
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime e quadrinhos
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Martial Soul Cultivation, A Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix Spear

Study and life began to get on the right track.

Morning exercises in the morning, classes during the day, and actual combat at night.

  The devil still has a set of training.

Because of the small number of people, he has made a special training plan for each special training team member.

  After all, soul masters have different martial souls, and to improve the effect on martial souls, of course different methods are needed, but it is a pity that Musu Academy does not have a martial soul mimic practice field.

  As for Ma Hongjun, he asked Ma Hongjun to practice marksmanship.

  "Our martial soul actually has many wonderful uses. Many soul masters rely too much on the soul skills provided by the soul ring. In fact, in my opinion, the soul skill is just a technique, and the effect is only amplified by the power of the soul ring of the soul beast.

the root of being truly powerful is that we need to bring out the power of our martial soul.

  Just like your silver spear, this is a very easy to cultivate martial soul. Poor.

  If your marksmanship can reach a certain level, you don't need to worry too much about attack skills when choosing a spirit ring, but you can choose other aspects, such as strengthening the ability of various aspects of the body, adding attributes, increasing the body's ability to avoid control, etc.

Don't just consider the attack boost of the gun.

A person's overall strength needs to be comprehensively developed.

Any shortcomings that are too short may be fatal.

Think about it, in fact, it is easy for a martial soul like Ye Xingchen to To restrain you, if you can keep improving the basic attack power, that is, your marksmanship.

Then when choosing a soul ring, choose a soul ring skill that can release your own control.

Does this overcome your shortcoming on the one hand?

  Choose Soul rings are very important, each soul ring can give you one more ability, your spear itself has a very strong attack, as long as you practice the marksmanship well, the attack power will increase with the improvement of your soul power, so that your future Each soul ring can have other choices, extending a path for you

  These are the devil's careful teachings to Ma Hongjun, and Ma Hongjun also understood what he meant, advocating to develop the power of his own martial soul, and then use the soul ring to open up new areas of ability.

  The devil's words broadened Ma Hongjun's vision, and he was no longer completely obsessed with the development of attack.

  There are Ma Family marksmanship, Hundred Birds Facing Phoenix Spear, Seven Detective Snake Pan Spear, these three major marksmanship techniques exist, and they are fully confident in bringing out the full potential of Dragon Soul Spear.

  Indeed, if the marksmanship reaches a certain level, it can actually be stronger than soul skills, just like Ma Hongjun's Hundred Birds Facing Phoenix Spear with the Dragon Soul Spear, which is stronger than his father Ma Ming's first soul skill.

Of course, the Dragon Soul Spear is powerful However, Ma Hongjun's unique understanding of the spear technique is also indispensable. In his previous life, he was the one who understood the spear intent.

  Right now Ma Hongjun needs to sort out what he has to do.

  The first soul ring of the Dragon Soul Gun will keep the yellow soul ring unchanged, even if the body can withstand a thousand years, it will not be upgraded for the time being.

  Because it is too weak now, the limit of the body is limited, and the enhanced strength is only a hundred-year-old soul ring to a thousand-year soul ring, and it will be the same result if it falls into the hands of a high-level soul master.

Moreover, the first soul ring was purple, so the attention and sensation it caused can be imagined.

  For the second soul ring, Ma Hongjun decided to wait for a while before absorbing it, tentatively set within three years.

  One is because hunting for the second soul ring in a short period of time is easy to attract wind, and he still doesn't want to expose his innate talent of level 20;

  the other is that after being guided by the devil, Ma Hongjun wants to seriously re-select a suitable soul beast, and no longer think about it. In terms of attack, it needs to be considered comprehensively. Just use these three years of study time to study slowly.

  In addition, Ma Hongjun didn't consider adding a spirit ring to the spirit of the evil fire phoenix for the time being, and he was even more unwilling to expose it.

  The mutation of this martial soul is not complete; and the advantage of the second martial soul is that when it develops later, it can all be attached with high-life soul rings.

So at least wait until you can bear the ten thousand year spirit ring before considering adding it.

  Ma Hongjun's target, the second martial soul should at least choose a soul ring of a soul beast over 50,000 years old.

