
I'm A Boy Though? [Haikyuu!! X OC! Fanfic]

Haikyuu!! X Oc! Fanfic This is an various x oc fanfic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You're a really fun team,yah know that." Lei said while chuckling lightly. "But you got it all wrong, I'm not applying to be a manager....I'm applying as a player." "Heh?!" "Oi oi chibi-chan! are you joking? Cause if you haven't notice, this is a boys team." Tsukkishima stated while smirking at the end. Lei frown at the teasing remark of the pale blonde teen. Not really understanding what he's pointing out but after registering his words the boy immediately became angry. "Yahh! Did you just said that I'm dumd?! A-and wait! Chibi-chan?! For your information I'm taller than Shoyo!" Lei yelled at the pale blonde haired teen. While pointing an accusing finger at him. "Y-Yah why is my height included their?!" Hinata shouted. Embarassed when they point out his height. "HAHHAHAHAHAHH!" the two second year laugh at the three fighting individual. Obviously enjoying the show way to much. "You're laughing way to much Nishinoya-san, when you're obviously shorter than Hinata." Enoshita taunted at the still laughing second year. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, ENOSHITA?!" "Nothing~" "That's the only things you've notice? You really are dumb, Oujo-san~ (lady)." Tsukkishima smirk at the fuming teen. Amused with how easy it is to irritated him. "O-Oujo-san?! I am not a lady! I'm a man!" Lei stated while fuming at the accusation of being called a female and the worst thing is that, it happens two times already. . . . ~~~

Alein_Rix · Esportes
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 11 - Freak Serve

"We now begin the practice match of Nekoma High school vs. Karasuno High school."

"Let's play!"

As the whistle blows the game immediately started with Nekoma #5 (Kenma) serving the ball towards Asahi, which he receive albeit a bit unsteady.

After getting the ball high in the air Kageyama immediately set the ball towards the fast approaching sunshine from the other side of the court. Performing their signature 'freak quick' and leaving their opponents mouth agape on awe.

"Woah! Kageyana and Shoyo are really amazing!" Lei said in awe. Suga hearing the boys statement amusingly laugh at him.

"So this is what a real match feels like. Wahh! I want to play!"

After the shock brought by the quick of the first year. The match resume with Tanaka serving the ball and landing towards Nekoma #6 (Fukunaga) and Kenma setting it towards the Mohawk guy for a spike with three blockers. Nishinoya immediately receive it towards Kageyama. Nekoma immediately tried to block Hinata thinking that it's another quick attack from the two but proven wrong when the ball went to Asahi, spiking it towards the opposite court and Nekoma's libero responding to it but failed to properly received it. Making the score 0 -2 in favor of Karasuno.

"Hmm?" Lei felt chills traveling through his spine. It felt like someone's looking but not towards him but towars their team as a whole. Making him turn his attention towards opponents court, precisely to the Nekoma's #5.

Feeling the stare directed towards him, Kenma turn his attention to the Karasuno's bench and spotting the girly boy looking at him with a frown on his pretty face.

"Suga-senpai." Lei called out.

"Hmm?" Suga turn his attention towards the first year and noticing that his hands are wrap around his arms, immediately felt worried that his feeling cold.

"You should wear you jacket if you're feeling cold. Here wear my jacket first." Suga tried to unzip his jacket but Lei stop him.

"No... it's not that. Its just that, I don't feel good when it's them as our opponent." Lei stated seriously. Turning his attention towards the ongoing match that currently seems to be in their favor.

"Although it's still early but I could say that we're doing good. So don't worry yourself,  have faith in your teammates." Suga patted the smaller boy's hair to comfort him thinking that his just nervous because its his first ever match.

The match progress with Karasuno still on the lead by a few points but after Nekoma's first time out, changes happens.

"That #7 kept on going where Shoyo went. Is he trying to block him?"

Spike after spike, Nekoma just kept on receiving it and with Nekoma #7 (Inouka) persistence to block Hinata and almost succeeding. Nekoma is slowly but steadily gaining a head of us, until it lead with a match point for the opposing team.

"Tetsu's right. They do have a strong team." Lei look at Nekoma with admiration in his eyes and his admiring gaze linger towards their setter. "Especially that #5, I don't know why but his awesome!"

And finally the match ends with Nekoma winning the first set, with the two first year's quick attack being completely block by Inouka.

Lei's helping to distribute the water bottles when he notice that his friend looks a bit sullen. And immediately tried to cheer him up.

"Here" Lei pass the water bottle towards Hinata. "Go out there and beat them! You have them so you don't have to feel so worried! They'll help you." Lei said while pointing at all their teammates making Hinata smiled at his words.

"Thank you, Lei-chan! I'll do my best!"

The match progress with the same result, Hinata's spike being completely block by one person. And with this the team is in complete disadvantage, although the team tried to make up for the loss points but they still cant close the gap.

"Hmm.. I want to do it now!"

Lei walked towards to direction of their bench where their coach, teacher and manager are sitting at.

"Ne Coach Ukai, can I serve? I want to do it now." Lei said seriously making the coach flinch in surprise with his sudden approach.

"Eh!..ah a yeah.." 'Crap! I totally forgot him.'

The coach immediately signal to the referee for a substitution before Daichi makes his serve. Making Nekoma surprise with their sudden decision.

"Oh! Lei-chan!"

"Nice Serve!"

"Pintch server? There #13?" Kenma thought while analyzing the boy with his gaze. Kenma turn his attention towards Kuroo who seems to be smirking with the sudden development.

