
Loving someone else.

Derrick's POV

I feel pains, pains that I couldn't endure as I walk out of the apartment.

I got to my car, opened it and sat inside, but I couldn't move.

My hands were trembling with range and pains., it took everything in me not to shed tears, 

"fuck you ". I hit the car wheel in anger.

I stared back at the apartment and was dissapionted when I noticed she did not come after me.

I hissed in anger and place my head on the car wheel, I was losing my mind and I knew it.

I put on the car and drove out of the apartment, I drove for few seconds and realized my hands were trembling, and I wasn't concentrating, so I look for a spot and parked the car.

I felt my heart tearing into pieces each minute that pass by.

With trembling hands I went for my pocket and brought out my phone, I dialed a number, and it rang few times before it was picked.

"Hello ". Came dad's sleepy voice.

"I need a driver, ".  I whispered softly.

Sensing my mood, I could hear movements from the bed before dad spoke up 

"Where are you "?. He asked with concern.

I checked the location of the street and told him.

"Stay right there, and please don't move the car ". He warned, and quickly ended the call.

I hissed softly and rest my head on the wheel with my eyes closed.

I closed my eyes and all I could see was her, her beautiful set of brown eyes, her cute and childish smile that always make my heart flutter whenever she flashed them at me.

I sign and hit the steering with anger.

This was the reason why I never wanted to be close to her., this was the reason I tried to hate her and make her hate me but yet, I couldn't and now am in such pains all because I allowed myself to fall in love.

A knock on my window caught my attention.

I look up and saw that it was Smith, dad's personal driver.

I open the door and got out of the car 

"Are you okay sir?". he asked while staring at me with a worried look.

I said nothing, rather, I walk over to the passenger seat and sat down with my eyes closed.

He stared at me with curiosity before getting in the driver's seat and drove off.

Throughout the drive I couldn't stop myself from recalling all that happened in Olivia's place., finally I'm giving her to Rona, finally he has won over me.

I chuckled softly at the thought of it. Actually, he has always been ahead of me, no matter how hard I try.

It was obvious that Olivia liked him and was just forcing herself to be with me. I remembered countless times how I expressed my love to her, but she never said a word, and now I knew her answer. she was never in love with me.

"We are here ". Smith's voice caught my attention.

I hissed softly and open the door and step out of the car and walked into the sitting room with frustration.

The moment I got into the sitting room, I met Dad's worried face staring at me.

"Are you okay? ". he asked while moving closer to me 

I ignored him and took the stairs to my room 

“Derick”. he called out,, but I did not respond.

I got to my room and lay on the bed with my back while staring at the ceiling.

The pains I was feeling in my heart were familiar,, and I knew I went through such pain when I lost mom.

I noticed my door open and dad walked in, 

"Who asked you in? ". I demanded in anger.

Dad ignored me and sat on the bed beside me.

"She has hurt you, right?". He asked in anger, 

"Get out, I don't wanna speak to you or anyone". I shouted angrily.

"Well, young man, you will have to speak to me whether you like it or not ". Dad said those words in a serious tune.

I hissed softly and look away.

"What did she do to you? ". he demanded in an angry tune.

"She did nothing, can you now leave? ". I demanded in anger.

"No, you look terrible, and I can't let my only child stay alone in a mood like this, ".he spoke firmly.

We sat there in silence and none of us said a thing before dad spoke up, 

"You are no longer together.". he expressed those words not as a question but as something he was sure of us.

"She dares make you go through this, and I will make sure she pays dearly for it ". He expressed those like he meant everything he said.

I was hurt and angry at Olivia, but I won't allow my father touch her or try to harm her.

"This is none of your business, Dad. ". 

"It is, she is no longer in your care ".dad spoke angrily

"Says who? ". I asked angrily 

Dad hissed angrily and stared at me,

"She what she is making you go through and here you are still trying to protect her, "dad yelled .

I hissed softly and stood up from the bed and pick up a bottle of whiskey, poured some on the glass before emptying the glass.

"I can handle my business, I don't need you sticking your nose in my business". I yelled in anger.

Dad stood up from the bed and walk up to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and looks into my eyes.

"You are my son, you won't tell me what to do ". Saying those words, he left my room.

I groaned angrily and sat on my bed.

I took another sip of the drink and groan in anger before bringing out my phone from my pocket and dialed a number.

"Derick you called". he exclaims in shock, 

I hissed softly and ran my fingers through my hair 

"My head is filled up with things and I need some distraction". I murmured.

"What kind of distraction do you need? ". He asked, 

"Anything, I just want to clear my head “. I murmured.

"Alright then, am at home. You should start coming."

"Alright, I'll be there ". 

I ended the call and stood up from the bed and left my room.

I went downstairs and met dad on a call., he noticed me and brought out the phone from his ears 

"Where to". he asked 

“Somewhere”. I murmured and went for the door 

"Don't go without the driver ". he shouted,, but I was already out.

I got to my car and put on the engine before driving out.

Few minutes I was parked in front of Tony's home, I put off the engine and got out of the car.

Before I got to Tony's door, it was already opened.

"Hello handsome". A girl stood by the door with a big grin on her face.

I step into the house and look around, looking for Tony, 

"Where is Tony?". I asked, 

"Upstairs, but will be down soon".

She walks up to me and ran her fingers on my chest

"Meanwhile, can I help you with anything? ". she whispered in a seductive voice.

I hissed softly and angrily remove her hand from me.

I walk to the bar and took out a bottle of whiskey and poured in a glass.

"Who do we have here "? I turn around and saw Tony walking downstairs with a girl besides him, it was obvious they were just making out.

"What's up, Tony? ".  I greeted and made my way to the couch.

"Jeez you don't look good, are you okay? ".he asked in a worried tune 

"Am fine, just need to clear my head ".  I murmured and took a sip of my drink, 

"Go upstairs". he ordered the girls.

They both went upstairs without saying a word.

"Who are they? ".I asked 

"Oh that, let's say they are my play thing "

"Play thing?". I asked, confused 

"Yeah, let's not talk about that, tell me what's bothering you".he demanded while staring at me with curiosity.

I hissed softly and took a sip of my drink

"I fell in love ". I whisper

"You did what?".  Tony asked in shock, 

"You heard me right, I fell in love ". I murmured angrily.

"This is unbelievable, you Derrick falling in love with someone?, I never knew you could love ". He spoke in shock, 

I hissed softly and look away in frustration.

He stared at me for a while before speaking up, 

"She broke your heart, right?". He said those words not as a question but as a confirmation.

I hissed and took a sip of my drink.

"What Happened".he asked, 

"She loves someone else ". I whispered

He chuckled softly and went to the bar and brought out a wine, poured some in a glass, before he walks back to the couch and took a sip of it.

“How can any girl have you and love someone else ".he asked in disbelief, 

I hissed softly and took a sip of the drink before speaking up 

"Not when the person is Rona". I whispered in anger.

"Rona?". He asked in shock 

"Yes fucking Rona".  I yelled in anger.