
I'm A Boy Though? [Haikyuu!! X OC! Fanfic]

Haikyuu!! X Oc! Fanfic This is an various x oc fanfic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You're a really fun team,yah know that." Lei said while chuckling lightly. "But you got it all wrong, I'm not applying to be a manager....I'm applying as a player." "Heh?!" "Oi oi chibi-chan! are you joking? Cause if you haven't notice, this is a boys team." Tsukkishima stated while smirking at the end. Lei frown at the teasing remark of the pale blonde teen. Not really understanding what he's pointing out but after registering his words the boy immediately became angry. "Yahh! Did you just said that I'm dumd?! A-and wait! Chibi-chan?! For your information I'm taller than Shoyo!" Lei yelled at the pale blonde haired teen. While pointing an accusing finger at him. "Y-Yah why is my height included their?!" Hinata shouted. Embarassed when they point out his height. "HAHHAHAHAHAHH!" the two second year laugh at the three fighting individual. Obviously enjoying the show way to much. "You're laughing way to much Nishinoya-san, when you're obviously shorter than Hinata." Enoshita taunted at the still laughing second year. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, ENOSHITA?!" "Nothing~" "That's the only things you've notice? You really are dumb, Oujo-san~ (lady)." Tsukkishima smirk at the fuming teen. Amused with how easy it is to irritated him. "O-Oujo-san?! I am not a lady! I'm a man!" Lei stated while fuming at the accusation of being called a female and the worst thing is that, it happens two times already. . . . ~~~

Alein_Rix · Esportes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 14 - Encounter with Dateko

It's finally June 2nd, the day of the preliminary match. After countless days of practice, it's finally the day wherein they can showcase the fruit of all their hard work.

Karasuno arrive at Sendai City Gymnasium with countless stares directed towards them. Especially with how eye catching their all black jersey is and with all the rumors circulating around them. They are bound to gain quite the attention.

Which doesn't sit well with the strawberry blonde haired teen who is really senitive with that kind of thing.

"It's the usual rumor that circulate around Asahi again." Suga said. Smiling wryly at their degected ace.

"All because of his appearance. Well if we're talking about appearance our little first year is also gaining that attention himself." Both third year look at their pretty first year who seems annoyed with all the gaze directed towards him.

When Tanaka and Nishinoya realize that Lei is being talk and stared at by other teams, they immediately got angry and where about to surround him but stop, when they realize that Daichi is looking at them, a look that taunt them to do something stupid and they would be in trouble.

Lei getting full with all the annoying stares, decided to buy some yogurt milk first to ease his nerves.

"Daichi-senpai, I'll just buy something first. Go on without me, I'll see you on the court."

"Be careful, okay and don't get lost." Daichi lightly patted the boy's hair. Messing it up a little bit but Suga immediately fix it.

"Mmm" Lei humm a reply. Walking away to look for a nearest Vending machine that sold his favorite drinks.

"You sure it's alright to left him on his own?" Suga ask. Worried that something might happen to their first year.

"To be honest I'm not really sure but I trust him more than those idiots." Both turn their attention towards the rowdy 2nd year and Suga seeing that Hinata causing a disturbance to a player from other school, immediately come to fetch him. Stopping him from causing more turmoil.


Lei was already a distance a way from his team,  when he finally spotted a vending machine on one of the hallways. His aura brighten up when he discover that they have all the flavors of his favorite milk yogurt.

Deciding to buy himself two packs of banana milk yogurt for today's game. Another two strawberry milk yogurt for the game in the afternoon. (He already believe that they would win the 1st match.) And one blueberry milk yogurt for Kageyama because he often sees him buying this flavor at school.

"Heh it matches his hair." Lei snickered at that thought.

After purchasing all the drinks that he like. Lei stated to walk out of that hallway but stop on his track when he realize that doesn't know where he is.

"Did I go this way or that way?"


A sigh left his pink lips. Left with no choice, the boy decided to just walk around with no direction in mind until he spotted two tall player walking on the same hallway as he is, wearing grey and teal green jersey. And One of them has no eyebrow.

"Excuse me!" Lei called out as he jog towards their direction. "Do you know where the court is?"

"..." - the guy with no eyebrow.

"Oh a pretty girl!" Futakuchi thought in glee. With a smile (smirk) on his face he entertain the lost girl.

