Sol stared at the boy who was 50 feet in front of him. It was a familiar face that stared back at him.
"Huh?" Ulao Henen said in disbelief, staring at Sol who was across from him. "Huh? Huh? Huh!?" He exclaimed, before suddenly bursting out into a hearty laugh.
He clutched his stomach as he leaned back and forth, "No way! The gods must be on my side! Of all people, my opponent is you!? How the hell did you even make it here?"
Ulao took out a small knife from his belt sheath. It was made of metal and had a serrated edge near the handle.
"Ulao Henen huh," Sol muttered under his breath, 'He's freakishly strong. Normally, I'd be quite unlucky to be matched up with him...' As Sol thought this, Ulao noticed that he was in his thoughts, making the bully crack up even more.
"What're ya'? Scared? Good... I would be too!" He barked, amused.
Sol resumed his thoughts, 'Normally I'd be unlucky... but in this situation, he's the one who is unlucky to be matched up with me.'
Sol began walking forward. Seeing this, Ulao pushed his foot into the ground before propelling forward at full running speed.
For a split second, Sol closed his eyes. He took in a deep breath, activating his Zone of concentration.
'Closing his eyes? There's no way he's that overconfident... he must just be giving up. Still, I won't make it easy for him. I'll have fun with him instead.' Ulao smiled through his teeth, approaching 10 feet away from the boy.
Sol's eyes flew open at that moment. As they did, Ulao looked as if he was moving in slow motion.
Each twitch of his muscles, each movement of his pupil, each crease and fold of his clothing, and each micro adjustment of his blade... Sol was able to see through these as if he could predict them in this concentrated state of mind.
'It's impossible for me to lose, but Ulao is one of the strongest in this exam. I won't hold back.'
As Sol thought this to himself, Ulao pushed his knife straight toward his face.
With an indifferent expression, Sol stepped to the side, avoiding the attack before punching Ulao's face from the side.
However, before his punch could land, Ulao jumped backward multiple times.
"Tsk! Since when did you get this strong!?" He exclaimed, slightly upset that his attack didn't work against someone like Sol.
"What? Did I hurt your pride or something? Pahaha!" Sol suddenly laughed with a cunning look on his face.
"Did you forget this is only a duel!? After this ends... you will see what I do to you in real life!" Ulao shouted in anger.
"Huh?" Sol's face suddenly contorted, turning stone-cold serious. "You're threatening me? You... threatening me?"
"W-what?" Even Ulao was thrown off by this random ass sentence. It wasn't like Ulao didn't threaten Sol before... in fact, it was a daily occurrence!
"Ah~~ Look what has become of me. Getting threatened by the likes of you." Sol put his hand over his face as he shook his head from side to side.
At that moment, he looked back up at Ulao, "But, I can't let you get off so easy after threatening me. After I beat you up in here, you will get the real punishment outside."
"W-what!? Your bullshit is making my head hurt! Have you gone mad or something!?" Ulao exclaimed in frustration before running at Sol once more, "Screw it! Just get ready to lose!"
Sol also dashed toward Ulao at that moment, pretending to throw a punch at the bully's face.
Ulao jumped to the side to dodge the punch, smiling slightly as he did so.
"Pfft! Loser!" He exclaimed, proud that he avoided the attack. But then, as Sol's arm lowered, he suddenly saw Sol's smirk behind slowly reveal itself.
"Got you..." Sol muttered, dropping to the ground as he swiped Ulao's legs up from underneath him.
Ulao's eyes widened in shock as his body turned 180 degrees in the air and thudded onto the ground.
Before he could get back up, he noticed Sol's foot coming down on top of his head.
So instead he attempted to grip his knife to move it in front of his face to block the kick.
However, at that moment, Sol's foot curved and aimed for Ulao's wrist, stomping on it with full force as Ulao's fingers lost their grip and dropped the knife.
Sol kicked the knife across the ground, and Ulao attempted to use this opportunity to get up.
He grabbed onto Sol's leg, pulling himself up. But before he could sit up, Sol kicked him in the chest with his left leg.
For a split second, Ulao felt all the air in his lungs being forcefully driven out.
He gasped for air accidentally, wheezing as his body went limp for a moment.
Sol kicked him again, laying him flat out on the floor. After this, Sol continued battering the shit out of Ulao who could only lie and take the punishment.
Every time he attempted to move his hands, they were stomped on, crushing his fingers and badly bruising his forearms.
"Ack!" He exclaimed in pain, spitting from his mouth as he screamed, "Gah! Stop it! That's enough! You're breaking my arm--!" As he attempted to say this, he caught a mouth full of boot.
His nose was caved in and crushed, and a few teeth were knocked loose out of his mouth. Blood gushed out of his deformed nose as Sol continued to pummel him.
"GR--ARRCH!" Ulao exclaimed, in excruciating pain and unable to do anything.
"I GIF UPF! PLEAF!!" He screamed through his broken face.
'When is this exam going to declare me the winner?' Even Sol was wondering this at this point, 'Well... whatever. I'll keep going until either this idiot dies, or the exam voice makes me the winner.'
As though the exam voice heard his thoughts, a message suddenly sounded in the room at that exact moment.
Examinee: Ulao Henen has given up. Congratulations, Sol Von Cillion, you are the victor!
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