
I'll take care of them all four

water_melon_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

chapter 3:

I'm a little curious to know what happened to my actual body ,but, i've had no regrets , and i got a seconde life as a single rich and noble woman ,Well... "m' lady" a voice called from outside the bathroom. "The empress is waiting for your highness". Well i may have screwed my first life ,however, i will make the most of my second . I got out of the bath tub and went out couldn't keep that queen wait . I found a rather old maid outside , waiting for me, so i took the chance to get an answer to my questions. It turns out that i 'm the younger sister of the empress Dalia, Dalia and Diviana her mother must really like Ds .the past duke and duchess had me when my sister got engaged to the now empror which make us 11 years apart, kinky . The princesses came to the castle four years ago , they has no one to take care of them .the were completely abandoned ,the marquis and his wife died two years ago , and it's no secret that their castle is a battlefield , we stopped at a golden door . I could not lie to you i sure was drooling. I heard a really calm voice that give me permission before entering . A tall looking woman appeared , wearing a shiny long dress that it edges demand respect with every move she took , a beautiful woman, nothing special, it's just beauty.

"I heard you needed me sister , how could i help you ?" With a smile she said . Ummm i 'm sure i was the one who got called but whatever," I need to talk, sister , a serious conversation."i replied with a smile , hopping it was the answer she needed. She told the maids to leave us alone and as soon as they did ,she took of her corset , " finally , thank you for coming , i was wearing that for three hours now, sorry i bothered you this early in the morning! I Know you aren't the type to get up this early ." True but since i'm here i'm gonna start hunting for my goals " sis, it's fine , i actually needed to talk to you anyway ."

" Oh , don't worry about last night , i made the grand duke k leave the party before ,you embarrassed your self with your drinking habits " she explained.

And the what now ,who the hell is k.

"sis what did i do last night?" I waited for a response but she avoided eye contact ." Not much... fine , you started a onesided food war with some young ladies..." " A food what ?" "I'm not done yet, you broke the foot of the gentleman you danced with, spilled wine on your dress and you tried to kill somebody so let's not talk about the party, okay?" She said quickly.

" So i destroyed the girls party ?" That was my only concern to be honest, since my reputation has gone six feet under ground. " Actually i think the girls had the most fine , they couldn't stop laughing, they even wanted to join your food war but you were to scary to be an opponent for them," well a least some one enjoyed my freak show .