
I'll do it my way

"Life is a journey with many roads, but once you pass an entrance treading on it is neigh impossible. Your decisions could either be wrong or right it is all up to the beholder. Emotions sway your thoughts, while experiences make you who you are. In this world filled with the inexplicable, you will learn of its beauty as well as its unsightliness. Every step you take will be filled with highs and lows. as you learn about yourself and your flawed nature. But you are not alone; there are different people and other species, all kinds of sentient beings you'll be able to lean on." Speaking the words laid out on paper, the pages of the book started to rapidly turn. Through words and imagery, stories were being told. Slamming the book close, a mysterious man stares into the blankness in front of him. "That is your fate all you need to do is walk the path of the story you'll unfold."

ALittleBroken · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 22

"So this is Pilantrop." Suki walked through the Western gate and looked around her in awe. While stunned by the sight the two closely followed the merchant carriage they rode along with. Upon reaching their destination, the carriage came to a halt at a suitable spot where their employer expressed gratitude for their efforts and handed over their wages.

As they were bidding each other farewell, a middle-aged man halted their departure. "I don't know why you might have come to Pilantrop, but both of you are quite talented fighters and I was wondering if you wanted to join us."

Akiyoshi shook his head in response to what the man said. "I appreciate the offer, but we'll have to decline."

"Understood if you ever change your mind, we'll be staying in the RedRose Inn in the Northern district for the next five days."

"I'll keep that in mind. Right, David, I'm wondering if you know where the refugees might live in this city?"

David thought and then turned his body to orient himself. "If I'm right most of them live in Brassway." He stretched his arm and pointed in a certain direction. "It should be on the edge of the Eastern and central district, so it's that way."

"Thank you for all the help."

"It's my pleasure you two were of great help as well."

Akiyoshi and Suki bid farewell to David and the other adventurers led by him before departing for Brassway.

Steam spewed all around them as the two arrived in a less affluent area of the city. They could see people sitting on the ground against the wall and most of their clothes were worn out. "David said it was here, right?" Suki looked at the people around and the way they had to live.

"Yeah, this should be the place." Akiyoshi nodded and scanned the area in search of Eiji. "I don't believe they would put Eiji here. Our treatment differed significantly from this."

"I don't know if we'll find him here, but it won't hurt to look around."

"I'll go ask someone." As Suki distances herself from Akiyoshi, she approaches a female enforcer. "Miss?".

The enforcer turned around and saw a woman running towards her. "What can I help you with?"

"I'm looking for a friend of mine." She glanced down the street but then realized the lady hadn't told her anything else. "Um, when did they arrive?"

Suki moved her head to the side and looked at Akiyoshi who stopped right next to her. The officer noticed this and followed her gaze. "It should have been around three to four weeks ago."

With her hand on her chin, the enforcer pondered about the refugees that had arrived in the last few weeks. Disregarding the girl, she turned her gaze back to the handsome young man. "What town did they come from?"

Her words left Akiyoshi stunned to find the right way to explain it. Puzzled by his reaction, she shifted her attention to the girl, who also appeared bewildered. Akiyoshi knew there wasn't another way to say it, so he gave it a try. "He came from another world, just like us."

Surprised by what he said she glanced at the two. "Could I have both of your IDs, please?"

Hesitantly being given them, she went over the information on it. The enforcer pressed down on her communication device and after a short time began to speak. "We have a code eighty-two what should I do?" The woman waited for a moment before confirming a few things with the person on the other side of the line and then hung up.

With a smile on her face, she gave them their IDs back. "I can help you, but sadly they aren't here."

Akiyoshi disregarded the woman and focused on his ID, finding what he was looking for. "Hey, can I see your ID for a second?" With a strange look, Suki gave him her ID card, and it was just like his, the long reference number that was printed on both their IDs started with eighty-two. "Here's it back."

"You two can follow me, then." With a nod, they proceeded to follow the officer.

"Miss, I was wondering what's down there." The enforcer nodded, looking towards the direction indicated by Suki. "That's the old harbor area. Although it's abandoned now, ten years ago, it was the most bustling part of the city."

"Why is-" Suki gave Akiyoshi a sharp look as he nudged her side. "Nosy much." Annoyed at his words she gives him payback, but ten times harder than he did.

