

Olivia's pov

"Why me "?"I asked in a calm voice . although I was scared of him but I need him to answer these questions .

"Because I want you ".he spoke in a calm voice looking straight into my eyes.i gave him a pale look before looking away. 

"But I don't love you and I don't want you ".I spoke in a whisper so he wouldn't hear me .but I was wrong he did heard me.

"You will learn to love me ,I promise you that ".he spoke with all seriousness in him.

"I can't love a monster like you ".I said those words unknowingly to me .

I saw how facial expression changed. it was calm when we came in but my words just made he look so furious.i realized what  I did and quickly apolozied.but he did not say a thing.he just kept on drinking his drink .

"Tell me about yourself".the voice came with so much command.

"There is nothing interesting about me ".I replied back .

"I wasn't asking for an interesting story ".his voice was calm this time 

"What do you wanna Know",.I asked 


"Like I said they is nothing interesting about me ,I'm from a country Nigeria, I have three Brothers who are in Nigeria .I lost my both parents when I was still a kid ".

He gave me a sad look after I said the last words .

"And your boyfriends".he asked 

"I had only one boyfriend in Nigeria and we broke up before I came here ".I lied 

He gave me a hard look before standing up

"Let's go".he commanded

"Where to ".I asked with fear in my voice.

"You don't have to be scared I won't touch you now "he spoke with a sincere voice.

I stood up and followed him .we walk to the other part of the garden where different flowers were planted.

"Two months ".he spoke up.i raised a bow at him .

"Let's make a bet".he spoke up without looking at me 

"And what is the bet all about".I asked

"You will fall in love with me within the next two months ".he spoke with all seriousness in his voice .

"That will never happen".I replied back .I can never fall in love with a guy like it .

"Then let take the bet then ".he replied back 


He gave me a devilish smile before walking away .we got inside his car and his driver drove us to my place .when we got to my place I was about leaving the car when he held me back .

"What do you want this time ".I asked 

"You've not given me my gift yet " he spoke with a mischievous smile on his face .

"What gift ".I asked a little bit scared Because I don't know what he wants this time .

"No need to get scared sunshine, i just need  to kiss you ".

I felt my heart beat beating really fast when I heard those words ,he must be joking I thought to myself

"You are joking right ".I asked with a pleading voice 

"No sunshine,I'm damn serious".