
I'll do it my way

"Life is a journey with many roads, but once you pass an entrance treading on it is neigh impossible. Your decisions could either be wrong or right it is all up to the beholder. Emotions sway your thoughts, while experiences make you who you are. In this world filled with the inexplicable, you will learn of its beauty as well as its unsightliness. Every step you take will be filled with highs and lows. as you learn about yourself and your flawed nature. But you are not alone; there are different people and other species, all kinds of sentient beings you'll be able to lean on." Speaking the words laid out on paper, the pages of the book started to rapidly turn. Through words and imagery, stories were being told. Slamming the book close, a mysterious man stares into the blankness in front of him. "That is your fate all you need to do is walk the path of the story you'll unfold."

ALittleBroken · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 27

The moon was high in the night sky as two men walked with nonchalant expressions on their faces. "How was your day off?" The man smiled when he looked at his colleague.

"It was good, my girlfriend and I didn't do much we were feeling lazy, but we had fun together. How about you?"

"My little girl became two yesterday."

"Oh, congratulations. How's it, being a father and all?"

"It can be difficult sometimes, but I'm doing my best."

The two men were in enforcer uniforms, they had swords hanging around their waist, and in their hands, the two held a rifle with a long barrel and small translucent pipes moving across its body.

As they approached a restricted area, two guards seemed happy spotting them. They exchanged glances and nodded at each other. "Good luck with the night shift." The two stopped in the same spots as the other enforcers they just took the shift from.

"What did the little lass get for her birthday?"

"She got-" The man looked behind him and fixed his gaze on the metal platform situated in the middle of the enclosed space.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought I heard something, must have been wrong. So, we got her-" Again he was cut off, turning back to the platform, it was lowering into the abyss. "Hey was there anything in the schedule about a Clockwork team coming back?"

"No, there was nothing about it." Both stared at the elevator disappearing.

The two individuals were frozen in place as a rumbling sound emerged from below. "We need to report this quickly." Claws appeared in their gaze as creatures pulled themselves up onto the surface.

Turning around one of the men stared at other enforcers patrolling around the site. "Sound the alarms!"

The shaking of the ground became more apparent and louder as time went on, not even seconds later, hundreds upon thousands of monsters rushed to the surface.

"You're going to sleep now, aren't you?" The child nodded while they lay in bed. "Good." Eiji got up and left the room. he glanced to the end of the hallway and spotted Rose. "They should hopefully go to bed now."

Rose appeared happy and relieved as she smiled at him. "Thank you for helping as always Eiji."

"It's my pleasure, Rose. I'm going to go now it's getting late after all."

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Eiji departed from the orphanage. When he looked up at the night sky, Eiji noticed the moon already high above him. "They sure need to learn when to go to sleep."

As he walked down the streets, he felt more confident than a few days ago. When he read Samuel's journal, he didn't know what to do; he felt empty knowing that Samuel was a lot different from what he hoped he was. The sadness and desperation in the words he had written made Eiji feel like he didn't have much impact to change the feelings Samuel had about the reality he was in. Despite grappling with these emotions, Eiji reached a single conclusion, he wanted no one else to suffer the same fate as Samuel.

Eiji halted and noticed a pair of white eyes staring at him from an alley. Eiji gazed into the darkness, observing it from afar, realizing it couldn't be a human due to its low stature. A wolf-like creature emerged from the shadows, its drool dripping onto the ground.

With his back against a wall, Eiji watched as it came closer. he had no means of escape, the creature reacted to this by charging directly toward him. As It lunged at him, its mouth was wide open.

Filled with fear, Eiji was at a loss for what actions to take, but he soon found relief as he witnessed the creature's head fall to the ground. Eiji glanced sideways and locked eyes with the man in uniform. "Get to the Southern gate for evacuation these are Rena's orders."

"Nathan?" Nathan didn't stay to talk, making Eiji look at his back as he ran away.

Eiji struggled to comprehend the situation as he glanced down at the creature. When he heard an alarm ringing in his ears, he got a grasp of himself before running off.

Despite Nathan's instructions to go to the southern gate, Eiji retraced his steps back to where he came from. The peaceful town that used to be a paradise was now filled with screams.

While running, he could see someone in a daze. "Liam?" Turning his head Liam looked at Eiji. "Do you know what's going on?" Eiji shook his head, he was just as clueless as Liam standing next to him.

"Where are you sprinting off to?"

"I'm going to make sure everyone in the orphanage is safe."

"I'll join you; It's not like I can help anywhere else."

"Oh, okay."

When they arrive, they notice Rose leading the children outdoors. "Is everyone alright?" She glanced behind her and noticed Eiji sprinting towards her. "Eiji, it's good to see you what's happening?"

He quickly scanned the group to ensure that everyone was okay. "It's dangerous out here, you have to leave for the southern gate right now."

"Alright, we'll do that." Rose's eyes dilate while looking at Eiji. "Eiji look out behind you!"

Upon hearing her, Eiji quickly steps aside. "Liam?" Confused he could see the man stumbling past him. Glancing over his shoulder, he searched for any sign of a lurking Abyssal beast but found nothing. "Rose why-" While turning to Rose he saw a dagger moving for his throat. As he tilts his head, a sharp blade slices across Eiji's cheek, leaving a thin, crimson line.

His body was filled with a sudden wave of pain as he looked at Liam with a startled expression. "What are you doing?" In Liam's hand, he could see the dagger that tried to kill him.

Eiji stared at the way Liam moved, it was weird and creepy almost like he had difficulty controlling the muscles in his body, as if he would fall over any second. Liam lunged forward, thrusting the dagger towards Eiji's stomach.

