
I'll do it my way

"Life is a journey with many roads, but once you pass an entrance treading on it is neigh impossible. Your decisions could either be wrong or right it is all up to the beholder. Emotions sway your thoughts, while experiences make you who you are. In this world filled with the inexplicable, you will learn of its beauty as well as its unsightliness. Every step you take will be filled with highs and lows. as you learn about yourself and your flawed nature. But you are not alone; there are different people and other species, all kinds of sentient beings you'll be able to lean on." Speaking the words laid out on paper, the pages of the book started to rapidly turn. Through words and imagery, stories were being told. Slamming the book close, a mysterious man stares into the blankness in front of him. "That is your fate all you need to do is walk the path of the story you'll unfold."

ALittleBroken · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 18

As I wake up, I begin my daily routine. An entire week has passed since I last spoke with the mistress of the house. On that day, I was assigned a room to myself in the barracks, which was conveniently connected to the mansion. At first, I was puzzled when she requested me to help around the mansion, but once I grasped the expectations, I quickly realized that I was not a guest, but a janitor who did odd jobs and didn't receive compensation for his efforts. I guess letting me live here in peace was my payment.

Would I normally do all this, I couldn't say so, I would rather stay in my room and be left to my own devices, but I couldn't do much about it. I was in a place I knew nothing about owned by humans beyond my comprehension that told me I wasn't allowed to leave. Even if I tried to run, they could easily get me, and all my surroundings were unknown, anyway.

All of this does make it seem a bit doom and gloom, but generally, everyone is nice, and the living conditions are also fairly luxurious.

While I dressed myself, I looked at the empty socket in the leather suit. It caught my attention that the clothes of every maid and butler in the mansion was adorned with a gem, except for me. I was unsure of their purpose, but it was evident that the guards didn't possess them either.

When I left my room, I walked towards the mansion. Drekem wasn't present today, so I was given the duty of taking care of Valentine's every need. 

Standing before Valentine's bedroom doors, I hesitate for a second. As I was about to knock, they opened, and two maids appeared in front of me. When they walk by, we nod at each other.

"Miss, It's me, Samuel."

"'You may come in."

As I walked into the room, my gaze was fixed on her, I had only seen her face-to-face ones, for the rest it was from a distance. With her now standing in front of me once more, it baffled me how beautiful she really was. It also reignited my curiosity about why she might live here deep underground.

"Miss, is there anything I can help you with?"

Valentine smiles when she hears me. "I want to take a stroll outside. Will you join me?"

"Of course."

Together, we walk through the blooming fields surrounding the grand estate. "Samuel, what always bothers you so much?"

Without me realizing it. We had someone how gotten close enough that I could feel her breath. Creating some distance, I look at her. "What do you mean, bothers me?"

"You always seem to space out whenever I see you, just like now."

"I." I tried to say something, but nothing came out.

"Are your startled reactions always so cute?" As I see the mischievous smile on her face, my cheeks start to blush.

"I don't know much about you, Samuel. So, whenever I see you like this, I wonder what plagues your mind so much." As she observed the bewildered man, she opened her mouth.

"Do you have any family members waiting for you on the surface?" As soon as I heard what she said, I became paralyzed with fear. Screams began to enter my ears and hands grabbed my body, they pulled onto me as their malnourished bodies took form and dragged me back to that world filled with sadness. A place that could haunt me at any moment, that continuously reminded me what I was, but this time there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

Throughout the past few weeks, I have been shown kindness by people who truly care about those around them. Eiji, Rose, Ella, and so many more showed they cared about me, yet they could never help me forget the fate that befell my family, they never helped me get over this tall hurdle that blocked me from the light, but right now everything seemed to crumble.

Warth embraced my body as I could feel myself slip back to reality. Valentine was standing in front of me, we did not touch, but I could clearly feel warmth surrounding my body. My blood seemed to boil as we stared into each other's eyes, I didn't understand what was happening, but I somehow felt connected with her as if we were more than strangers to each other.

"You're not alone, Samuel. You have me around if something concerns you." She didn't require any words; a single glance at me was enough for her to know everything as my whole body shivered. 

Not standing still she walked towards me. "Samuel?"

Looking down at her, her face got closer. "Yes."

"Do you have a lover?" The way she asked me this made me feel uneasy for a moment, but it quickly faded when her hand touched my chest.

"I do not miss." Thoughts of them make me reopen my mouth. "But I do still have people who care about me."

"That's good to hear, when you can go back to the surface, I'm sure they'll be delighted to see you again."

"I hope so." While I looked to the side, I tried to not stare too much at her, but a delicious scent entered my nose and caused me to turn. "What is that smell?"

The longer this odor permeated through the air, the weaker my body started to feel. My breathing became sporadic, my eyesight turned red, my nails began to rapidly grow, turning my hands into claws, my two upper canines grew longer and sharper, and I could feel something trying to grow out of my back. "Valentine, there's something wrong with my body, please stay away from me."