"Want us to show you? We're also meeting up our team to go there."

"Really?! Thank you!" Lei smile brightly, making the two in daze with how pretty it is. Not letting the chance escape, Futakuchi immediately introduce themselves.

"I'm Futakuchi Kenji and this guy right here is called Aone."

"Nice to meet you two, I'm Lei! Thank you for helping me!"

Aone only grunt as a reply, making the boy feel intimidated.

"Hehe Don't mind Aone, he's always been like that. So what are you doing in this hallway? All lost and alone."

"I actually just bought some drinks." Lei showed the taller male the bag that his holding. "Speaking of, you two can have this. As a sign of thanks for helping me." The smaller boy rampage the plastic bag, getting both the strawberry yogurt milk for the both of them.

"Ohh! Thank you~" Futakuchi grin in glee. He was actually about to buy himself some drinks to refresh himself but the smaller boy already beat him to it. Making his impression towards the strawberry blonde haired teen to rise.

While Futakuchi enthusiastically express his gratitude, Aone merely grunt and bow his head a bit as a sign of appreciation for the drink.

The three have been comfortably conversing with each other, (mainly Futakuchi and Lei), when they suddenly heard a shout.

"Oi! You bastard Futakuchi! How could you let your senpai's wait for you?!" Rage a tall dirty blonde haired male, wearing the same colored jersey as the two male beside him. An irk mark can be clearly seen on his forehead.

"Why am I the only one being yelled at?! I'm with Aone!"

"Futakuchi you bastard! I'll stra- " his raging got stop when he spotted a beautiful looking girl besides that hateful kohai.




"Hello! I'm Laurize Lei! Kenji and Aone help me when I got lost, sorry for the bother."




"You bastard Futakuchi you even kidnap someone!" "They're even on the first name basis! You lucky bastard!" Kamasaki grasp his kohai's colar, shaking it violently.

"Are you that old kamasaki-san? She obviously said that we're being kind for helping her." Futakuchi taunted as he grasp his senpai's face and push it away from him.

"Aone stop them!" Their team captain shouted for help.

The most normal player turn their attention towards the pretty girl that Futakuchi bought, who seems to be enjoying the show way to much.

"I'm sorry about them. They're an embarrassment."

"It's okay. Its fun watching them."

"Yeah.. its fun, if your not on the receiving end." Sasaya sigh, already stress when they haven't even played a game yet.

"So you're going to the court, right? We're also going there so you can join us." After successfully stopping the fight the team captain, Moniwa, offered. A hint of red on his cheeks.

"Thank you!"

They're nearly on the court when Lei notice that his team is already at the entrance of the court. Maybe waiting for him or they are just simply excited to warm up.

"Hmm? Lei there you are! The match before us is about to end! Hurry!" Suga is the first one to notice their pretty first year alerting the whole team that their missing boy is already there.

The team expression immediately brighten up when they sees Lei but it turn ugly, especially for the two second year when they realize who he is with.

"That's my team, Thank you for helping me!" Lei bowed deeply. He was about to to go to his team when Futakuchi sling an arm around his shoulder, stopping him from going to his team.

Lei look at him confused but Futakuchi only shush him with a grin.

Aone suddenly raise his right hand and point his index finger towards Asahi. The team is startled for a bit before Nishinoya immediately became pissed off.

"What's your problem? And let go of Lei will you!"

Before Nishinoya can fully blow a fuse. Asahi suddenly put his left hand infront of him. He was confused for a second but when he realize that Asahi is sporting a once in a life time serious expression and is willing to stare down at their opponent, he kept his silence albeit still pissed off with the guy having fun holding Lei.

"That bastard!"

"Hey, hey, hey. Stop that!" With the tension on both team, Dete Kogyo team captain immediately step in front of Aone. Trying but failing to push his hands down. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


"Futakuchi, help me out!" Flustered that Aone is not putting his hand down, called for a backup.

"Sure. Sorry bout that." Futakuchi smirk tauntingly. With Lei on his hold, he stand on the side of Aone and push his hand down. "This guy target our opponent's ace whenever he see them. So... you better be ready."

Dete Kogyo started to walk off without even hearing Karasuno's reply. When Lei who have been dormant in Futakuchi's hold suddenly twist the arms around.

"A-ack! Ittai!" Futakuchi cried out in pain.

"S-sorry looks like I put a too much  force b-but your not really releasing your hold on me."