  Looking forward to it, when the time comes, the dragon soul in the dragon soul gun can absorb the power of the soul ring of the same soul beast to increase the number of years of the additional soul ring, and it can completely become all black or even red.

In addition to the second martial soul, the evil fire phoenix, and all the black and above soul rings, that scene...

  It's still a long way to go. Ma Hongjun already has a solid plan for how to spend the next three years.

  The first is to learn knowledge.

No matter where you are, you can only integrate into this world if you understand a world. The importance of knowledge is self-evident.

  At the very least, when entering the Soul Beast Forest, one must recognize what kind of spirit beast it is, and when seeing other people's martial spirits, one needs to know what the martial spirit is, what type it belongs to, which force it may come from, and so on.

In short, learning is very important.

  Secondly, it is to follow the special training team to improve physical strength, increase actual combat ability and learn to fight in a team.

  In the end, it is also the theory of the devil, to develop the potential of the martial soul, and what Ma Hongjun needs to do is to practice the three major marksmanship.

  The three major marksmanship methods have their own differences.

  Ma Hongjun is already very familiar with the Ma family's marksmanship. He has practiced it for a whole life in his previous life.

This set of marksmanship is mainly about skill. There are no supporting exercises, only some simple methods of internal strength cultivation; the devil has also passed Ma Hongjun a set of this world.

The marksmanship practiced in the army is somewhat similar to the Ma family's marksmanship, but it is not as profound as the Ma family's marksmanship.

  The Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear is a very systematic marksmanship, the skills and marksmanship are integrated, not as scattered as the Ma's Spear.

  Apart from the exercises, this set of marksmanship has a total of one hundred styles, each of which can be cultivated and used independently; it can also be used continuously like Tang San's chaotic wind hammering method, and they are all getting stronger and stronger, and the strength is superimposed.

The principle is the same, pay attention to body coordination and force.

  However, the Chaotic Cloak only has eighty-one consecutive moves, while the Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear can achieve one hundred consecutive moves, and the Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear, the single attack is not weak, and the combo is stronger. Of course, cultivation is also more difficult.

  Ma Hongjun started to practice in this life.

Although he is six years old now, in fact, he only practiced Bai Niao Chao Feng Qiang for two years, and he started practicing after he was four years old.

  In two years, I only practiced the first two styles, the hundred birds coming out of the nest and the hundred birds turning.

This progress is a bit slow, but it must be clear that Ma Hongjun only started practicing after the age of four, and his body is still very weak, so he is not yet suitable for practicing marksmanship.

  Now after obtaining the first soul ring, the body's functions have been fully developed, and it is the best age for cultivation.

  With Ma Hongjun's soul power of level 20 now, it is enough to practice the first 20 moves of the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear.

  In addition, there is also a set of agility for the Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Gun, the Phoenix Playing the Hundred Birds Movement, Ma Hongjun has just started to practice, it can be regarded as a start.

  Therefore, in the next three years, Ma Hongjun's goal is to master the first twenty moves of the Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear, as well as learn the Phoenix Opera and Hundred Birds Body Technique.

  As for the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun, it is not something that can be practiced now at all, and the best thing to do now is to experience and get familiar with the moves.

  This set of marksmanship is said to be the one created by Zhao Yun after he achieved great success in Bainiao Chaofeng Spear.

  This set of marksmanship relies on the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Jing to launch, but there are only seven styles.

  If the Ma family's marksmanship is the basic skill, and the Hundred Birds and Phoenix Spear is the complete method, then the Seven Detective Snake Pan Spear is the ultimate move and the trump card.

  Ma Hongjun figured out his way, then went to the largest blacksmith shop in Musu Town, and ordered a new iron gun, requesting that it be made exactly according to the size and shape of his Wuhun Dragon Soul Gun.

  In the end, at the exorbitant price of ten gold soul coins, a new black dragon soul gun was manufactured, completely made of refined iron, and weighed fifty kilograms.

  Later in the academy, Ma Hongjun added an additional training item, using a black refined iron spear to practice the Hundred Birds and Phoenix Spear.