
I'll do it my way

"Life is a journey with many roads, but once you pass an entrance treading on it is neigh impossible. Your decisions could either be wrong or right it is all up to the beholder. Emotions sway your thoughts, while experiences make you who you are. In this world filled with the inexplicable, you will learn of its beauty as well as its unsightliness. Every step you take will be filled with highs and lows. as you learn about yourself and your flawed nature. But you are not alone; there are different people and other species, all kinds of sentient beings you'll be able to lean on." Speaking the words laid out on paper, the pages of the book started to rapidly turn. Through words and imagery, stories were being told. Slamming the book close, a mysterious man stares into the blankness in front of him. "That is your fate all you need to do is walk the path of the story you'll unfold."

ALittleBroken · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 16

Startled by the sound of a man's scream, they hastened in its direction. Inside the next room, they saw him on the ground staring in a certain direction. As Eiji approached, flames engulfed his surroundings, and the crackling of the fire rang in his ears. Suddenly, a horde of furry monsters charged towards him, but swift arrows cut through the air, finding their mark and vanquishing the creatures before they reached him.

"Are you alright?" A woman was standing beside him, her figure slightly blurred, but he could still see the bow in her hands.

"Eiji!?" Despite her silent lips, someone's voice echoed through the air. "Eiji!?" As he looked around, the world seemed to transform before his eyes. "Eiji!?"

He shook his head and suddenly found himself back in the museum. Samantha was standing beside him, her face filled with concern. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah." Still somewhat hesitant Eiji turned back towards me.

Eiji saw the creature behind the glass. It was as tall as a child with fur covering its body, its rat-like mouth was open, showing the sharp teeth inside, and its claws were sharp enough to pierce through anyone's flesh. What he saw was something he couldn't forget easily.

Eiji came closer and glanced down at me. "Are you alright, Samuel?" He grabbed my shoulder, anticipating a reaction, but I remained unresponsive. "Samuel!?"

Hearing my heavy breathing, he could feel my body vibrate nonstop as my eyes shook. Trying whatever he could to have me react I stayed frozen in place. "Samuel!?"

In pitch-black darkness, I ran as if my life depended on it while a degrading laughter stalked me. Despite feeling tired and experiencing body aches, I couldn't shake off the overwhelming fear that had consumed my thoughts. "Samuel!"

When I glanced over my shoulder, I noticed seven familiar figures tailing behind me; It was my family, and they too were being pursued. As I saw the creature in the distance, a part of me felt the urge to turn around and save them, but I wasn't the one in control.

"Samuel, you can't leave your aunt behind!" Maria's voice shouted for me and following right behind it was the sound of flesh being crushed. Not being able to look I kept my gaze forward, but I could still hear her, and she was trying to pull me down to hell.

one after another they called out for me and died. "Samuel! Samuel! Samuel! Samuel! Samuel!"

"Samuel, are you going to leave your sister behind again!?" When I heard my sister, I had the desire to look back, but I was unable to do so. With every ounce of my body, I wanted to see her face again, I wanted to see her smile, but I was scared, utterly terrified to face the truth.

"God damnit, Samuel!" Mad at my pitifulness I knew I had to do it.

As I turned, I was met with a wide-open mouth brimming with razor-sharp teeth. From within its throat bloodied malnourished bodies pulled me towards its gullet. Their horrid screams plagued my ears, and all I could do was watch while feeling completely empty inside, knowing this was in my head.

Even in a place that I should be in control of, somewhere of my creation I felt hopelessly useless. I could have changed their outcome even if it didn't matter, I could have mourned more as they died again, and I could have watched as they disappeared once more, but I didn't do anything. I'm absolutely pathetic and I should have.

"Samuel!" Before my thoughts could finish a man's voice reverberated through my ears, clarity came back, and the darkness disappeared. When I now looked in front of me I could see Eiji.

"Where you feeling unwell or something?" Samantha was walking beside me, completely puzzled as to why I was on the ground.

"I do-" Not getting the chance to finish Eiji buts in. "That might have been it, Samantha, Samuel why don't you go to the restroom to freshen up before we leave."

"Maybe." Eiji might have been right, but I felt like I was forgetting something.

When I stand up and run my hands across my face before searching for the restroom. 

Eiji glanced over his shoulder when he saw me walking away. "A Tarem, that's what they are called."

"What are you mumbling about?" Looking at the glass Samantha could see the propped-up creature as well.

"Samantha, I was wondering do you know what happened to the place we came from?" When Eiji saw the creature again, he realized that he had never inquired about this, nor had they ever provided much detail when expressing their sadness over what had happened to them.

