
I'll do it my way

"Life is a journey with many roads, but once you pass an entrance treading on it is neigh impossible. Your decisions could either be wrong or right it is all up to the beholder. Emotions sway your thoughts, while experiences make you who you are. In this world filled with the inexplicable, you will learn of its beauty as well as its unsightliness. Every step you take will be filled with highs and lows. as you learn about yourself and your flawed nature. But you are not alone; there are different people and other species, all kinds of sentient beings you'll be able to lean on." Speaking the words laid out on paper, the pages of the book started to rapidly turn. Through words and imagery, stories were being told. Slamming the book close, a mysterious man stares into the blankness in front of him. "That is your fate all you need to do is walk the path of the story you'll unfold."

ALittleBroken · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 17

"Samuel!" I suddenly woke up, and Ella's voice echoed in my ears. "Ella."

As I took in my unfamiliar surroundings, I found myself in a rather cramped room. It contained a closet, a desk, a chair, and the bed I was currently on.

Trying to remember how I got here in these moments the feeling of my body hurdling down came back to me, and the agonizing pain I endured before losing consciousness. "Where am I?"

I get out of bed while looking around the room and walk towards the window. With my focus outside, I could see a large garden with flowers and grassy plains, but I couldn't see much due to it being dark outside.

the door behind me slammed open, and someone walked in. "Good, you're awake."

As I turned my head, I caught sight of a cold-looking man standing in the door's frame; He was neatly dressed in a leather suit giving him the appearance of a butler. He scanned me from head to toe and clapped his hands, conjuring two maids out of thin air. 

"Clean up and dress this scruffy man once you are done, bring him to the main hall." With his words, he disappeared from the place where he was standing. 

A maid gracefully inclined her head and elegantly extended her arm to the right. "Could you please come this way, sir?" 

As I followed them, a feeling of discomfort settled in as I made my way through the hallways, conscious of the fact that I was barely dressed underneath the robe I wore. They stopped in front of a set of double doors and pushed them open. Inside, I saw a spacious bathtub positioned in the center with various amenities surrounding it.

After they closed the door, a maid walked towards the bathtub and began filling it with water that materialized in the air, while the other maid stopped in front of me and started to remove the robe.

Completely naked, I stood still like a statue and my mind was racing, having a hard time getting used to someone undressing me. I snapped out of my strange thoughts when a bubble of water merged around my face. Utterly confused about what just happened I gasped for air.

"Can you please not move, sir?" 

As I tried to calm myself down, I realized that there was nothing I could do. I had attempted to free my face, but none of my efforts were successful. Within moments, the water surrounding my head descended and washed the rest of my body. As I gazed at the water-filled oval, I couldn't help but be amazed. The only other time I encountered something so mind-boggling was when I met Dare, who also seemed to possess extraordinary abilities to manipulate the world.

As she transferred the dirty water to a drain, I glanced at the other maid. My body shivered looking at the water inside the bathtub even without touching it I could tell it was ice cold. As the maid moved her arms, a gem embedded in her clothes emitted a radiant glow, illuminating the room. Because of these actions, a flame materialized above the water, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. As she lowered her hands, the flame made contact with the water, instantly filling the room with a cloud of steam.

Suddenly wind blew through the room causing the obscurity of vision to disappear. "You may go in now, sir."

As I sat in the bath, I could feel the warm water enveloping my body, providing a soothing sensation, while I attempted to comprehend and process everything that recently occurred. "I was wondering what you just did was that magic?"

As I felt two delicate hands grasp my head, I could sense the slippery soap clinging to my hair while she massaged my scalp. "Is this your first time seeing magic?"

"No, I have seen it before I was just intrigued, as the magic you use differs from what I know of."

"Oh really, what is it like?"

'Well, petty card tricks and fake sawing of people are the first things that came to mind. After all, the magic on earth deceived the minds of the audience by playing with perspectives to give them an interesting show.'

"They skillfully played tricks on your eyes, making you believe that what unfolded before you was real."

"So you come from a place where illusionary magic is commonplace?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

I could feel the water flowing through my hair, absorbing all the soap. When I ran my fingers through my hair, it became incredibly soft and smooth.

"I hope you enjoy the bath. We'll be back later."

They disappeared within an instant, leaving me alone in the bathroom. While I lay in the bath, I remembered neither of them seemed interested in conversing with me, did they think I was crazy? Without a care, I let it slip from my mind and wasn't about to pass up this chance. With my eyes shut, I leaned back and time seemed to fly by.

