
I'AM~Ma Hongjun Phoenix Douluo

Ma Hongjun watched Douluo Dalu, his heart was full of resentment. I feel that Ma Hongjun in the book is too embarrassed by his name. He stood in front of the mirror and took a look. "Handsome face, perfect body, which time I go to a nightclub without being fascinated by thousands of girls!" "If only I could travel to Douluo Continent!" ... Dreams come true, welcome to Douluo Continent! Since you think that Ma Hongjun is not good, then you go! ... The soul wears on Ma Hongjun, and he is no longer a fat man! The awakening of the martial soul turned out to be a twin martial soul! The first martial soul: Dragon Soul Spear; the second martial soul: Evil Fire Phoenix. There is a dragon soul in the dragon soul gun, which can absorb the soul ring to grow, this martial soul is so perverted! The Evil Fire Phoenix was still the old Evil Fire Phoenix, but the Evil Fire was no longer a trouble for Ma Hongjun now. He believes that this is a powerful ability that thousands of men can't ask for. If people are divided into two kinds of people, then this ability has conquered one of them! ---------------------------------------------------------- Just want review myself 1.if you ask what link i Will silent and why i'am upload this fanfic if i just can give link and don't do anything else i just give link for next chapter and be lazy to update 2.its not from mtl this from outside site , why always mtl , are you mtl worker so you promo on this content ??? 3. i'am using translate from PC so what if you don't like this translate then don't read i'am not force you to read,and you can't force me,you dont pay me (and vote just to motivate to update not to pay ) 4.and of you want complaine my translate why not you translate funfic who have good story' so i Will critic you

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime e quadrinhos
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26 Chs

Evil Fire Refinement, 1st Soul Ring (3)

  The energy of the evil fire is very powerful. If you don't guide this energy, absorb it, refine it, and let it stay in the body, it will have great side effects on the body.

  The power of the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Sutra was revealed. After several times of stirring the evil fire, Ma Hongjun discovered that he could use the evil fire to refine his body. One of the big reasons was the Bainiao Chaofeng Sutra.

  This exercise has a strong compatibility with the evil fire generated by the phoenix mutation.

  However, although it can refine the evil fire, the evil fire still acts on the body, and some of its effects cannot be eliminated.

  With the help of Evil Fire, improving physical strength became much faster.

  Two months later, Ma Hongjun's running load gradually increased from five kilograms to ten kilograms, and other sports also increased by ten kilograms.

  The 20kg iron gun was finally able to be driven like an arm, and he was not in a hurry to change to a heavier gun, but started to practice guns in water and on wooden stakes.

  A training content has also been added, which is to practice against his father, Ma Ming, without the use of martial arts and soul power, and pure physical duel training.

  Only after the competition did I know that Ma Hongjun was not too inferior in physical strength, and could barely compete with Ma Ming.

  Although this surprised Ma Ming, it was also expected by Ma Ming. During this time, he personally supervised Ma Hongjun's cultivation, and naturally knew Ma Hongjun's progress and strength.

  As far as Ma Hongjun's current training intensity is concerned, he may not be able to persevere if he asks himself.

  In terms of spirit power, Ma Hongjun is level 20, while he is level 27.

  You must know that he is a great spirit master, and both spirit rings are 100-year-old spirit rings, one is 300 years old, the other is 600 years old. His next spirit ring target is a thousand-year spirit ring, and his physical strength exceeds the average level of a spirit master.

  By the third month, Ma Hongjun's weight gradually increased by another five kilograms.

  The iron spear is still a 20kg iron spear, but he started to practice his spear under the waterfall.

  In addition to practicing the iron spear, he also set aside some time to cultivate the first martial spirit, the dragon spirit spear.

  Now Ma Hongjun can summon the Dragon Soul Spear at will, but the Dragon Soul Spear consumes too much soul power, and it can only last for one minute.

  And if you use the Dragon Soul Spear and use all your soul power, you can only make one move.

  Even so, the power of this gun is very powerful. Ma Hongjun and his father Ma Ming tried it, and the power of a blow with the Dragon Soul Gun was even stronger than Ma Ming's first soul ring skill.

  In addition, with the hundreds of birds facing the phoenix spear, the power is even greater. Now, because Ma Hongjun cannot break through the Hundred Birds facing the phoenix scripture, and the training time is too short, the only really learned Hundred Birds facing the phoenix spear are the first two styles, the Hundred Birds Out of the Nest and the Hundred Birds. roundabout.

  Among them, the Hundred Birds Nest is the most proficient, and Ma Hongjun used the last month to practice it with the Dragon Soul Spear.

  After three months of high-intensity training, Ma Hongjun has been able to physically fight against Ma Ming without falling behind, and his physical strength is comparable to that of Ma Ming.