Rena leaned into the chair, her eyes were towards the ceiling, but hearing the door open she lowered her head. "You called for me?"

"I was contacted not too long ago by a station that two outworlders have made their way into the city. They'll be arriving in town along with the produce shipment can you bring them here when they arrive."

"Do you have their names, so I know I'm taking the right people?" Rena yawns while looking at him. "It should be Akiyoshi and Suki."

Nathan walked back towards the door but was stopped by Rena's next words. "Say, have you heard anything from Daniel?" He rotated back to her and couldn't see any emotions on her face. "From what I know they should be on their heels."

"I see." Rena glanced down at her table while her finger continuously tapped on it. "You seem to be quite curious about his mission. is there a reason for that?"

"Curiosity, I guess." Nathan stared at her not knowing how to feel about what she said. "Was that all mam or anything else?"

"No, you may leave." Rena picked her quill back up and time began to pass by.

"Mam, I've brought them." Rena raised her head from the paperwork she was stuck doing. Behind Nathan, she could see two more people walking in. When she saw the light silk clothing they were wearing, she instantly knew which city they first arrived at. "So, who are you searching for in this little town?"

Eiji stood outside with a smile on his face as he watched the children play with each other. "Eiji!" He walked inside when he heard someone calling out for him, in the kitchen, he could see a young boy. "What is it, Ruben?"

With tears in his eyes, the boy pointed to the empty bowl on the counter. "I wanted some fruit, but it's all gone." Eiji walks over to the boy and lifts him. "Don't worry mountains of fruit should arrive later today, and what do I always tell you big men don't cry about these things."

Eiji's words prompted the boy to run his hands over his eyes. "Right." When he put him back outside, the two looked at each other. "Now go and play with your friends I'll call you when they arrive."

"Yes, sir." Ruben gave him a salute, making it impossible for Eiji not to laugh as the boy ran off. With his eyes on the empty bowl, Eiji still remembered the time he first learned where the fruit they got came from.

"Rose?" She turned away from the window and saw Eiji intriguingly staring at her. "I was wondering yesterday I helped with the administration of the goods coming into the town and noticed the fruit wasn't on there. Do you buy all of it yourself?"

She put a finger on her lips as she looked at him with a cheeky smile. "My insider delivers them to us." Eiji's mouth fell open when he saw this side of Rose before.

the bell went off making them turn to the door. "Who would come by this late at night." Rose noticed his expression causing the smile on her face to become brighter while walking to the door. "He must be here to deliver the contraband."

Curious about who it might be, Eiji was shocked when the person walked into the orphanage with bags filled with fruits in their arms. "Daniel?" From the corner of his eye, Daniel could see Eiji who was staring at him.

"Did you bring everything?" Daniel turned to Rose and gave her the bags. "I bought some extra, but it should be well enough to last you a week."

Gratefully taking everything off him, Rose gives him a sweet smile. "Thank you again for bringing this every time."

"It's nothing at all, the kids should eat well so they can grow strong."

Unable to say a single word Eiji watched as Rose and Daniel conversed. To think the man everyone perceived as a tyrant, someone who always acted like a drill sergeant was the same person who brought the fruit every week.

"I'll get going then, take care." When he left, Rose looked at Eiji. "What are you doing sitting there, shouldn't you be helping me put these away?"

"Right." Eiji shot up and quickly approached Rose.

Eiji shook his head and moved his gaze away from the bowl he was staring at. He felt a bit empty, these were surely nice memories but every time he thought back, a certain name always came to mind.

Not wanting to think about it anymore Eiji walked out of the kitchen. His head turned to the side when he saw Rose opening the door. His body froze up seeing who was walking inside.

"Hey, Eiji." When Suki saw him, she smiled and waved her hand. "It's been a while, Eiji." Slightly behind her was Akiyoshi who seemed happy as well.

Stunned for words, Eiji looked around the room. "Let's take a seat first." The two followed him and sat down at the table. "I'll get all of you something to drink." Rose left the three alone, feeling they could use it.

"How have you been Eiji." Eager to catch up Suki stared at him. "It's been quite good how about you."

"It's been fantastic, you see we came from." Speaking with all her passion Eiji turned from Suki to Akiyoshi. When they gave each other a nod, he went back to listening to her.

