
I'm A God Of The Harem

The universe was created to give birth, the sun was its incubator, from them it arose to become the future monarch. He who was born in a special and unique way will have a future full of joy and love, as well as short-lived adventure. Start reading to find out more. (This is a Fanfiction by Douluo Dalu - Doupo - Against the Gods - Konosuba) - [I do not own the rights to commonly used phrases and characters, except for the protagonist of the fanfiction.] (No lemon +18)

DaoisthjLX4f · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Dou Qi Continent

After saying goodbye, Shen Wèizhī looked at the planet Douluo one last time while it was suspended in Earth's orbit. Turning, I fly at a terrifying speed, enough to bend space itself and reach superluminal speed and beyond.

After hours and hours of travel, he felt space turbulence that forced him to stop and see what it was, but this was the worst choice he made in his entire life, because he found a black hole as big as the sun.

And seeing the direction and speed of the black hole, Shen Wèizhī was very worried, because he saw that it was heading to Douluo Dalu.

He calculated that in about twenty thousand years, he would clash with the Divine realm and then Douluo Dalu, so he decided to do everything to destroy this huge black hole.

" Ten Million Years Eighteenth Spirit Ring, Attack Skill: One Punch Destroys The Universe!! " shouting the name of his acquired spirit ring skill, I throw a simple punch

But as he pulled his punch, unprecedented pressure forced the black hole to destabilize, thus creating powerful fluctuations of unknown energy that collided with nearby planets and thus destroying countless unheard-of life.

Seeing the enormous damage caused by the destabilizing fluctuations alone, Shen Wèizhī felt a deep shiver rise as he forced himself to use his second and third martial soul, and the fourth which was shaped into a sword.

Summoning his 72 spirit rings behind him, a colossal aura pressed the black hole to the size of the moon, while Shen Wèizhī began to feel fatigue and the loss of more than 10% of his strength.

Realizing that he had no hope if he continued this way, Shen Wèizhī used his deadliest move, so lethal that even he couldn't use it easily.

"Primordial Strike of Three Thousand Avenues" As the voice was heard, space began to tremble and break like glass, then from it came a Primordial energy that contained Three Thousand laws and concepts of the universe itself

Shen Wèizhī began to consume over 50% of his energy while he could feel that with each passing second, 10% of his energy was consumed, while only 5% was regenerated thanks to his physique and third martial spirit.

"Crack!!!" suddenly, the black hole begins to break into a thousand pieces as it implodes thus creating a very strange but terrifying sound

Seeing this scene, Shen Wèizhī breathed a sigh of relief and just when he turned to resume his journey, he felt his instincts warning him that there was imminent danger to his life.

Without even thinking about it I dodged at a distance of one hundred thousand km, but only felt that his soul and body were captured by the suction of the black hole that he believed had been destroyed.

"Shit!!----" Cursing for the first time in his life, he felt a searing pain from his entire body and soul, only to pass out without even having the chance to see why the black hole hadn't been destroyed.

After it was absorbed by the black hole, space returned to calm as one could see the devastated landscape, with planets destroyed and civilizations annihilated without even knowing what had happened.

After a few moments of silence, the black hole begins to collapse on its own and then disappears into thin air, as if it had never existed if it weren't for the damage it created.

At the same time as the black hole collapsed in on itself, in another part of the vast universe, on a planet that was sealed by a mysterious energy and force that surpassed the power of a Supreme God, a rift was seen that began to appear near the planet.

All the strongest inhabitants of the planet felt the anomaly brought by the rift, and raising their gaze to the starry sky, they saw a terrifying crack that began to throw out rubble of debris from countless destroyed planets.

Everyone was immediately caught off guard but managed to act promptly and thus threw themselves against the rubble to protect their respective territories, while in a central corner of a certain family named Gu, a meteorite made of unknown materials crashed into amountain not far from the Gu family estate.

Once the meteorite successfully crashes, instead of causing the disastrous and terrifying damage brought by the meteorite's size, I land as light as goose down.

Coincidentally, there was a 4-year-old girl nearby with a mysterious white-cloaked figure secretly protecting her.

The little girl's clothes were elegant and her small and exquisite face was free of cosmetics, showing an image of natural beauty and innocence, while her straight black hair, which was casually limited by a short green cloth gathered at the waist.

On the unbearably small waist of the young little girl that one felt compelled to hug her, a pale purple belt carefully outlined her graceful curves in a way that even the eyes of a passerby couldn't help but peek at her waist, even if a girl.