"I heard, a massive wave destroyed your homeland, and all of you are its survivors."

As soon as he heard her words, a frown appeared on his face. "Is that all?"

"Should there be more?" Samantha found his response to be unusual and looked at Eiji closely, trying to decipher his reaction.

"No, that was everything."

After a brief period of silence, Samantha decided to break the ice. "When he returns from the restroom, we should get going otherwise we might be late."


After I came back, we prepared to leave the museum, but Samantha stayed back for a little longer, staring at the propped-up Tarem, before catching up to us.

The three of us almost arrived late to the meeting spot. Luckily, everything else went without a hitch, and our excursion concluded. Upon arriving in the town, life continued as usual and time started to fly by.

It was the end of our second week, and Eiji had just gotten home from the orphanage. He ascends the stairs and enters his room. By working multiple jobs in town, he managed to save a considerable sum of money, which he used to furnish their somewhat bare room.

In the dimly lit room, he saw one of his purchases in use. lighting up their room was a desk lamp and seated at the desk was Samuel. With his head lowered, he was sleeping on top of an open book, and to his right was a quill with an empty ink canister.

"Were you writing again?"

Over the last few days, Samuel occasionally wrote in the book he had bought, and Eiji was getting curious about what was inside. He thought about checking it out, but changed his mind, feeling it would be wrong for him to do so unless Samuel asked him.

Eiji takes the sheets from Samuel's bed and covers him with them. Afterward, he takes off his clothes and puts on his pajamas, before turning off the lamp, and slipping under the covers. "Sweet dreams."

As I opened my eyes, I realized that I had dozed off while writing. I closed my journal and noticed that Eiji was still sleeping to my right. Checking the time, I get up and begin my morning routine. I grab my expedition attire from the closet and head towards the bathroom.

I would have stayed in bed today if I had the choice, going down into those depths one time was enough for me, but Daniel insisted that I be there, even threatening to personally pull me out of bed if I didn't come.

As I dress myself, I make my way to the dining hall. Inside, I could see Robert and two other guards seated at a table.

Going to the front I got my food I looked for an empty table.

"Where do you think you're going?" One of the guards, who was staring at me, motioned for me to approach him.

Ignoring him I walked in a different direction.

As I heard a chair sliding across the floor, it didn't take long before a hand suddenly grasped my shoulder. "We're going to be working together, so don't act like that."

I turned my gaze to him and bestowed a subtle smile upon him. "Oh, sorry, I didn't notice you."

While at the table, I silently consumed my meal.

"Samuel," Robert asked, his voice tinged with disappointment, "why did you never attend a single training session or lesson?" My gaze turned to Robert who during our break had bulked somewhat and seemed more confident.

"Didn't feel like it." Upon hearing what I said, the guards briefly chuckled before returning to their serious demeanor. "The captain will be joining us today, so you better not let us down like last time."

"Yes, sir."

Once we finished our meals, we quickly gathered the prepared supplies. 

At the square, the rest of the expedition team stood before Daniel. Next to them were Samantha and a group of nine children who were twelve or older.

As soon as they saw us approach, one of them sprinted towards me. "Samuel."

With the little girl in front of me, my mood improved slightly. "How are you doing, Ella?"

She glanced up at me; her face beaming with a wide smile. "I'm doing great, and you?"

"I'm." Interrupted by Daniel's booming voice I turn in his direction.

"Now that everyone is here, we'll get ready to leave. But before that, let's start the short briefing. Today won't be a normal expedition we'll have a class joining us. It is of the utmost importance that we ensure no harm comes to them, but all of you won't have to worry too much about that, me and my men will be taking on that task. What I want you all to focus on is protecting each other, because you all will be dealing with the abyssal beasts instead of us. If there are any issues, we will step in, but what I want the most is for you to show me what you have learned. I'm expecting some progress at the very least."

After finishing his speech, we entered the carriages and left the town. Upon arrival, everyone was subjected to a pat-down as usual and descended into the depths using the elevator.

An hour in, we hadn't seen a single creature. As we continued exploring, we encountered our first group of abyssal beasts after three hours. As instructed, the outworlders dealt with them, and all of it went smoothly with no injuries.

Not stopping our march until somewhat after noon we found what seemed to be natural light underground. "Wow." In disbelief, everyone saw a forest appear before their eyes. As I observed Samantha, she started to clarify their location and the true purpose of this expedition.

We had found ourselves in a terrarium. These places are large open spaces that have their own ecosystems. What we were in is what they would call a forest zone and the point why we were here was not only to teach the children about this place but also the expedition team.

