
I'm A God Of The Harem

The universe was created to give birth, the sun was its incubator, from them it arose to become the future monarch. He who was born in a special and unique way will have a future full of joy and love, as well as short-lived adventure. Start reading to find out more. (This is a Fanfiction by Douluo Dalu - Doupo - Against the Gods - Konosuba) - [I do not own the rights to commonly used phrases and characters, except for the protagonist of the fanfiction.] (No lemon +18)

DaoisthjLX4f · Anime e quadrinhos
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33 Chs

Destroy an Empire

The next day, Shen Wèizhī decided to go to these human cities to see what was happening, mainly because he was very annoyed that they dared to invade his territory.

Nowadays, his territory is now only 3/10 of what it was originally, so he could not stand by and watch all this without doing anything, especially since they demolished all the trees in the forest, to build houses or burn them down. .

By now, Star Dou Forest was almost the only one that had trees and a place for spiritual beasts.

Shen Wèizhī let Gu Yuena rest in his room, because it was the place with the most spiritual concentration, so it would take him less to regain his maximum strength.

Meanwhile, as he wandered through the skies faster than the speed of sound, he felt a very faint beastly aura, so he headed in that direction to see what it was.

As soon as he arrived, he saw two soft-boned rabbits being menaced by a Tiger who was ten times bigger than the two of them. Feeling unhappy to see that they were about to be devoured in a single bite, he approached in an instant and thus kicked the Tiger, finally killing him.

"You dare to eat two such cute rabbits, you are only seeking death!" said Shen Wèizhī, while looking at a puddle of blood, which was the dead Tiger without a whole corpse

Approaching the two rabbits to pet it, I notice the distrust of the mother Rabbit who put the smaller one behind her, so Shen Wèizhī said "don't worry, I won't do anything to you"

Then knowing that he could not enjoy the soft touch of their skin, he added "now go to your den and be careful next time you go out to get food"

So he turned around and then disappeared in an instant from the place, leaving the two rabbits who were surprised by what had happened. As soon as the two made sure that he was gone, the mother Rabbit said to her daughter, "Xiao Wu, in the future, don't leave the den without my permission, or you risk ending up as food for someone else.

Today we were lucky to meet a kind human, or if it were another human, he would only kill us for our bones and spirit rings... Xiao Wu, are you listening?! "

The Mother Rabbit was talking to her daughter, but I soon noticed that she seemed to be enchanted, as if she had been enchanted by that human. I sigh knowing that Xiao Wu had now fallen in love at first sight with the boy who saved her and mothered her, so he could only forcefully bring her back to the den.

At the same time, Shen Wèizhī had now reached a certain human gathering place, it was called The Holy Empire, where it was considered the stronghold for defense and suppression against the spiritual beasts.

He also felt that his first soul ring, seemed to have a deep grudge against this Holy empire, he soon knew why.

This was one of the three empires that was founded when humans gained the power to counter the spirit beasts, and the Holy Empire was considered the strongest on mainland Douluo.

This hunting empire killed many soul beasts, even to the point of extinction of their species, and their first target was the Golden Heart Beast, considered one of the most precious and Ultra rare to be found in the entire world, but only the Holy Empire managed to find them and then exterminate them.

The reason for this was also very easy to understand. One of the Golden Heart Beasts, she fell in love with a human from the Holy Empire, but was then betrayed by him and eventually surrounded and used to find out where his other kindred mates were.

This focus of main reasons why Shen Wèizhī didn't really like humans, even though he himself was half-Human.

Before destroying and avenging the death of the Golden Heart beast race, he decided to inquire to make sure that they were not bad people and thus risk killing innocent people.

After a day of investigation, he was completely disgusted by this place, because he discovered that there was no law here, and anyone could kill, rob, intimidate and do other more horrible things.

In this empire full of moral and physical depravity, but maintaining a false facade of justice, charity and freedom, Shen Wèizhī was truly struck by the deepest indifference to these types of people, so he directly launched a large-scale attack.

Flying into the sky, he positioned himself high and then made his second spiritual ring appear, which allowed him to attack in a large scale and with great power, then he used his spiritual ability.

" Meteor Shower!!! " With a loud scream, the ring behind him lit up brightly, as the stars in the sky began to light up and thus create a magical effect

From the clear sky, a disruptive aura full of pressure and terror enveloped the entire Holy Empire and within seconds, meteors as large as ten kilometer mountains appeared in the sky, creating a shadow that covered all corners of the Holy Empire.

The imperial court was immediately surprised and terrified to discover this event, and therefore immediately tried to escape from this place, without caring about the future situation of their people, but a barrier there blocked them halfway and so they could only suffer the total annihilation of theirHoly empire.

Meanwhile, Shen Wèizhī heard a notification from his system that he hadn't spoken since he updated.

[ Ding, Special Mission: Destroy a holy empire that shouldn't exist, and check in on the aftermath of its destruction. Rewards: Divine Eyes ]

Shen Wèizhī was immediately happy, so he used more strength and the meteorite became so large that it exceeded one hundred thousand km, and covered all the territories affiliated with the Holy Empire, and to say that it had used 0.010% of its maximum strength.

But it was also understandable, because he had now reached level 150, that is, the God King, and therefore he was immensely more powerful than anyone on the planet Douluo, not to mention the Divine Realm which only has five God Kings.

Only he knows that the divine realm is only more Insignificant compared to the vast universe, where there are more powerful planets or Galaxies that have been unified into a single power, but this was something he could not easily achieve for now.

Everyone in the Holy Empire began to pray to their god or do something else, but none of that mattered, and so the meteorite crashed with a great bang that shook the foundations of the entire continent, thus causing the earth to shake ferociously. it's splitting the whole thing in an instantthe surrounding area.

" BOOMM!!!! " With a terrifying sound and tremor, the Holy Empire was completely annihilated from the face of the earth, and this was quickly discovered by the other two empires who could feel the tremor of the earth tearing apart at a terrifying speed

[ Ding, You completed the special mission with great achievement, and checked in, thus obtaining the reward: Divine Eyes and 10 billion Points ]

While in the air, Shen Wèizhī checked his system and then felt a hint of discomfort in his eyes, and then felt a warm comfortable sensation as well as an energy that was starting to circulate from his eyes.

He suddenly seemed to be able to see and understand many things, and to his surprise, he discovered that he was able to see the elemental energy of natural Elements and even others, he could also shoot golden laser beams from his eyes or guess and read memory of people weaker than him,or absorb the mental and spiritual power of other living beings or objects such as plants and raw materials that contain energy of any form.

These Divine eyes were also called by another name, namely: Eyes of Genesis. For now he had few abilities that were very terrifying and strong, but he knew that as long as he could absorb other types of energy, abilities and other things, he could enhance his eyes and thus evolve him as much as Del wanted, as long as he had enough energy to make it evolve.

As for his points, he put them aside, because he wanted to buy a very expensive thing from his system, and therefore I never use them, at least if it is not in life-threatening danger.

After taking one last look at the place full of flames and Meteor fragments that were vanishing because they had been destroyed by him with his ability, he left the place and headed to the Star Dou forest.

End of Episode 5