
I'll become a villain in my next life

"Why? I tried to help people but they just abandoned me! betrayed me! they don't want me to play hero!? then fine I'll be the villain" Those are the last words of 'Riruko Kaido' codename: Ragnarok, a level 5 Esper with the power to control matter and elements as long as has knowledge of the subject as he died from the hands of the very people he protects he was betrayed by his friends, abandoned by his lover, and sold out to the researchers by the very person he trusted...... follow Riruko Kaido as he live out his life in another world with a determination to become a villain.... will he be able to maintain his word to become a villain? or will his past personality preserve the goodness in his heart? will he be a villain or a hero? (Picture not mine. but the edit is mine. just saw it on Google. if the original artist saw this. pls tell me so that I can put the credit to you)

Moe_Cyan_Pile · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
449 Chs

Chapter 260: The War At The Bridge

[Bridge, Demon Continent]

Three days have passed after Kaido and his crew got abducted and Ingrid's group passed the bridge, the army of both the Elves and Beastman finally arrived at the bridge and built a campsite upon seeing the enemy's camped side

During those times they managed to settle in and soon strated to prepare to attack the enemy

At the same time during these three days were also quite a hectic day for Ingrid's group as they were being chased by monsters

Apparently on their second day after getting passed the bridge, they were somehow found out by the second army led by Asuto that were marching down towards the main army

Due to the unexpected meeting, they in turn were being chased by monsters that originally came from the second army

And with it they naturally had no choice to ran to the opposite side thus bringing them to the place where they used to be before, but since that was the case all of them wore grim expression as they somehow realized that they will get surrounded by the Demon's army on both the front and back if they continue to back away

As they ran away, the group were also covering themselves as they each kill monsters when they have to

At one point a huge ogre came in and slammed his own club when suddenly Luke came in and tanked him all alone

"Stone wall!"

With this fortification Luke successfully blocked the attack, which then was covered up by both Sarah and Okou as they took this chance to kill the ogre

As Okou aimed for the top and Sarah aiming below, they both marked the critical point of the ogre as they will thoroughly kill it


"Half-step strike!!!"

With their attack blood splashed out everywhere as Luke used his physical strength to push off the huge ogre and hacks down a goblin that came attacking them from above

Of course both Sarah and Okou started noticing them too so they made either move and coordinated their attacks patterns with each other

From the back Anna continouesly casted multiple spells non-stop as they fired them off to hold the strong monsters back while Luke, Okou, and Sarah kill anything that passed through it

It was at the moment she was casting her spell, goblins started jumping off from her blindspots as they aimed for her tendons and limbs, but unknown to the monsters Melfina came in holding down her two daggers as she hacked away all those goblins and killed some of them

As they were fighting off those goblins a bone wyvern came flying in as it flapped it's wings and released it's Icy breath at them, with it they somehow instinctually dodged the attack thus disrupting their flow

Seeing that both Anna and Melfina started to move after receiving each other nods and charged forward

Tapping the ground three times with her staff Anna casted three earthen spears towards the bone wyvern and launched them towards it

Of course the monster would try it's best to counter as it releases it's breath towards such attacks, but as it did that Melfina quickly came under it and applied enhancement magic on her legs before jumping high up towards the air

"Critical strike"

With one attack she managed to cut through its vital point this bringing the frost wyvern to the ground

Far In that back three people were also slowly backing away as they somehow had no choice but to lean at the edge of the gorge since if they don't then they in turn would get surrounded, thus to avoid that they had no choice but to put their backs on the gorge and keep their sight of the enemy to the front

Sui however since she was someone who was still new in such element of nature magic and haven't even spent a few years of training was utmost useless in this situation as there's no plants nearby for her utilize

Due to that both Ingrid and Zia were there to protect her as they saw the others were also retreating slowly while fighting off the monsters

"Sui! Stand behind me alright! It's alright no one blames you if you can't use magic right now" comforted Ingrid as she saw Sui was about to tear up form being unable to do anything

"Sui-ojousama just hold on longer! If we can somehow attract the other sides attention then we will have a chance for survival" added Zia as she glanced at Sui then to the alliance army over the other side of the bridge

With that Sui nodded her head as she tried to condense her magic in her hand to send out a signal

However the situation at the front kept getting worse as they were being pushed back by the wave of monsters

Left with no choice they instead kept walking back as they keep their sight on the enemy

However it was at that moment they saw someone passing through the crowd of monsters and pass through their corpses

Asuto however found such an odd group that managed to pass through the main army quite unique, thus for this passed one day he just mainly observed them as they struggled to survive

But when he noticed the significant number loss of the second army, he had no choice but to confront them himself

Seeing him coming out from the crowd of monsters made all of the fighters tense for some reason, with it they somehow raised their weapons at him

"Don't let him pass through! Hold him down!!!" Shouted Luke as he clangs his shield

"Understood" replied Okou

Faced off with each other Luke as a SSS-rank adventurer clearly knows that this person infront of him was stronger that it looks, such feeling really gave him the chills as he continues to observe Asuto but he himself knows better than backing away from the enemy

Starting with like followed by Okou and Sarah the three of them charged in and attacked Asuto as much as they could

As Luke swung down his sword, Okou in turn jumped off behind him and aimed for Asuto's head while Sarah attacked from behind

Seeing this Asuto just simply either dodge or block their every attack with his purple sword

"Shield bash!!!"