Lei relax his stance. He's about to serve in his first ever match. Saying that his nervous would be an understatement but his excitement towards this game over power it. And besides his most confident in his serve.

"I now have people to play with! That's why I'll make this last!"

As the whistle blow. Lei immediately toss the ball high up in the air, spiking it towards his intended direction. In the end line between the two player but with right amount of force to not go out.






The court is monetarily silence with the that serve, processing what just happened.

"Woahh!! Nice Serve! Lei-chan!"

"Nice serve!"

While Karasuno's busy congratulating the boy by patting him on his back, Nekoma's just look at them, to the pretty boy to be precise.

"Woah! That serve is amazing! I want to get it!" Yaku said in amazement while looking at the smaller boy with admiration.

"Y-yeah, can't say I expect that. With his girly face and all."

"Hehehe so that ChibiLei is another annoying player." Kuroo look at the smiling boy with amusement in his eyes. He really underestimate him but that just makes him all the more interesting.

"Karasuno really is an annoying team."

Kenma look at their #13 with a calculating look on his eyes. "So they have another foundation."

The players resume their position. Their opponent getting ready to receive the ball, especially their libero.

"Give me! Give me!"

Lei relax his stance again. Looking at the opposite side of the net for a place to pin his next serve. Noticing that they move a step backwards, Lei immediately know where he'll serve it. The boy toss the ball high up and spike it in the front. Caughting their opponents off guard. They immediately tried to respond but they're a second late.



"Lei-chan! Another Service ace!" Both Hinata and Lei high five each other with the consecutive success of his serve making Lei happy with all their praises directed to him.

"Tch, Sorry I'll surely get the next one." Yaku apologize to his team. A bit dishearted that he didn't get the ball.

"Don't mind! We'll get the next one!"

At his third serve, Lei relaxed his stance again. Intending to serve it again, not to a spot but to someone who's been looking at him with an intense gaze.

After tossing the ball high up, Lei immediately spike it towards the awaiting hands of the libero.

"I'll get it!"

Yaku's position to receive the ball is perfect, its like the serve is really directed to him.

"He's targeting me, huh. Well I don't really mind cause I'll never waste this opportunity."

With the perfect possible position to receive the ball, Yaku receive it but it went out of bounds.

"W-what! What happened?!" Yamamoto asked incredulously looking at their team libero with surprise. He really believe that Yaku would be able to receive it properly, with the right position and all.

"T-Time!" One of Nekoma coach yelled to the referee.

Nekoma assembled around their team Libero, a questioning look on their face.

"... I'm not really sure what happened.. but I think it got to do with the spin of the ball." Yaku stated seriously. Replying what just happened in his head.

"Spin?" Inouka asked questioningly.

"It spins crazily fast."

"I know what you mean Yaku." All players of Nekoma turn their attention towards their coach.

"The problem why you didn't receive it propely is because of his wrist. To be precise the flexibility of his wrist. His wrist is so flexible that it added a terrifying amount of spin to ball that makes it harder to receive even if your in the perfect position for receiving it. And added to the fact that its force is no joke. Makes it the more terrifying." Coach Nekomata added. An amused glint on his eyes.

"Hahahahaha! Karasuno really have monsters in their team!" Coach Nekomata laugh in amusement.

"B-but what can we do?" Fukunaga ask. It already sounds like it's really hard to receive.

"Well will just have to rely on our libero! Right Yaku?" Kuroo put both his hands on their libero's shoulder as an encouragement.

"Y-Yeah... I'll do my best to receive it and I'll handle the responsibility of connecting to all of you."


At the other side, Karasuno are currently rejoicing with each other.

"WOAH! Service Ace!!!" Hinata shouted in amazement.

"Hey! Lei-chan, practice your serves with me again!" Nishinoya shouted while swinging his arms around the teen.


"Coach, why didn't the libero receive Lei's serve? He looks like he can save it." Takeda-sensai ask

"Hehehehe the first time that I've seen that kid's serve, I'm also surprise with its force but I thought it's just your normal spike like serve but I'm wrong. I only realize it when Nishinoya volunteer to receive his serve but no matter what he do, he just can't seem to properly receive it and that's when I realize, the problem doesn't rely on the force but to the spin of the ball.

"Whoah! That seems amazing coach! I'm surprised that Lei can do that."

"Hahahahahah me too! That kid have a serious amount of potential. I won't even be surprised if we win this set by his serve alone!"





"Whaaa!! I'm sorry!"

"Don't mind! Don't mind!"

"HAHHAHAHAHA who even miss their serve! HAHAHAHAHA" Tsukkishima laugh while holding his stomach for support. The other players trying but failing to hide their amusement with what just happen.

"Yahh! Shut up! Especially you Kei! Shut up!" Lei shouted. Face red in embarrassment with what just happen. He became to excited with all the points he accumulated that he jump to forward which lead to him missing the ball while in the air and ended up landing on his head.

"It looks like spoke to soon." Coach Ukai sweat drop with what just happened but you can also say that he expected it. His an amateur with no experience on a real match and it's also his first match so his bound to mess up.




".....it looks like the freaky serve stop, right?" Yamamoto ask blankly.

"Y-yeah.. guess so." Kai responded still dumbfounded with what just happen.

"Whaa?! But I also want to be able to receive that serve more!" Yaku whine. Although relieve that their opponent momentum will stop but still highly disappointed that he would not have a chance to receive that kind of serve.


"YAHHH!! Shut up Tetsu!!!"