  At the end of three months, Ma Hongjun's body has grown a lot, his height has increased by five centimeters, and a small circle has become stronger, and he looks like a teenage child; the muscles on his body are well-defined and full of explosive power; The reason is that it is slightly yellowish, and the brass-colored skin makes Ma Hongjun look more mature, and already has the demeanor of a teenager.

  Speaking of medicated baths, in the past three months, the medicines Ma Hongjun bought from the medicated baths had consumed more than a thousand gold soul coins that Ma Ming had saved over the years.

  Sure enough, cultivating a soul master is not easy, and it is not something that ordinary families can afford. Most soul masters are slow to cultivate, and their foundation is not solid, which is also affected by this.

  Ma Ping finally sent someone to send a letter, and asked Ma Ming to take Ma Hongjun to Musu Town to find him at the gate of Hunting Soul Forest.

  After getting the news, Ma Ming packed up his luggage and brought his equipment; Ma Hongjun also brought the 20kg iron gun that he usually used for practice, and he was used to it.

  In Soul Hunting Forest, having a weapon in hand is better than nothing.

  Ma Ming has a storage soul tool, which is a ring. There is not much space inside, and it is a relatively low-end soul tool, which he got by accident.

  "Dad, why do you have to bring so many things?" Ma Hongjun asked suspiciously, watching Ma Ming pack a lot of living supplies.

  "You don't know that you haven't been to the Soul Hunting Forest. Dad has stayed in the Soul Hunting Forest all the year round. He knows from basic experience that entering the Soul Hunting Forest is not necessarily the case. Once you meet a suitable soul beast, you will get a soul ring; If it's good, it's very likely that you won't meet a suitable soul beast in three to five days, seven or eight days. So be prepared." Ma Ming touched Ma Hongjun's head and explained.

  Fortunately, there is a storage soul tool, which is much more convenient to carry. Ma Hongjun also wants to have one.

  After packing up their luggage, the father and son rushed all the way to the Soul Hunting Forest.

  The Soul Hunting Forest in Musu Town is very large. It is said that there have been ten thousand year soul beasts in it, but Ma Ming has never encountered it. Of course, with Ma Ming's strength, encountering it is equivalent to death.

  The spirit masters of the entire Soto City and several surrounding towns basically need to hunt for spirit rings here.

  Outside the Hunting Soul Forest is very lively, with houses lined up in rows, and various shops and shops are overwhelmed.

  The noisy atmosphere is like a vegetable market, with the shouts of various hawkers one after another, most of them selling weapons and equipment and living supplies.

  "Organize a group to hunt down power-type soul beasts, lack a warrant and ten gold soul coins."

  "With a warrant, to form a group to hunt agile soul beasts, you need an attack-type battle soul master and ten gold soul coins."


  Many soul-hunting teams are shouting, either lacking people or lacking warrants, but listening to the sound, there are many teams lacking warrants.

  There was a soul hunting team in Majia Village, and Ma Ming was an attack-type soul master, and he was an important member of the team.

  They usually swim in and out of the Soul Hunting Forest just like these squads, helping others to obtain Soul Rings to earn Gold Soul Coins.

  "Not everyone can enter the captive Soul Hunting Forest. Only the soul masters who have obtained the warrant issued by the Wuhun Temple can enter the Soul Hunting Forest to hunt soul beasts. Although there are sneakers, those It's hard for people to end well. These soldiers are just peripheral defenses, and in the Soul Hunting Forest, there is a special law enforcement team in the Spirit Hall, checking the warrants at any time. Those people are ruthless."

  Ma Ming pointed to the soldiers at the door and said to Ma Hongjun, obviously he was also a little afraid of these soldiers. This relationship is like the feeling between a vendor and an urban management officer.

  "The warrants issued by the Spirit Hall have six grades, the first grade is the lowest, and the sixth grade is the highest. The grades are distinguished by the patterns on the warrants. There are several patterns, which is the grade.

  Most soul hunting teams do not have warrants, and neither do I, but your third grandfather has one. His is a third-class warrant that can be used permanently, unlike a first- and second-class warrant that can only be used once and will be withdrawn. "


  Without Ma Hongjun asking, Ma Ming explained everything he saw to Ma Hongjun one by one. This is also a teaching. The more you know, the more insight.

  I saw Ma Ping in a restaurant at the door, where he had been waiting for a long time.

  Three months later, seeing Ma Hongjun again, Ma Ping really needs to be impressed. The strong physique that can be seen from the surface is enough to show Ma Hongjun's hard work in the past three months.

  He looked at Ma Hongjun with relief, patted his shoulder, and walked towards the door.

  He took out a warrant and handed it to the soldier at the door for inspection.

  When the soldier saw the three patterns on the warrant, he immediately handed over the warrant respectfully, indicating that the three of them could go in.

  Ma Hongjun also saw the three patterns on the warrant, and he knew that they were the symbols of the three top martial arts.

  they are, respectively:

  Seven Killing Swords,

  Haotian Hammer,

  Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex!