

 Olivia's pov

I was waked up by the sound of my alarm  I blinked and signed heavily before rolling on the bed.  I lay on the bed for a while before I lazily stood up.  I said my prayers, arranged my room, and took my bath.   I went downstairs and prepared breakfast while aunt was still sleeping .it was obvious she came in early and was tired. I ate my breakfast in silence patiently waiting for Derick. a few minutes later my phone started ringing I checked the caller and saw that it was a call from Derrick. I ignored it and quickly took my bag and left the apartment.

As soon as I made it out of our apartment I sighted Derick dressed in a turtle neck Long sleeve. i couldn't help but admire his handsomeness. he noticed me and gave me a big smile. I was about to walk up to him when I noticed a car driving in. the car looks familiar and I couldn't help but think where I've seen this car. I was still contemplating who the owner of the car was when I saw Rona coming down from the car. the moment I saw him I froze and couldn't move .what is he doing here I thought to myself. I removed my gaze from Rona and looked at Derick .his eyes were asking if I asked Rona to come. I just shake my head in disapproval.

Rona walk up to me and gave me a quizzical look. I knew he was angry but he was trying to suppress his anger. I signed heavily before looking at Rona 

"You never told me you were coming".the words were barely out of my mouth.

He stared at me for a moment before speaking up 

"Do I need to take permission from my girlfriend before coming to see her?? ".he said those words while staring at Derick?  I  looked at Derick and gasped immediately my eyes lock with his .he was angry and he wasn't hiding it 

"Let's go oli".Derick told me while holding my hand. I was about to move when a stronger one held my other hand.  I don't need to look around to know who it was.

"Back off ".Derick shouted in anger while pushing me to him. Rona gently dragged me to him preventing me from moving forward

"I will cut off your hands if you don't get them off her ".Rona's voice was filled with anger. Derick chuckled before looking at Rona 

"Seems like you don't value your life huh?".Derick's words were with threat.

Rona chuckled evilly and moved closer to Derick with his hand still holding me.

"I can end your life with just a snap of my fingers ".the moment I heard those words I couldn't take it anymore. I closed my eyes in frustration. how did I end up in a situation like this .my life was supposed to be boring and ordinary .but here are two dangerous guys threatening to kill each other because of me. I hissed angrily before opening my eyes.

"Stop this ".I shouted. my voice came as a command. Both Rona and Derick gave me a shocked look. I believe they weren't expecting that from me.

"Let go of my hand ".I told them while trying to free myself from their grips .they both left me and stare at me with shock. I signed  heavily before moving away from them 

"You both can leave, I will walk to school ".I said those words while walking away from them. Derick rushed to me and stood before me .he placed his hands on my shoulder and stare right into my eyes 

"Please let me take you to school ".he pleaded.  I shake my head and removed his hands from my shoulders and walked away. Rona did not try to stop me instead he just stood there and watched me leave.

I hissed in relief the moment I was out of their sight. I knew I was in big trouble but how did I get into this. I walked to school with so many thoughts in my head 

When I got to school I noticed I was already late because the lecturer was already in the hall. I sneaked in and sat in the last row. during the lecture I scan the room, looking for Derick but I couldn't find him .when the lecture was over I looked for Lizzy and saw her in the middle row. I stood up from my seat and walked up to her

"Hey".I greeted

"Hey oli, seems you were late today ".she replied

"Yeah "

"Do you happen to see Derick around"?I asked 

"No, I think he wasn't in class today and it is not new to him.

I felt my heart clenched the moment Lizzy said those words.  I quickly took out my phone and dialed his number but he wasn't picking up.   I hissed in frustration and called again but still no answer.

Lizzy noticed my behavior and asked what the problem was. but I ignored her and called Rona. The line rang but he also did not pick. immediately I felt restless and felt my leg shaking. Lizzy noticed it and pushed  me gently to the seat so I could seat down 

"You are scaring me oli, what's the matter, ".she asked with a worried face 

"Rona and Derick might have killed each other ".I replied her.

She stares at me before laughing heavily

"You must be joking, ".she asked me while still laughing 

"This is no joke ".I told her with an irritated voice .she noticed I wasn't joking and stopped laughing.

"How,".she asked 

I explained all that happened in the morning and noticed how shocked she was 

"Girlfriend you are in big trouble ".she spoke up after I've finished narrating all that happened 

"I know ".I murmured

"Maybe you should let your aunt know what's going on ".Lizzy suggested

"Hell no ".I replied 

"Then what are you gonna do ?".she asked with a worried face 

"I dunno".I replied 

"You should wake up oli,  two dangerous guys are fighting over you,   this is serious".

"But I thought things like this only happens in movies".I asked .lizzy roll her eyes at me before sitting up

"You should ditch one of them and stay with one ".she spoke up in a serious tone 

"And who told you and I want to be with one ".I asked her while rolling my eyes at her 

"Of course you have to be with one "

"Having to stay with one of them isn't my problem now, "all I want to know is to know if both of them are okay.

"Alright then let's find out ".Lizzy said those words while standing up from her seat 

"How do we intend on doing that ".I asked while  standing up and walked beside her 

"You will see".she smiled at me and we left the lecture hall