Just as they saw the meteorite the size of a two-meter boulder fall, the mysterious white-cloaked figure appeared and stood in front of the little girl to protect her, while saying with a cry of urgency and concern, "Giavane Miss Gu!!!"

But just as the meteorite was about to crash into them, the meteorite seemed to slow down as it slammed into the cloaked figure, but didn't hurt him.

The mysterious figure was surprised but not enough to guard and control the now bright colored boulder, while the little girl who had been scared a moment before, was immediately curious about the mysterious boulder which was clearly in the air without falling.

The little girl left the safety zone of the mysterious figure while with the palm of her small hand, she curiously touched the boulder.

" Buzzz!!! " an electric shock shot out of the boulder for some mysterious reason, as the boulder began to crumble and finally reveal a smaller one meter boulder inside

The little girl was very shocked by the shock which made her very perplexed for some reason, but when she saw that inside the boulder there was only a smaller boulder, she was quite disappointed.

Just when he was about to return to his bodyguard, that is the mysterious figure, he heard a sound "Crack... Crack...." he could immediately see that even the small one meter boulder was slowly crumbling, while a blinding light was released from it

The little girl immediately wanted to get closer and take a good look at what was inside, but just as she moved, you heard the voice of her protector "Miss Gu Xun Er, although I am your sister, but I am also your bodyguard , for here now come back to me immediately and stay away fromthat unknown stone! "

She could be seen very upset about what happened today, but she was also seen worrying about her nominal little sister, so as she tried to take her hand and quickly leave the place for fear that someone would find them and ruin their mission hidden, he saw that Gu Xun Erhe didn't move an inch.

"Wao... how beautiful!! " said with surprise and admiration little Gu Xun Er who was still innocent and devoid of any kind of complex feelings

He could tell that from the smallest rock, there was a child who looked three or four years old, but who had impressive wounds all over his body, as if his skin had been brushed and then recomposed.

At first, Gu

It was the first time Gu Xun Er saw a child of the opposite sex, and therefore she was stunned and enchanted by the child's appearance.

The protector was also very surprised to see that inside a meteorite that came out of the space rift that was now closing under the collaboration of many Dou Sheng, there was a child.

Not reacting for a moment, she saw Gu body.

Realizing what she had just done, Gu Xun Er panicked and didn't know what to do if her father found out, he would surely at least ground her for two or three years.

While she was agitated, the baby began to wake up with difficulty while you could see that he seemed to be in a lot of pain.

After a minute of fatigue and pain, Gu Xun Er could see him open his eyes with difficulty, while a faint voice was heard from him "w-who are you? Where am I and who am I?"

Gu You are Gu Liuxing, young Miss Gu's faithful friendXun Er.

We set out to complete the mission of retrieving one of the eight jades of the Ancient God Tou She, which is found in the Xiao family in a suburb of the Jia Ma empire.

But just when we were about to leave, a space crack appeared over the Dou Qi continent and thus throwing out meteorite debris which endangered many cities and families, including our young Miss Gu Xun Er.

If it weren't for your heroic rescue in exchanging places with her, perhaps Young Miss would no longer be with us by now, so I want to thank you on behalf of the patriarch for saving Young Miss Gu with your life"

Taking out his body from the meteorite debris, he told all these lies under Gu Xun Er's stunned eyes, because he didn't expect his sister to be so mean as to make fun of a three-year-old.

But contrary to the two females' expectations, Gu Liuxing was very moved by this story, and looking at Gu Xun Er's stunned look, I mistakenly think that she was shaken by her injury.

Looking at the two females sincerely, he said wholeheartedly, "I Gu Liuxing just did my duty as Miss Gu Xun Er's childhood friend.

Anyway, can you remind me why my body feels good but my head hurts so much? And why do I feel so weak? "

The protector named Gu Hua, felt very embarrassed when teasing a child who she thought was joking about the memory loss thing, but now she didn't know what to do since it all turned out to be true.

Gu Xun Er laughed at her, while Gu Liuxing looked at them innocently as he didn't understand why his head hurt so much, so much so that he could faint at any moment.

" poff " Gu Liuxing suddenly fell unconscious to the ground, without giving Gu Hua and Gu Xun Er time to react

They were both surprised but with a reluctant sigh, Gu Hua said to Gu

Thus it was that Gu Hua and Gu universe.

End of Episode 16