"Was it to your liking, sir?" Startled, I woke up to the sound of a woman's voice in my ear.

As I turned around, I could see the two maids. "How long have I been in here?"

"an entire hour."

Exhausted, I rubbed my eyes, yawned, and stretched my body. I felt completely rejuvenated and was glad to discover myself in this unfamiliar mansion.

The tub drains started doing their job as the water level began to decrease. When I stood up and I faced the two maids, I moved my hands in front of my crotch. I couldn't understand why I felt so insecure, but all my actions were driven by my subconscious.

Out of the bath, I stood in front of a maid with slightly reddish cheeks, but she had a deadpan stare. As she snapped her fingers, a gust of wind came from beneath me, completely drying my body.

"Could you put that on, please?" Right in front of me, I noticed a pair of underpants floating in mid-air. "Afterwards, could you come this way, please?"

When it was on, I walked over to the mirror, which was accompanied by a sink and a stool.

"Could you take a seat, please?" As I'm seated, she walks behind me and firmly grasps my chin. She moved her nail like a razor over my face shaving the scruffy beard that had been growing on my face for the last weeks. 

Wind revolved around the top of my head causing my strands to stand straight. The maid's hands moved astonishingly quickly, after a minute or so, she stopped and my hair fell back onto my head.

"Is this look to your liking?" Unsure of what to say I was staring at my image in the mirror.

The way she had cut my hair was certainly incredible, but it wasn't what stunned me, changes had happened to my body that were unnatural and I just noticed them. My hair shone brighter and was lighter in color, my light blue eyes were far more vibrant than usual, my jawline was more defined, and my body had become leaner.

I know very well taking care of yourself could make you look better, but a single bath should be the cause behind this. "What happened to me?"

The maids completely disregarded what I said and walked behind me while clothes flew next to them. "Let's get you dressed."

They forcefully dress me, starting with the pants and then moving on to the dress shirt and leather suit, At the end, they put on my socks and a pair of shoes. Now that I looked at it, the clothes were eerily similar to the butler I met this morning. 

"If you could follow me." The maids guide me through the halls until we reach a large double door, standing at both sides they bow as it opens automatically. "The Madame is waiting."

Inside I could see a woman who was seated on a throne, and next to her was that butler.

I stood still at an appropriate distance and stared at her. She was beautiful, I could almost say enchanting, her silky black hair moved down her body and she wore a gorgeous dress, but what caught my attention the most were her blood-red eyes.

"Kneel!" In an instant, the stern butler's voice echoes through the chamber and I lose control of my body. On one knee and head to the ground, I questioned the clear difference in treatment from before and now.

The woman wore a dissatisfied expression as she glared at the man next to her. "What are you doing?"

"I'm just making sure this lowly being shows some respect, mam." As she heard his words, her eyes lit up, yet her composure remained serene. "I understand your actions, but did I order them."

The man's blood was swirling inside him, causing him to instinctively bite his lip, and in that moment, the weight on my body lifted.

Slightly elevating my body, I looked at what was going on in front of me. As I heard someone coughing, I watched in horror as blood splattered on the floor in front of me. 

Annoyed her eyes glowing ominously as she stared at her butler, who had fallen to the ground. "Never do that again, Drekem."

"I understand miss, but you can't-" Again blood spewed out of his mouth and covered the floor.

"Are you going to continue defying me!?" Her soft tone changed, becoming harsher and quite scary.

"I would never, miss. I only care for your well-being."

"Then prove those words to me with your actions." With a sigh, her eyes lost their radiant glow.

As she turned to face me, her smile melted my heart. "I'm sorry you had to see that; may I know your name?"

Witnessing her rapid change in emotions left me stunned, causing my words to stumble out in a stutter. "I'm Samuel, Samuel Ledger."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Samuel. I'm Valentine."

"It's an honor to meet you, lady Valentine." Not knowing if she would snap at me like she did to her butler, I made sure I didn't come over disrespectfully.

"I do not know what might have happened to you, but when we found you, you weren't in the best of state. That's why we have brought you here and patched you up."

I would have asked how they had saved me on the brink of death, but after seeing what the maids were capable of. I knew that would be an idiotic question.

"Are you not going to thank her!" Drekem's rough voice once more echoed through the hall.

Valentine's gaze changed to him. Making him close his mouth.

