
I'll never forget you I hope I do

In the halls of Oakridge High School, amidst the whispers of teenage gossip and the shuffle of students, Artemis Carter finds herself captivated by a quiet and enigmatic classmate named Daniel Evans. As a second-year senior, Artemis navigates the complexities of high school life with a blend of wit and charm, but when it comes to matters of the heart, she finds herself utterly perplexed by Daniel's elusive nature. Artemis's infatuation with Daniel begins innocently enough, sparked by a chance encounter in the library where she catches a glimpse of him lost in thought among the shelves of books. Drawn to his quiet demeanor and mysterious aura, Artemis can't help but feel a flutter of excitement whenever their paths cross. However, Daniel remains an enigma, sending Artemis mixed signals that leave her questioning his true feelings. One moment, he's distant and aloof, and the next, he's stealing glances in her direction when he thinks she's not looking. Confused but determined, Artemis embarks on a mission to capture Daniel's attention, resorting to playful antics and lighthearted pranks in an attempt to break through his walls. Little does Artemis know, Daniel is not immune to her charms. Behind his stoic facade lies a heart yearning for connection, and Artemis's vivacious spirit ignites a spark within him that he never knew existed. As Artemis's attempts to win Daniel's affections become increasingly bold, he finds himself drawn to her infectious energy and playful antics, secretly reveling in the attention she showers upon him. But as the end of their senior year looms on the horizon, Artemis and Daniel must confront their true feelings and the obstacles that stand in the way of their budding romance. Will Artemis's relentless pursuit of Daniel lead to a love worth fighting for, or will their differences prove too great to overcome?

Tiramisuyu · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Lost in thought

The library doors creaked softly as I pushed them open, welcoming me into the familiar embrace of quiet solitude. Books lined the shelves like old friends, their spines worn and weathered from years of love and attention. It was a haven of peace in the midst of the chaotic world outside, a place where I could escape the noise and lose myself in the pages of a good story.

Today, however, my visit to the library was not to enjoy a fantasy novel in peace which I would be extremely glad to do, but rather by the need to return a book I had borrowed weeks ago and forgotten about. Clutching the worn paperback in my hand, I made my way to the circulation desk, my footsteps echoing against the tiled floor.

To my surprise, the library was deserted, save for a solitary figure hunched over a stack of books in the far corner. My curiosity piqued as I watched him, his tousled hair falling in dark waves of midnight Black hair across his forehead as he flipped through the pages with an intensity that suggested he was lost in thought.

There was something familiar about him, a nagging sense of recognition that tugged at the corners of my mind. I racked my brain, trying to place where I had seen him before, but the memory remained elusive, like a forgotten dream lingering just beyond reach.

Shrugging off my confusion, I approached the circulation desk, intending to return my book and be on my way. But as I reached out to slide the book onto the counter, my gaze drifted back to the boy in the corner, and a strange impulse seized me. It was a weird feeling not the kind that I could explain in brief just the kind of feeling that makes you feel undeniably giddy, curious and happy but sends chills through your spine almost every moment, it also feels as if your heart is about to burst out of your body but in a good way which is rather overwhelming yet fun.

Without fully understanding why, I found myself drawn to him, my feet carrying me across the library with an urgency I couldn't explain. I stopped a few feet away from him, hesitating as I debated whether to interrupt his reverie.

Before I could make up my mind, he looked up from his book, his eyes meeting mine in a brief moment of connection that sent a jolt of recognition coursing through my veins. For a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still as we stared at each other, two strangers bound by an inexplicable bond or maybe just my delusion and hopeless romanticism that I cherished over the years.

Then, just as quickly as it had begun, the moment passed, and his gaze flickered away, returning to the pages of his book as if nothing had happened. I felt a pang of disappointment, the brief glimpse of connection leaving me craving more.

With a sigh, I reluctantly tore my gaze away from him and turned to leave the library, my mind swirling with questions and uncertainty. As I pushed open the doors and stepped back out into the bustling hallway, I couldn't shake the feeling that my encounter with the mysterious boy was only the beginning of something unexpected.

As the day unfolded, time seemed to stretch endlessly, each passing moment bringing me closer to the truth I was desperately seeking. Between the never ending series of lectures and the frenetic shuffle of students between classes, my mind was consumed with thoughts of the boy from the library.

In those fleeting moments of break, when the classroom chatter dulled to

a murmur and the chaos of high school life momentarily fell in a pause, my gaze would inevitably drift to the figure seated by the window. He sat with an air of quiet contemplation, his back turned to the rest of the room as he stared out the window, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

I found myself captivated by his presence, drawn to the enigmatic allure that surrounded him like a shadow. There was something undeniably intriguing about the way he carried himself, a silent strength that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.

As I studied him from afar, my eyes tracing the gentle curve of his profile and the play of sunlight against the scattered moles on the back of his neck, I couldn't help but marvel at the details of his existence. He was a puzzle waiting to be solved, a mystery begging to be unravelled, and I was determined to uncover the secrets hidden beneath his stoic facade.

With each passing glance, I found myself drawn deeper into his presence, my curiosity morphing into an insatiable hunger for understanding. Who was he? What thoughts lay behind those piercing eyes? And most importantly, why did he ignite a spark within me that I couldn't extinguish?

And then, like a bolt of lightning striking through the darkened sky, it hit me:'it's the demigod from the library!' The pieces of the puzzle fell into place with startling clarity, and I couldn't suppress the surge of excitement that bubbled up within me.

He was real, tangible, sitting mere feet away from me, and I was determined to uncover the truth hidden beneath his silent exterior.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I gathered my belongings and made my way out into the bustling hallway, my mind abuzz with newfound purpose.

'This will be fun'