
I'AM~A Villain Bishop Of Sin

When it comes to "Traversers", normal people should think of golden fingers, beautiful girls, the unshakable protagonist strong luck, and the future who will become heroes and brave men. Luo Mo also passed through, and he also has the "Golden Finger: the core of the Ex-Machina" allows him to have the ability to learn and strengthen theoretically infinitely, and the "spirit" allows him to absorb the negative emotions of others and turn it into power. He also wanted to be like everyone else, to be a decent person and be admired, but... the reality does not seem to allow him to do so. He was born into a ONI clan and was about to be executed. After struggling to survive the nine-year-old village, he encountered the catastrophe of the Witch Sect. In this catastrophe, he even met a top-quality loli. It was the villain BOSS that existed hundreds of years ago——Pandora, the fake witch. At this moment, he suddenly understood that MY beautiful life in another world seemed to have nothing to do with him, and even how to survive had become a very challenging technical task.

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 5 More and more judgmental days

"Come on, take this with you, thank Lord Ram, and get close to her."

After the man finished speaking, the woman next to him immediately put the roasted suckling pig leg wrapped in lotus leaf on the table and put it on Luo Mo, and told him that he couldn't eat it by himself, while driving him out of the living room.

....isn't this couple too philistine? Looking at the pig leg in his arms speechlessly, Luo Mo, who was pushed to the gate, was messed up in the wind.

But when he calmed down, he could basically understand why they did this, because the valued power most, and then reproduced offspring.

As demihumans, the Oni are known for their toughness, powerful magic, and unparalleled fighting power.

The only thing that can be called a disadvantage is that it is too strong, which makes it difficult to conceive. Therefore, the Oni clan with strong power can only hide in the deep mountains to avoid losing a few compatriots in battle and exterminating the clan, but even this is just reluctance. day.

Luo Mo's middle-aged parents feel that they can't give birth no matter how hard they try. They should just want to use the waste, so that the village is basically not expected in advance, so no one will want Rem and Luo, who are both unicorns. Mo got married and hoped that they would have a normal child.

When the average life expectancy is lower, the age of marriage will be lower. Now the Oni clan is almost going to be exterminated. It is not uncommon to get married at the age of ten. After all, the physique of Oni is far better than that of humans.

As for what Ram likes himself.... Luo Mo didn't think about it.

There should be a normal love, but it must have nothing to do with men and women, and nine-year-olds can't understand this. They should really just want to be with Rem, and don't like other people in the village who looked down on them, so Simply offer to marry him.

As a Oni clan that values ​​power to the point of being so few in number that they want to exterminate their clan, and even execute unqualified babies, although Ram's parents are definitely reluctant to marry Ram to him, they can't ignore the decision to be the next patriarch, and there are " Ram's comments on the title of "The Return of Oni and Gods".

"...This kind of clan is really interesting, and my life is getting more and more judgmental..."

Arriving in front of the twins' house, Luo Mo muttered while knocking on the door, feeling speechless and funny about the current situation.

The door that was unlocked was quickly pushed open from the inside, and Rem cautiously stuck out his little head just as he was about to say something, when he found out that it was Luo Mo, he showed a lovely smile:

"Carlos.... come to play with us?"

"Well, maybe that's the case? Let's go for a walk together?"

"Hmm! Wait, Rem is going to call her sister now."

Rem nodded in agreement without hesitation, then ran back into the house and pulled Ram out.

The three of them walked towards the small river near the village as usual. On the way, Luo Mo looked at the two sisters who were always inseparable. After thinking about it, he gave the suckling pig legs in his hand to the two young girls, and asked casually:

"You two, do you know what happened at noon?"

"Sister and Rem, what about marrying Carlos next year?"

"You are really lucky to be able to marry beautiful sisters like us."

Rem said with a happy face, but she should just be happy that they can spend more time together in the future. Ram also didn't care about this matter, and his attitude was a little high as usual.

"...You really don't know what marriage means exactly..."

Looking at the two prospective young wives in front of him, he didn't have any dissatisfaction with them, but he wasn't very happy about this kind of thing, or it was probably perverted to be really happy.

He has always only regarded these twins as the twins he grew up with, and treated them as sisters and daughters, and he had nothing else to think about.

"The meaning of marriage? Isn't it just being able to eat delicious food! I really hope.... I can come soon next year~"

Rem tilted her head slightly and thought about it, and she immediately thought of the rare feast in the village when others got married, and her face filled with anticipation.

Ram unwrapped the lotus leaf packaging and took a bite, then with a look of surprise, he directly folded the pig's feet in half and handed half of them to Rem:

"This tastes good, let's try Rem too."

"Thank you~ sister!"

"Rem is really a little greedy..."

Rem's innocent appearance made Luo Mo do not know what to say for a while, but he quickly put down the question and looked at Ram: "What about my share? You also leave me a little bit!"

"Ram will have a little left for you."

"Well, Rem will also keep it for Carlos?"

"Ha.... Forget it, you should eat it, I won't rob you."

Seeing how the two sisters were conquered by suckling pig legs, he still gave up fighting with children even if he had tasted delicious food after a long time.

Just looking at the pair with gentle eyes, the sisters who grew up with him, but he doesn't care about the so-called marriage, after all...he is not going to stay here until next year.


About a week after verbally confirming the marriage contract, the Oni village became lively, and the three of them went to the altar together after a lapse of nine years.

However, unlike the last time they were about to be executed, this time they officially confirmed their marriage next year in front of their ancestors and everyone.

"I feel really strange about being engaged to two young girls..."

"What are you talking about as a child, Ram's mood is complicated when you are engaged to a child like you!"

"Sister, Carlos, this.... stop arguing at this time, you will be scolded..."

Luo Mo looked at his young wife and complained, Ram followed his words and went back as usual, while Rem hurriedly stopped the two restless guys with a crying expression.

"Be serious!"

The white-haired patriarch saw that the three of them looked restless, and indeed scolded as Rem expected:

"Carlos and Rem! The two of you can become a family with Ram! You should be lucky! Don't make a fool of yourself at this time! Do your best to help Ram!"

"Yes..." Luo Mo just nodded casually with no motivation, but Rem nodded in a panic: "I, we know, please rest assured, clan.... patriarch!"

"Carlos! What is your attitude!?"

Luo Mo's attitude made the stern-faced patriarch instantly clench his fists as if he was going to beat him, but at the critical moment Ram stood up and stood in front of Luo Mo and said expressionlessly:

"Carlos will be Ram's person in the future. Ram will discipline him well, so you don't need to worry about the patriarch."


The patriarch seemed to want to scold the other party, but he was worried about something, and swallowed back half of the words.

The side just happened to be a guest of the Oni clan two days ago, and by the way, the giant clan elder who also participated in this ceremony, Cromwell also shook his head and discouraged:

"It's too outrageous to be so cruel to the child. Since she is already planning to get married, let's just leave what you said."

"Marriage has nothing to do with war! Cromwell, you won't... plan to just give up!"

"No matter how many times I say it, the old man's answer will not change. The old man is already tired, and now the old man has children to take care of. There is no point in talking about it any more. I will return to the capital tomorrow."

Facing the pressing gaze of the patriarch, Cromwell was only relatively calm, and did not intend to continue talking with the patriarch in some respects.

The sudden conversation between the two left Luo Mo and Rem at a loss, but Ram was still uninterested, so Luo Mo couldn't help but ask:

"Ram, does their topic have anything to do with you?"

"It's just a foolish adult, foolishly planning a foolish attempt."