"FWUAHAHAHHA that's what you get you jerk! HAHAHAHHA!" Kamasaki laugh loudly while he clutch his stomach for support. Happy that his brat of a kohai is getting what he deserve.

"Shut up Kamasaki-san! You laughing like that might break your bones."

"What did you say, You brat! Respect your Senpai!"

Futakuchi didn't continue their banter. He turn his attention the shorter boy, who he still think as a girl, while clutching his wrist.

Although that twist have a lot of force but it didn't really damage or affect his wrist. It's like Lei knows where to hold to not put too much strain but it would still put a momentary pain for the receiving end to let go. "How interesting."

Futakuchi slightly slouch his back so that his eye level with the boy. A smirk still plastered on his lips. "Say Lei-chan, why don't you transfer to our team? In that way we could be together more, what'd ya say?"


"Oi! You can't get Lei-chan away from us!"

"Yeah! You'll have to go through us first!"

"Futakuchi, shut up! You're triggering the other team! And besides it's the middle of the semester!"

"L-Lei-chan don't go!"

Lei look at the ongoing scene in front of him. Although he felt flattered

that someone is willing to accept him but Karasuno is already his family. Although they've only know each other for some weeks or months and still a bit awkward but they bring out the best in each other. And he's really happy about that.

"Thank you for the offer Keiji but I'm already happy with my team. So if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to my team. Thank you for helping me and see ya in the game." Lei grin as he wave his hand towards the other team direction as he towards his own team.

Futakuchi was stunned for a second before he let loose a laugh. Amused with what just happen.

"...okay, then see you on the court." Date Kogyo was about to walk out (for real) but they've forze on their step.

"Oh! I forgot." Lei face Date Kogyo again to say something. "Kenji! It's actually a he!"


"A he! You kinda pissed me off me you said that I'm a she when I'm obviously a he, a boy!"

"It's not obvious at all"

"But you both are being funny that's why I forgot about it hehehe." Lei laugh lightly as he remembered how Futakuchi and his senpai would banter.

"..." - Dete Kogyo

Feeling awkward that he did not receive a reply, Lei bow his head as turn his back and return to his teammates. Whose laughing at the Deteko's reaction to his revelation.

"Heh it's actually funny to see other people reaction towards Lei saying that he's a boy." Tsukkishima smirk. Amused that he get to see how shock they are with the revelation. You can even see how shock the no eyebrow guy is, although it's not as extreme as the other player.


After the encounter with Deteko. Karasuno is now getting ready to warm up at the gym.

"Ne Lei-chan." Hinata called out to the strawberry blonde haired boy. As he sling his bag on his shoulder.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I'm just wondering. Are you not scared or nervous? It's your first official match after all." Hinata ask. Curious because Lei doesn't seem nervous at all.

"Nervous? Hmm.. maybe a little bit but it doesn't really affect me." Lei aswered truthfully.

"Whoah really! That's so cool! Unlike me I still need Asahi-senpai's tip before actually calming down." Hinata confess while scrathing the back of his hair.

"That's because you're a dumbass! HinataBoke!"

"Shut up Kageyama! I'm not talking to you!"

Hinata muttered some curses as he return his attention toward his friend, who seems amused with what just happen.

"What's the tip then, Shoyo?" Lei ask. Although he doesn't really need but he's curious.

"Oh! Asahi-senpai said that you should think of the scariest thing that happen to you, the scarier the better!"

"Uohh! Then what did you think then?"

".... hitting Kageyama's head with a serve at the Seijo practice match." Hinata muttered lowly, embarassed with the revelation but Lei is near enough to hear it clear.

"HAHAHAHHA you did that?" Lei imagined it on his mind and now he can't stop laughing at that thought. "Sugoi Shoyo!"

"I-Yahh! It's not funny! It's actually really scary! If you've seen his face at that time, it's like this." Hinata tried to copy Kageyama expression at that time to show how scary it is but Lei only laugh harder.

"Well I guess that is scary HAHAHHA but funny!" Lei laugh mid sentence. Still not over it. "And Seijo?"

"Hmm! It's the school where the Great King is! They're a super strong team! Although we won but we didn't get to play with the Grand King!"

"Great King?" Lei was about to ask more but coach Ukai shouted at them.

"Yosh! Let's start the practice!"



Currently the longest chapter yet.