
His touch

Olivia's pov

I ran as fast as my leg could carry me .I opened the door of my apartment and ran straight to my room .I can't believe I kissed him on the cheek .I felt my heartbeat beating really fast as I ran straight to the shower and opened it .I stood in front of it with my clothes on.i stood there  thinking about the drastic turn in my life .I was supposed to be an ordinary and common girl ,how did this happen to me in less than three months .

I pulled out my cloths and took a quick bath .I wore my night wear and lay on my bed .I was about going to bed when my phone started ringing.i look at the caller and felt a little bit relieved.

"Hey girlfriend". came the voice 

"Hey Liz".I greeted

"Your voice seems down ,are you okay ".

"We are now dating".I spoke in a whisper

"You mean you and Rona ".she asked .



"I did not have a choice".

"You could have told Derick ,he might have helped"

"I can't risk a fight and my aunt  life "

"What if Derick finds out "

"I'll have to lie to him about me wanting to date Rona,that way my aunt won't get hurt .

"Olivia you might be making a mistake "

"Believe me I know what am doing ,it's just for two months ."after  two months everything will be over ,and I can go back to my normal life ".

She hissed for a moment before speaking up .

"Your life can't be normal again after dating Rona"do you know that guy is a monster ".

"I can do this"I just need your help ".

"You know am always here for you ".she replied back.

"Thanks babe"

"You are always welcome ,now have some sleep,we will talk about this in school.

She ended the call and I went to sleep.

I was woken up by my alarm .I took a quick bath and a quick breakfast aunt left for me .I left the apartment and was about walking to school when I heard a car horn besides me .I ignored it and kept walking .I was still walking when I heard my name being called.i look back and saw Rona walking toward me .I quickly ran and followed the next street but he caught me quickly and held me by my waist 

"You did not tell me you were a good runner ".he spoke with a big grin on his face .

"What do you want "

"I'm here to take you to school ",since you don't have a car yet ".he spoke with a mischievous smile on his face .

"I can walk to school ".I replied back

He held my hands and walk me back to the car .he opened the door and let me in 


"I told you I can walk to school ".I shouted

 with anger. 

He moved closer to me, so close that I could feel his breath 

"I don't want you walking to school ,"for the next two months ."if I can't pick you up my boys will do that ".

I moved away from him becaue I was getting uncomfortable .I wonder why his touch had this effect on me .I moved away from him and sat on the other end of the car.he chuckled and told the driver to move the car .

When we got to school I quickly held the handle of the car door but noticed it was locked.

"Why did you lock the car "

"And why can't I lock it ".he asked with a devilish smile on his face .

"I'm late for class"

"Alright then,"you can go only when you give me a peck "