"I truly appreciate what you have done for me." As I bowed my head, I couldn't help but acknowledge the butler's partial correctness. She had saved me from the brink of death, and I should be grateful for that. after all, I could, emotions welled up inside me and the image of a twelve-year-old girl flashed for a second. With my fist clenched, I continued to listen intently to her.

"I had my retainers get you because I wanted to discuss something with you."

"Ah, what could there be to talk about."

"Due to certain medical reasons, we can't have you leave." As I heard these words, my mind went blank for a moment, and the sounds around me faded into silence. "But don't worry this isn't indefinite. Therefore, for the time that you are with us, you will be in my butler's care. I hope that's not a problem."

As I got a hang of myself, I shook my head in affirmation. "Not at all, miss."

She warmly smiled hearing my words. "When you leave a maid will be waiting for you, she'll show you around the house. For the rest, I wish you a fast recovery."

"Thank you, I'll get going then." Once more, the large doors swung open automatically as I turned around.

When I disappeared from sight, Drekem looked at Valentine. "Are you sure, it's smart to keep him around."

"Why are you so skeptical, Drekem?"

"If he ever finds out what you did to him. He might try something reckless."

"You heard him that day as well, didn't you? He still has someone to go back to. Would you have had me let someone die in front of my very eyes?"

Drekem stared at the closed doors I recently walked through. "He might still be alive, but you have cursed him to a fate worse than death."

Closing her eyes, Valentine let her mind wander, she envisioned every scenario. Anger, sadness, hysteria, any emotion he might feel towards her, she would have to carry it. When she reopened her eyes, she focused her gaze on the door as well. "So be it."

Rena gazed out the window and spotted the expedition team making their way back. As she made her way out of the town hall, she gasped at the sight of the group that was now a few meters away from her. They looked completely different to what she had expected. "What happened?"

"Bring all the wounded to the infirmary, everyone else may leave." Daniel stood at the front ordering everyone where they needed to go.

As Daniel turned around, he caught sight of Rena approaching him.

"What happened!?"

All the outworlders looked miserable, wounds were all over their bodies and blood covered their clothes. The ones in the best of state were the children along with some of the clockwork guards. Within a group, Rena saw Ella who had her arms clung around a book and was on the verge of crying.

"Daniel?" As she anxiously waited for an answer from him, she realized he was no longer standing by her side. "Daniel!?" she called out, her voice filled with concern. When she turned her head, she noticed him in a hurry, making his way towards the town hall.

Daniel slammed open the door into his office, he hurriedly rummaged through every cabinet until he located a specific folder, within were countless documents. As he flipped through them, his finger came to a halt on a particular page, and he immersed himself in reading every word.

The longer he looked at it the more infuriated he got. "Damnit!" As he slammed his hand on the table, a slight vibration reverberated through everything in the vicinity. "Fuck!" He turned away from the table, restlessly pacing around the room, his finger tapping impatiently on his leg. "God fucking damnit!" In a burst of rage, he kicks his chair causing it to fly in the opposite direction. As the realization of his immature actions hit him, he instinctively squats down and cradles his head in his hands.

"Daniel?" Rena stood in the door frame with a worried expression.

As he picked up the papers that had scattered from his outburst, he places them back on his table.

"What happened?"

"We had a shifting."

Rena's eyes widened as she heard his words. "What!"

"I had checked the progress of all the nearby terrariums before we left. Every single one should have still been two or more months before they would shift."

"An irregular maybe?"

"No." Firmly denying that possibility, Daniel had a rough idea of what could have happened, and it didn't make him feel any better.

"If there is one thing I'm certain of it wasn't an irregular otherwise the monster density wouldn't have been so strange."

Gritting her teeth, Rena understood the meaning of Daniel's words. "If that's the case. Then what will we do?"

Daniel lowers his gaze, fixating on the glimmering ring encircling his right ring finger. "Looks like you cannot lazy around anymore, Rena. As a commander of clockwork, I'm relinquishing my duties in this town to you."

He stops next to her, his hand coming to rest on her shoulder. "Take care."

As she turned around, her gaze landed on his broad back. "Daniel!" Stopping in front of the door he doesn't turn around. Rena didn't know what to say she knew well enough the emotions that were welling up inside her.

When he closed the door behind him, Daniel stood still and stared straight ahead. "All their deaths way on my shoulder, but no matter what you do, whatever obstacle you throw at me I will not let a tragedy of that magnitude happen ever again. Hide as well as you can for when I find you, I will kill you."