris), because they could count on the strength of Shen Wèizhī and the others as well.

After a fairly vigorous battle they defeated the Ice Dragon, and obtained the reward which they divided among themselves, thus each obtaining two million five hundred thousand gold coins.

To celebrate their first victory against a boss, they went to a luxury restaurant in Axel's city, while unbeknownst to them, Kazuma had discovered to his disappointment that his talent was very low, except his luck which was on average higher than normal people.

Time passes very quickly between their adventures, and so a year passes. In this year, they defeated many powerful monsters as well as seven of the Demon King's eight generals, thus making themselves known throughout the world.

The most difficult was Seresdina, a Dark Priest who worships Regina, the Goddess of Darkness.

As Regina's last worshiper, she has the ability to inflict any pain on her attacker, even if the attack was indirect, and upon her death she will also release a curse that will affect anyone within several miles of her.

So it was complex for them to resolve the curse, even if Aqua was there, who was a Goddess. Fortunately, Shen Wèizhī uses one of the medical knowledge that his mother teaches him, thus solving the problem.

They also killed the Demon King's daughter who was very difficult to deal with, because she was intelligent and very skilled in her moves. But this caused the anger of the Demon King who adored his daughter very much.

And so I begin a full-force war on the Demon King's side, but Shen Wèizhī resolved it by releasing his spiritual aura that reached a level too strong for anyone, even more than a God of Destruction of this world.

On that day, Shen Wèizhī was crowned the First True Hero who single-handedly defeated the Demon King's entire army, killing him in that battle as well.

Aqua also sensed Shen Wèizhī's boundless and strong power, so she specially understood that he was not a normal good-looking boy that she initially thought he was.

The four also began a strange relationship at the initiative of Shen Wèizhī who wanted them as his wives, so after another two months, all three were the new wives.

After getting married, he gained the power of Diamond Superman from the system, an existence that transcends the omniverse and beyond. This Superman era final state is also the maximum limit of Superman's power.

Thanks to this new power, he became so strong that he could say that the him of yesterday was only ten times weaker than the him of today.

Having obtained everything he desired, he decided to leave the world of Konosuba, bringing his new wives back to Douluo Dalu, and then having them enter his newly created Multiverse with his new power.

One hundred years passed quickly, and finally Shen Wèizhī created a real large family or clan, made up of approximately one hundred members.

In these hundred years he no longer left for other worlds, but concentrated on improving the strength of all his wives, because he feared that they might die from old age.

Even though he and some of his wives could live for many years, but Megumin and Darkness were only humans with no methods to prolong their lives, not to mention that the other wives will also have the same problem when they reach ten thousand years.

Shen Wèizhī decided to give everyone the Source of Immortality, obtained from the system that had entrusted a mission to obtain it. The mission is to give birth to one hundred children, so he would gain access to this material in the shop.

After that he gave them to all his wives and he also took one for himself, because the effect of this item was: Immortality, Eternal Youth, Perfect Health, Ultra Fast Healing, Clear Mind, Luck, Increased Talent , Body Improvement (continuously evolving), efinally, Son or Daughter of Fortune.

Living together for a hundred years, they achieved a relationship that not many could easily achieve, that is, harmony, happiness and joys.

A new year arrived and Shen Wèizhī who now had the power to destroy an omniverse, decided to visit his mother whose location was revealed to him after he managed to obtain the power of Superman Diamond.

Waving goodbye to his relatives, he headed into a man detached from dimension, reality, time, space and space. This place was separated from everything, and no one could reveal its true location or existence.

It was called The Eternal Silence, for here were the existences that had spent the power of the universe, and reached or surpassed the multiverse.

Here were people who had reached the pinnacle of power, but now tired of being so powerful, they decided to create this place to find a resting place to sleep for eternity, at least if it were not for the coming of Shen Wèizhī .

Soon arriving in a space of pure Primordial energy, Shen Wèizhī saw only a planet of mammoth size compared to the mere size of a universe.

He was truly surprised by such a size. He didn't even dare to think that he could easily create a planet the size of a universe, let alone what he saw in front of him.

Soon you feel many powerful and ancient auras who noticed and analyzed him and then let him go, because they felt that he was stronger and above all with kind intentions.

Shen Wèizhī ignored them and looking at a place in the center of this mammoth world, he saw the figure of his mother who was drinking tea made from the tree of the universe.

When he saw her, he felt that his emotions were immediately affected, but managing to control it, he went to her.

When Qing Zhuzhu noted to his happiness his arrival, he welcomed him warmly, while asking "why did it take you so long to come. I thought you were dead, if it weren't for the fact that I was watching you all this time!"

Hearing her mother's reproach and concern, Shen Wèizhī said in a guilt-filled tone, "I'm sorry for making you wait for so long, but I just wanted to enjoy my life first and help my new family become stronger."

Hearing his words, Qing Zhuzhu began asking him many questions, which he answered. Chatting for a few hours, Shen Wèizhī seriously asked a question that had plagued him since he saw his mother again, "where is my father?"

When Qing Zhuzhu heard his question, I showed a complex expression and full of hesitation in revealing his secrets, but in the end he decided to tell him the truth "Your father Lu Jian Shen has decided to go to a new place.

This place is very much like a new world full of fantasy characters, but no one has ever been there, because they couldn't enter the new world.

Your father found the key to get in there, and so he decided to go and see what was there, but we haven't heard from him for over a hundred thousand years, so I'm very worried about him.

Wèizhī, you don't have to worry about his safety, because he is the Ultimate Existential Emperor, ruling over ten omniverses. "

Revealing his father's secrets, Shen Wèizhī was very surprised to find that he had such a strong father, so he felt joy and admiration for him, even though he had not met him yet.

Qing Zhuzhu was very proud to see that her son began to admire his father, so she began to tell her about his exploits and adventures in many Universes, parallel worlds, different realities and more.

Time passed and two days passed. Having finished recounting a large part of Lu Jian Shen's most important adventures, Shen Wèizhī had now admired his father very deeply.

He promised himself that he too would venture to more than a thousand different places, but unlike his father who had approximately ten wives, he would create a huge Harem, thus obtaining the title of Harem God.

He was currently married to: Douluo Dalu: Gu Yuena, Bibi Dong, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu. - Doupo: Gu Xun Er, Yun Yun, Zi Yan. - ATG: Xia Qingyue, Chu Yuechan, Jasmine. - Konosuba: Aqua, Megumin, Darkness, Eris, Yun Yun.

Among the sixteen wives, Zi Yan, Yun Yun and Eris were the newest, because Shen Wèizhī went to bring his wives back to their home world and met them, thus creating a new relationship.

End of Episode 31