"Seems like you two went through a lot, my time here wasn't as eventful as that." Akiyoshi and Suki looked at Eiji as he spoke, both of them could tell something was gnawing at Eiji's mind. "I brought the drinks." Rose barged back into the room and cut the silence. 

When she placed the cups of tea in front of everyone, she looked at the two."You must be Eiji's friends, right? He talked about you guys a few times before."

Eiji wanted to spew all the tea in his mouth out but instead glared at Rose. When Suki heard this, she looked at Eiji and snickered. "Did you miss us that much old man?"

"You brat I told you not to call me that." Suki and Eiji stared at each other with light smiles on their faces and a playful disdain towards each other.

Akiyoshi and Rose looked at how the young Suki and the older Eiji were acting and sighed.

"Anyway, now that I've told you everything, why don't you say what you've been up to." Suki's words fell on him abruptly, nothing could come out of his mouth as there was only one thing on his mind.

"What's wrong." Suki saw the complicated expression on his face and didn't like it. "Hey if he doesn't-"

Eiji who gained a bit of courage, spoke over Akiyoshi. "I'm trying to get over losing someone."

Stunned by his words the two looked at him. "I'm sorry to hear that." Suki's bright expression disappeared, feeling heartless for her relaxed behavior beforehand.

"No, it's fine, I can't keep it inside me forever I have to move on after all."

"Would you like to talk about him?" Eiji smiled lightly Seeing Suki's sincere gaze. "His name is Samuel." When they heard his name, both of them opened their ears and listened intently. "He was a bit weird, but I knew deep down he was a good guy. A child here at the orphanage, her name is Ella she was quite close with him. To her he was like an older brother, she didn't have a family anymore when we were taken from Earth, and he took that place for her, but he wasn't off any better. When she saw him, his distraught demeanor caused her to want to help him I also believe she did this to help herself forget her tragic past. It's been hard accepting the fact I would never see him again, but I can't stay sad forever."

"Did he leave anything to remember him by?" Eiji shook his head at Akiyoshi's question. "No, he didn't." Rose bit her lip but didn't know what to say.

"Ella, what is that?" In the little girl's hands, she could see a book. "It's from Samuel."

Surprised by her answer Rose stared at it. "Is it a journal?" Ella nodded her head. "Do you know what's inside?"

"I haven't read it yet. Samuel told me inside this were his regrets and I don't want to see them."

With tradition, it should normally be buried alongside him, but without a body that would be difficult. Ella did not know what was inside making Rose want to make sure before leaving it with her. "Can I read it?" Ella thought for a bit before giving her the journal. 

When Rose flipped the cover, she could see the drawing Ella had given him warming up her heart, but everything changed when she flipped through the contents of the book. The first pages felt strange to her, but before getting to the end she slammed the book close.

Rose's eyes shook as she looked down at Ella who had her hands raised it was obvious to her she wanted it back, but Rose was hesitant. "Ella, listen to me you have to keep this safe and show it to no one, after all his regrets are very personal and they should be kept a secret."

While holding it in her arms, Ella nodded her head.

"But that doesn't matter he will always be in my head." Unable to conceal it from Eiji any longer, words burst forth from her lips. "He did!" Eiji looked at Rose. "What do you mean he did?"

"Ella has his journal." When he hears her, his mouth hangs open in astonishment. "Why did you never tell me?"

Not knowing what to say Rose walked to the bottom of the staircase. "Ella, can you come with Samuel's journal for a second."

Ella clutched onto the book while descending the stairs. "Why do you want to see it again? I thought you told me not to show it to anyone?"

From the way Rose acted, Akiyoshi could tell there was a reason for her to hide it from him. So, he looked at the little girl and smiled. "You're Ella right, can you give that to me for a second?"

"Why would you need to see it?" Eiji couldn't understand the sudden interest Akiyoshi had. "You can give it to him." Surprised Eiji turned his head to Rose.

Akiyoshi glanced at Rose and nodded in her direction. Ella handed the book to the unfamiliar man, taking it out of her hands he began to skim through it. When he started, his expression was neutral, but over time it deteriorated until he slammed it close.

Akiyoshi understood why Rose never mentioned it, causing Akiyoshi to glance at Eiji. "Are you sure you want to read this?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Akiyoshi handed the book to Eiji, before opening it he took a deep breath.

[I miss you]