Eiji grabbed Laim's arms stopping the blade from piercing his body. From what he knew, Liam's eyes color was brown, but they were now glowing a light green. "Liam?" While Eiji spoke the blade of a Katana punctured through Liam's throat. When it was pulled out, Liam grabbed his neck before dropping to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Eiji glanced over and noticed Akiyoshi holding the Katana covered in blood. With a single swing toward the ground, all the blood splattered away.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Eiji gulped seeing the calmness in Akiyoshi's eyes, Eiji felt his head spinning he had hoped that the day the earth burned was the last time he would have to stand the sight of a human corpse.

"This." Akiyoshi turned his head upon hearing Suki's voice. While on her knees, Suki directed her eyes towards a specific area of his body. Akiyoshi looked at the back of Liam's neck as well seeing the stitches he had there.

"Hey Eiji, have you ever seen these on him before?" Eiji breathed in and out, after clenching his fist he stared at the same spot as them. While Inspecting the stitches, Eiji tried to think back but these were also foreign to him. "No, this is my first-" Eiji halted his words when all three of them noticed that the stitches began to shine.

They all took a step back from the body, fearful of the intensifying glow of the green light. Eiji glanced behind him, seeing Rose in the distance with the kids. The looks on their faces disheartened Eiji, he hoped they didn't see anything that unfolded but their expressions told him enough.

The skin on Liam's neck burst open when from within him strings stretched into the sky. Not giving them a moment to think the strings charge toward Akiyoshi. Akiyoshi swung his sword, pushing them back. As they were halted by his efforts, the strings abruptly changed directions and charged at another target.

"Eiji!" Akiyoshi's scream causes Eiji to take his gaze off Rose and the kids. Before he could see what was happening in front of him, he felt someone slam into his side.

Suki puts her hand in the pouch around her waist, pulling out her bow along with an arrow. She grabs the tail of the arrow stretching the bow, when she lets go it flashes through the air charging straight for Liam's body.

Even though his body was hurting due to the fall, Eiji's eyes were focused on Akiyoshi, who was cutting the constantly regrowing strings and letting them not pass by him. Without Waring, the strings suddenly stop moving and drop to the ground. Akiyoshi takes this chance and dashes for the corpse. 

"Akiyoshi in front of you!" Akiyoshi, distracted by his thoughts, was brought back to reality when Suki shouted at him, causing him to take a closer look at his destination. Akiyoshi saw the body swelling up and attempted to change his course, but as soon as he turned around, the body exploded.

With their eyes focused on the dust cloud, everyone waited with bated breath and prayed for Akiyoshi's well-being. With his gaze fixed on a specific part of the obscurity, Eiji was able to discern a faint gray radiance. "Akiyoshi!?" Eiji shouted for him, but there was no answer.

As the light slowly disappeared so was everything behind the curtain revealed. Akiyoshi stood upright, gasping for air without moving. Around him, blood lathered the ground along with Liam's innards.

The scene was gross, but Eiji couldn't keep his eyes from Akiyoshi. This wasn't the first time he had seen him doing something shocking, yet Eiji couldn't believe he was standing there with seemingly no injuries. That was until he saw Akiyoshi's left hand that had a charred look.

"Akiyoshi!" The moment he appeared Suki dashed towards him. "Suki." His calm and composed demeanor was evident in the way he looked at her.

"You, you idiot." He smirks slightly upon hearing her. "I'm fine you don't have to worry." Despite her desire to trust his words, she found herself unable to as she held onto him. "You can't say that look at your hand."

"It's not a big deal I'm sure it'll heal after some time."

"What happened here?" All heads turned towards the man sprinting towards them. "Nathan." When Nathan heard his name, he turned his head to the left. "Eiji didn't I-" Before he could get all his words out, another explosion went off in the distance. As Eiji stared at it with eyes filled with fear, he could discern what had likely transpired there.

"All of you go to the southern gate now." Right as he was about to leave, he could hear his name once more. "Nathan, right?" Nathan glanced over his shoulder towards Akiyoshi. "Yes."

"Could you lead all of them to the evacuation point to make sure they arrive safely, we'll go towards the explosion and help." Nathan hesitated before speaking. "Alright."

Nathan walked towards them and noticed that Eiji was motionless, like a statue. "Aren't you coming?"

"No, I'm going with them." Eiji seemed different to Nathan. When he looked at him his hand was balled into a fist, and his gaze was full of determination.

"I want change, I can't keep staying reactive or I will just keep seeing everything burn around me." Upon hearing his words, Nathan takes a holster along with the pistol off his belt. "In this pocket, you find all the bullets."

Eiji gives Nathan a surprised glance before nodding and taking it from his hand. "Thank you." Nathan lightly smiles as he pats Eiji on the shoulder. "Good luck and stay safe."

"Mam!" Rosalia lifts her gaze from her desk and gazes at her maid. "What is it?"

"A wave has made its way up to the surface." Rosalia's eyes widen, hearing her. With quick motions, she turned her head out the window and stared through a different window inside the throne room. "Where are they right now?"

"A large number are already breaking through to the surface and for us, they are already at the gates. Sir Rudech has taken charge of all the guards to make sure they don't break into the city."

"Send a small advance party to the surface to search for traces of Drekem, all the rest send them to Rudech to help in the defense."

"Alright miss." As Rosalia passed the maid, she glanced at her. "Where are you going?"

"To see my father."

Rosalia dashes through the castle halls and catches sight of the grand double doors leading to the throne room. When Rosalia saw that the door was already open, she quickly entered and saw a man kneeling on the ground.

They turned their head and fixated their gaze on Rosalia, who had just arrived. "Young mistress" Upon witnessing the anguish on the young man's face, Rosalia raised her gaze. "I came to report about the wave attacking the city, but." With shaking eyes, she stared at the throne and knew fully well the gravity of the situation. It was completely empty.