Hunched over I stared at the ground, and in between her legs I could see a broken glass vile with a red liquid inside.

Her icy red eyes lock onto me, gleaming as she witnesses my body transforming. "Samuel, I'm sure you want to see them again, but I need you as well. I have given you a second chance, and now it's time for us to pay the price. So prove to me my foolish decision wasn't in vain by escaping the nightmare that haunts your mind, or today I will kill you with my own hands."

I was still somewhat present to hear her speak, but not like I could understand what she said, as her words were all muffled, seconds later, everything turned dark.

Light rose upwards and not long later two figures appeared from behind the brightness. "Ugh, I think I'm going to puke." Suki was leaning forward while her mouth was open and her face was a pale white.

Akiyoshi who seemed fine grabbed her by the arm and pulled her along. If you're going to do that, please do it in the restroom rather than here where everyone can see.

The pair walked away from a sizable circular object, which regularly emitted blue lights that people walked out of. The sound of footsteps echoed through the air as people who came from said direction passed them by, ascending the staircase that lay ahead.

As Suki looked at Akiyoshi, she marveled at his unwavering calmness. "How are you not sick?"

"Don't know." Akiyoshi stayed calm as he held onto Suki who seemed ready to fall face-first into the ground the moment he let go.

On the surface, they looked around not knowing where to go. As they come across a guard, they ask for directions and he promptly points them in the way they need to go. Upon reaching a transportation office, they patiently queued until it was their turn. "How can I help you?"

"We're looking for transport, that can take us to Pilantrop."

As he looked up, the man behind the counter stared at the two. They wore light silk clothing; the man had a strange sword strapped to the belt around his waist and the woman had a bow and quiver on her back.

"Can I have your IDs, please?" When they gave it to him, he placed one on a metallic rectangle. Swiftly after a blue line moved from top to bottom, this process was done for both IDs.

"Can you tell me your names?" The man stared at the both of them with a straight face.

"Why would we, we just gave you-" Baffled by what he said, Suki thought this was some sick joke and wanted to rebuke him, but Akiyoshi quickly intervened.

"It's Ito Akiyoshi."

With a gentle elbow to her side, Akiyoshi leaned in and whispered to Suki. "Can you not start causing trouble just do what he asked."

Sighing, she reluctantly did what was asked of her. "I'm Watanabe Suki."

Looking back at the cards he smiles and gives them back. " Thank you for cooperating, at the moment no carriages are going towards Pilantrop." 

When Suki heard the man, she wanted to burst out once more at him. Akiyoshi stopped her and looked at the man. "Why is that?"

"because of recent problems with beasts escaping the abyss, but if you have to make it to Pilantrop, you can take work for a merchant who is willing to still go. Seeing that both of you carry weapons, I will tell you where you can get this type of job."

Akiyoshi smiles as the man explains all the options available to still reach Pilantrop. "Thank you, that was of great help."

The two set off and wandered through the lively streets of the city. "I still don't understand why he asked for our names. When he had our IDs" Suki still could not let go of the question the man asked it just felt strange to her.

"Maybe if the IDs we had were stolen?"

"But there's a picture of our faces on them."

Akiyoshi turned to Suki with a mischievous grin on his face. "Who said you can't wear someone else's face." 

Horrified by his words, Suki turned to him. "Don't joke about something like that." 

Akiyoshi laughed as he saw Suki's face contorted in disgust when she imagined what that would be like. "I don't know either, we're in a world we know not much of, there could be many reasons for it. "

Suki took a deep breath to calm down and then looked at Akiyoshi. "Are you sure the conductor didn't lie about Eiji being in Pilantrop?"

"What would they gain from lying about it."

"I guess you're right."

With his hand gently resting on her shoulder, they glanced at each other. "Don't worry I'm sure he's safe, we'll be seeing him soon."

The chirping of birds caressed my ears as the morning breeze hit my face. "To become undefeatable. What a difficult question you have asked this old man. Where should I start." As I kneeled on the hard stone pavement, my eyes fixated on the old man with white hair and a flowing beard walking circles in front of me. 

"To become a pillar standing above everyone else. It's a path that requires an unimaginable amount of strength. But even when you reach a peak greater than many, there will always be those of similar prowess. To reach what you seek, you needn't only strength, you must also understand yourself and your opponent. For those who are true monsters are those who learn to adapt in any situation they find themselves in."

I didn't know how I had gotten myself here, but I did remember one thing after the darkness. I saw something; I saw a tower. My daze was interrupted by the sound of a wooden sword hitting the ground with a clatter.

"If you want to get there, you'll have to start somewhere. Now stand up and show me your resolve."

As I looked at it, I tilted my head upwards to catch another glimpse of him.

"What are you staring at, weren't you the one who begged me to take you in as a disciple? Now, take that sword and show me what you've got."

With a firm grasp on the sword, I stand tall. As I take deep breaths, I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, preparing myself for the impending duel.

"Get ready brat, I'm coming." With that said, he dashed towards me.