Just when Asuto stepped to the sides Okou then slammed his shield towards him causing the former to be pushed back by a few blocks

At that time Sarah and Melfina came in and attacked him all together

On the receiving end Asuto somehow was amused on how much they tried to chain their attacks with each other as he somehow muttered something while fighting them

"Working together and coordinating with each other... Such method are only used by the weak"

With that he started to make a move after jumping backwards

As he landed he suddenly phased through them and arrived before Luke, first off of course he aimed at their core attack pattern as he intended to take Luke boff the picture

Clenching it's fist and gathering purple Mana on it Asuto delivered a blow through Luke's armor and shield causing him to be blown off his feet and crashed unto the ground few miles in the back


Due to that attack both Luke's shield and armor got dented inwards cause of it thus surprising all of them

Everyone clearly knows that Luke's armor was made out of orichalcum, so they were surprised to see Luke's armor and shield to be easily dented just like that

"Luke!!!" Shouted Okou as he charged behind Asuto

"Heavy cleave!!!"

As Okou made his move Asuto however scoffed at it as he raised his sword and simply block Okou 's attack and grabbed his head before slamming it to the ground

Pulling his armor up he then throws him away as well and sending a wave slash towards Sarah who intended to attack from behind again


"Annoying" grumbled Asuto

Suddenly as he took a step he somehow felt another presence behind him thus causing him to react quickly and stretched out his hand behind him

However just as he did that Melfina swung her daggers up to flail his arm away while following it with a left swing aiming for his face

Just in time Asuto arched his back to dodge that attack and quickly jumped back, but Melfina wasn't planning on letting him distanced himself so she dashed forward again and repeatedly attacked him

With it Asuto was then left with no choice but to clash against her before phasing through elsewhere and came towards the back infront of Zia and Ingrid

"Crap!" Cursed Melfina

It was at that moment as both Zia and Ingrid blocked the attack to protect Sui thus ending for both of them to get slashed and blood splurting out from their wounds



Seeing both of them got hacked down Melfina suddenly raged as she charged in after seeing her sister get slashed, while Sarah charged forward after seeing the princess from Ingra Kingdom got injured even though she was assigned to protect her

Both of them were deeply raged at this moment as they charged forward

But in the span of than moment Asuto somehow made an eye contact towards Sui who was getting paler cause of seeing Ingrid and Zia whom she was closed with getting slashed

It was at that moment Asuto instilled fear towards Sui causing her to shake uncontrollably and started crying while holding her head down and crouching

Seeing her like that Asuto then tried to grabbed her away when suddenly Anna can in and applied magic on sui while casting numerous elemental attack towards him causing it to back away

But as Asuto did that he was quickly assaulted by both Melfina and Sarah who was in rage

While he was busy Anna then casted a spell that slowed down the bleeding of both Zia and Ingrid thus relieving them is a bit pain

But when she saw the cut across their chest and shoulders, she couldn't help but gasp as she somehow realized how sharp the weapon is to cut through Zia's flesh and managed to deeply injure Ingrid too who was behind her

but with her spell she was then able to slow down their bleeding for the moment

But just as when she felt relief for a moment a shout suddenly came from both Sarah and Melfina thus causing her to turn around, but as she did that Asuto was somehow already infront of her as he stabbed her through her stomach

Blood flowed out not only from the spot where she got stabbed but also from her mouth which was coughing up blood

But when Asuto was about to finish her off, he then suddenly shifted away as Luke came from behind and supported Anna who fell down after being stabbed

Seeing this they realized that the casualties just kept rising while the enemy still had that stoic expression on his face as if he was just toying with them

As for Sui now seeing three people fighting for their lives and was bleeding out, her emotions suddenly went wild as her Mana corresponded to her emotions and went wild, causing everyone to be in shock

But due to that the wounds coming from Zia, Ingrid, and Anna were rapidly healing

But at the moment of their shock, Asuto for some reason took this chance to slip away  and appear before Sui

At that moment as if time had stopped everyone noticed the sudden breaking of Sui's wild Mana as Asuto mercilessly stabbed Sui through the heart




For the first time Sui only felt one feeling as her life suddenly flashed infront of her eyes

"It's so cold..."


On the other hand due to Sui's sudden Mana break, this in turn alerted Elijah and Queen Vivian of Sui's situation beyond the gorge

So with haste they ran towards the location where Sui is and tried to ascertain her condition

"Mother! Sui... This is Sui's Mana flow, she's at the other side... How can we get there?" Asked Elijah who was currently blooming for her

"Don't worry about it! I'll take care of it" said Queen Vivian

But just as when they caught a glimpse of Sui, they suddenly saw a scene wherein Asuto stabbed Sui through the heart, thus brought shock and rage on Elijah as he called out her name



[Demon's rebel army campsite, Demon Continent]

Meanwhile during Kaido's stay in this camp he somehow has immersed himself reading through the book which focuses on darkness attribute and space magic

But clearly he still wasn't able to understand any of them as some are just bunch of made up theories which supported no facts at all, so with contempt he found such research about it as complete trash

As he threw the book away out of frustration he soon then turned his gaze at Argos who was sleeping in the couch, Fengris who was lying on the floor, and Aileene who was sleeping in a soft cushion

All of this comfort things came from Seralyn as she was royalty in order to satisfy their stay

But just as he came and was about to pick up a book about death, he suddenly felt a tingling presence as if his heart was thumping madly

With each thump of his heart, he somehow felt that something was wrong

His heart which was dyed in darkness was suddenly thumping madly as if something was probing it and reminding him of something he forgot

At that moment he's eyes constricted as he suddenly felt an aura coming from the direction of the bridge thus causing him to look out of the tent and unto the horizon

Just when he did that and thought of going there to check out the situation and the reason why he somehow was feeling both anger and frustration, his heart once more voiced out it's anger as it thump loudly

"Just what is going on in that direction?"