
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Ruthless Werewolf Wolf Fire Wolf Extermination


With a loud noise, a strong shock wave spread with the blood wolf at the center, and the beast rope was broken. Ma Hongjun bore the brunt of it, and was directly rushed out by this tyrannical force.

"Sirius blood crystal change!" The

devil shouted lowly, the blood-colored hair on his body began to crystallize, and instantly turned into pieces of blood crystals, and the whole wolf sound was like wearing a red crystal armor.

His wolf claws also turned red, like crystal diamonds, and looked indestructible.

If the bloody madness just now made him look like a devil, then the blood crystal now looks like a devil.

Ma Hongjun took a closer look and found that there was a place on the wolf's waist that was missing the blood crystal cover, which was where his Dragon Soul Spear stabbed just now.

It seems that the blow just now was not ineffective.

At this moment, Andra's big fireball had already flown towards the devil, the huge fireball hit him, and the sparks scattered.


but it doesn't seem to be useful. The wolf body, which has been covered with blood crystals, is not afraid of flames at all. Andra is basically useless.

Lin Mufeng approached, his lightning mink stretched out its claws as thin as steel needles, came behind the devil, and pulled down towards his back.

There was no sound, his sable claws couldn't penetrate the smooth and hard wafer at all, and it was better to tick it.

It was swept away by the blood wolf's tail, like a blood crystal whip.

The rock orangutan finally rushed over and fought with him. The two mountain tortoises slammed into the devil together with their large tortoise shells.

The four of them fought together, but after the blood crystal change, the devil's defense was too strong, and the three of them in Kunshan were not opponents, so they couldn't cause damage to him at all.

Benson speed shuttled to the devil's feet, the snake body wrapped around the blood wolf, the green triangular snake head bit down from the top, biting the back of the blood wolf's neck in one bite, but his fangs couldn't penetrate the blood wolf's body at all, It can only be rubbed on the blood crystal, but it is not bad to be able to restrain the blood wolf.

"Good chance!"

Ma Hongjun stabilized his body, and when the blood wolf was briefly controlled again, he activated his spirit ability and rushed over.

"Flying Dragon Spear!"

Ma Hongjun discovered that the assault-type battle spirit masters, with the cooperation of the control-type and auxiliary-type spirit masters, can really show their extraordinary strength.

Xiao Yu's Xiao sound provides attack boost.

Ye Xingchen's rope arrived with him, and at the moment when the blood wolf was about to break away from the mandala snake, he kept up with the control.

Ma Hongjun's Dragon Soul Spear was equivalent to attacking an immobile target, and the spear tip accurately stabbed the spot where the previous spear stabbed again.

"Ow!" The

blood wolf screamed again, but this time it wasn't a transformation, but because of the pain.

It broke free from the beast rope, and its two wolf claws grabbed Ma Hongjun's Dragon Soul Spear, and then spun it around. Ma Hongjun followed the spear and drew a circle in the air. In the third circle, it was thrown away.

The blood wolf was completely mad, and the wolf claws of the blood crystal diamond crossed, and the two mountain tortoises could not stop it, and were kicked away first.

The mandala snake was also caught by his wolf claws, and then used it as a whip to hit Andra, who was gathering fireballs in the air.

After swiping one after another, Ye Xingchen and the two assistants were also swept away.

In the end, he slammed into Kunshan, Kunshan had to resist, but the strong he was just knocked down and did not fly out.

The mandala snake was thrown out by the devil and turned into Benson, but he seemed to have passed out.

At this point, only the gorillas from Kunshan were left on the battlefield, and Ma Hongjun who stood up again and charged over with the Dragon Soul Spear.

"Gorilla, attack his waist!"

Ma Hongjun reminded aloud, and then used Ma's marksmanship again to start fighting the blood wolf.

Using soul skills consumes too much soul power, and no one can control the blood wolf. No matter how high the damage of Ma Hongjun's flying dragon spear is, it is difficult to hit the same position again. If it hits other places, it will have no effect at all.