Seated on the grass we were told we were eating lunch before she would start her lesson. With this knowledge, I attempted to locate a private spot, but Ella had trailed behind me. After she finished eating, she started running around me, admiring the different plants and trees in our surroundings.

Her expression captured the universal awe and wonder that anyone would experience at this moment—it was truly magical. We had been going through dark tunnels for hours, but further down that blackness was a beautiful forest that made you feel you never went down into the unknown and were still on the surface.

As I glanced upwards, I observed crystals suspended from the ceiling that radiated a sun-like glow throughout the area.

I reach into my pouch and pull out my journal. As I stared at the cover, I lacked the strength to turn to the first page.

The peaceful silence was broken by the sudden rustling of leaves, catching me off guard. "Is there wind down here as well."

As Daniel stood up, his eyes scanned the surroundings with an icy stare.

"Sir, there's wind." Nathan walked towards him with a similar look on his face.

"I know." Daniel, Turned around and pointed at his men. "All of you get everyone to the exit, we're leaving now!"

They answered him in unison and swiftly dispersed. "Yes, sir."

"Nathan, go to the exit and make sure everyone gets out."

"Yes, sir."

My eyes narrowed as I fixed my gaze on the bush, which seemed to shift and sway. It was Daniel who emerged in front of my eyes and looked at me.

"We're leaving go to exit Nathan is waiting there for everyone."

"Ella let's go!"

As I stood up, I could feel the ground trembling beneath my feet. Daniel's expression worsens as he also takes notice of this. "Leave now!"

Cracks began to form underneath our feet and trees started to fall.

My heart raced and adrenaline surged through my veins as I shouted at the top of my lungs. "Ella come here right now!"

She looked frightened as the ground started to crumble beneath her feet. In these moments, my mind flashed back to a few days ago.

As I open the door of the orphanage, I am hit by the smell of cleaning products and see Rose diligently mopping the floor.

"Ah, Samuel, you're here."

"Eiji told me I had to come by after eating."

"Ella, someone's here for you."

When I heard Rose, I tilted my head in confusion.

Ella ran down the stairs with a big smile on her face. She stopped abruptly before me, clutching something tightly in her hands. 

She seemed somewhat nervous before she raised her hands. "I made this for you." She gave me a piece of paper with a drawing on it.

On it was a blond-haired man with a dotted beard holding the hand of a girl with brown hair. Around these two she had drawn a few other people and different food. All the human figures on it had bright smiles on their faces, and at the top, she had written something.

(For my big brother)

What was written was factually incorrect, but it also made me certain of something. I had sort of guessed before, but the reason she always wanted to talk with me, why she followed me around, why she always was so kind to me. She wanted someone comfortable to be around, and that ended up being me.

As I glance away from the masterpiece, I can't help but smile softly at her, feeling a mix of happiness and disappointment. "Thank you."

The forest transformed while my eyes were glued to her, my mind began to wander and contemplate. Any second something could happen to her, and I was watching again. To her side something was being formed it was just as tall as her, its skin was pale white, and its body was malnourished. Hatred was written all over its face, and they screamed but I couldn't hear their words. With a shake of my head, I focused all my attention and raced forward, ensuring she remained within my view.

'I'm sorry, Ella, for being such a horrible person. When I was at my lowest point, you were always there to liven up my days.'

The journal I had been clenching onto slipped out of my hand.

'But when you wanted someone to brighten up your day. I wasn't there, I was selfish and only cared for my own feelings.'


'I should have given you the world when you needed it.'

"What are you doing Samuel!"

Daniel yelled at me, but I didn't listen. With a quick motion, I grab her shoulder and forcefully toss her behind me, the sound of her landing echoing in my ears.

As I found myself above an open crater, a void of darkness stretched out beneath me. As gravity pulled me downward, I descended at a breakneck speed. Before disappearing, I looked at her one more time and showed her a real smile.

'When you gave me that drawing, I should have smiled as brightly as you drew me. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.'


Daniel's grip tightens around Ella as he forcefully brings her to safety.

"No, I need to go save him!" Ella fought back, as tears began to flow from her eyes.

"You can't he's already gone." Daniel gritted his teeth as he felt the breeze brush against his skin once more.

After a short amount of time, the ground around them began to close.

The loud sound of rocks smashing against the ground echoed through a cave. Resting on these jagged rocks was a human body.

My body hurt all over, I couldn't move, and I could feel my life slipping away. With blood-covered eyes, I turned my head to see a hazy figure standing next to me. "Ella?"