It's better to use a skilled basic spear technique to attack its wound. Even if the strength is weaker, as long as it pierces his wound, the effect will be stronger than hitting other places with a soul skill.

Without the blessing of Xiao Sheng, the attack power dropped a lot, but the blood wolf was also hit hard, his speed slowed down, and his strength was a lot weaker.

Kunshan also saw the wound on the blood wolf's abdomen, endured the pain and stood up excitedly.

So Kunshan attacked from the front left, and Ma Hongjun shot from the rear right with a gun.

With the cooperation of the two, they gave him a few more wounds.

"Shameless boy!"

said the devil angrily.

"Hmph, you can't hold on anymore!"

Ma Hongjun sneered.

"Little orangutan, you are in the way!"

"Be careful!" The

devil ignored Ma Hongjun's attack, erected his wolf's head and rammed into Kunshan.

Ma Hongjun may have experienced his wolf head bump. But apparently it was too late to remind.

Kunshan was knocked out, unable to hold on any longer, and fell down.

Ma Hongjun also took advantage of this gap to launch the most violent form of Ma's marksmanship.

"Gun hammer!"

Like a hammer, the Dragon Soul Spear smashed down from the air and hit the blood wolf's neck with precision.

"Since you can't stab in, then smash it!"

This was what Ma Hongjun thought, his blood crystal defense was too strong to stab in. And because of the elasticity of the gun, when the gun head is smashed down, there is a kind of effect of hitting the bull across the mountain, and the force will penetrate a layer and act on it.

The blood wolf was smashed to the ground, the blood crystals on his body finally disappeared, and the thousand-year spirit ring skill cooled down.

"Good boy, I underestimated you."

The current situation was one-on-one, but Ma Hongjun was not worried, because in addition to the large consumption of spirit power, his state was better than the devil's.

It's time to fight for the body again, but this time, the blood wolf already has a big gun hole in the waist, and there is still blood.

"You admit defeat, you are alone, not my opponent." The

devil said calmly.


Ma Hongjun laughed loudly. He was a little worried at first, but now he felt calm when he heard the devil's words.

Although I don't know the devil very well yet, judging from the way he started, how could he discuss it with you? Whether you accept it or not, whether you want it or not, just beat him first and then talk about it.

Now he actually proposes to let Ma Hongjun admit defeat, which proves that he is already at the end of the fight.

"Red Wolf, you'd better admit defeat, or I'll beat you up badly later." "What, boy, do you think I'll lose? What the hell

is Red Wolf?


The red wolf, um... that's what the she-wolf means."

"You dare to insult me!"

Hearing the she-wolf, he immediately let the devil's hair explode, ah screamed, and rushed over frantically waving the wolf's claws .

"It really looks like a she-wolf!"

Ma Hongjun continued to stimulate.

He felt that people like the devil were the kind of wild man, somewhat similar to the tough wolf warrior in his previous life.

So saying that he is a bitch can easily arouse anger in his heart.

This is also Ma Hongjun's strategy. Now that the blood wolf is injured, the speed has slowed down, and the outbreak is not strong, so he is not afraid to stimulate him. But his strength is still very strong, so Ma Hongjun wanted to stimulate his rationality. Although this made him more manic, it also exposed more weaknesses.

The Dragon Soul Gun kept changing out of thin air, and the wolf claws couldn't grasp it at all. Without the blood crystal body protection, the blood wolf couldn't stop the sharpness of the Dragon Soul Gun at all.

In the end, after a while of exhaustion, Ma Hongjun's Dragon Soul Spear finally touched the blood wolf's neck.

The blood wolf disappeared and became the devil Teacher Chu. At this time, his clothes were tattered, there was a large hole in his abdomen, and there were many small wounds on his body, all traces left by the Dragon Soul Spear.

Teacher Chu looked up at Ma Hongjun, the cold tip of the Dragon Soul Gun was on his neck.

His eyes were slack, and he was in a trance for a while, and his taste was difficult to understand.

As if the hero is twilight, the king falls, and the ephemera withers!

The devil's face relaxed and he said calmly.

"I lost!"