

Olivia's POV 

Getting a call from my aunt got me startled .this past few months I have been staying with her, she has never spoken to me with such anger.

“I need to go home “. I told Rona and hastily made my way out of the room.

“Wait, I'll take you home “. Rona rushed towards me and gripped my hand.

“You don't have to, I can go home myself”. I told him while trying to free myself from him.

“I'm not giving you an option, I am taking you home and that's final”.his word gave no room for argument.

I made a soft sign before walking out of the room with him.

We got to his car garage when his driver offered to drive,, but he told him he wanted to drive.

Rona opened the passenger seat for me and closed it while he sat on the driver seat and drove off.

Throughout the drive home, I felt tension all over my body, what would make aunt so furious with me. I was still in thought when I felt a hand on my knee. I turn around and saw a worried-looking Rona 

“Are you okay? “.he asked while staring on the road.I ignored his question and looked away.

The drive back home was tense and silent.

When we got to my apartment, Rona packed in front of it and stared at me 

“Do you want me to come in with you “.he asked 

“Hell no, that will complicate everything”. I yelled out.

He gave me a worried look before looking away.

“Thanks for the ride, I'll call you”. I told him and quickly left the car.

As soon as I left the car,, I saw an angry-looking aunt standing by the door .she locks eyes with Rona and gave him an angry look .it was obvious she doesn't like him.

“Get inside now “.her voice was full of anger. I looked back and saw how worried Rona was.

I got inside and aunt followed me in 

“Sit”.she commanded

I slowly sat down on the couch 

She stood before me with her hands around her waist 

“Who was that “. Aunt asked with irritation, 

“A friend”. I whisper,

“Don't you dare lie to me, I ask again who was that “.

“A friend”. I whispered.

Aunt walks around the room with anger, it was obvious she was doing her best not to explode on me.

“Derick was here earlier today, he was freaking out, calling you, and even had to come to the hospital to search for you. The kid was scared and all you could do was to ignore his call because you are with another guy”.aunt was spoked in a furious voice.

I wanted to explain everything to aunt,, but I decided to keep it to myself.

Aunt sat opposite me and stared at me .she stared at me with anger, but did not say a word. We sat like that for a while before aunt spoke up, 

“You are grounded for three days, no seeing of friends and no cell phone or making use of the internet”.

“That's not possible, aunt, what about work and school “. I asked, hoping she will reconsider.

“I will call your boss and inform him that you are sick, while you can be able to miss school for the next three days “.

“But aunt “. I tried speaking up,

“Go to your room now “.aunt commanded.

I slowly stood up and was about to leave when aunt called back 

“Your phone, give it to me “.she brought forth her hand to me. I brought out the phone from my pocket and handed it over to her.

I slowly made it to my room. I closed the door and sadly sat on the bed.

I've made aunt so angry that she had to keep me grounded.

I hissed and slowly made my way to the bathroom.I took my bath and changed my clothes.

I lay on my bed and my thought was drifted to Derick .aunt said he was worried about me and even had to ask aunt about me.

Maybe I should have at least pick up his calls when he called.I hissed in frustration and my thought went to Rona.I wonder what he might be thinking now that he knew aunt hated him, and the fact that we won't be able to see each other for a few days.

I hissed in frustration and closed my eyes.my life was supposed to be simple, how did it get this complicated.

One more month and two weeks then I and Rona will be over, then my life can get back to normal. but for some strange reasons I felt sad and disappointed.

I took a deep breath and allowed the darkness of the night to take over.

I woke up the next morning and went to the kitchen where I saw aunt already seated at the dinning table with a coffee in her aunt 

“Good morning Aunt”. I greeted.

She stared at me but did not say a word.

I sat opposite her and poured out some coffee for myself.

We sat there in silence and I couldn't take it any more

“Are you on night shift”. I asked, 

She stared at me for a while before speaking up 

“I'm in a one-week leave”.aunt said those words while staring at me.

Shit she planned all this. while I was thinking I could sneak out when she goes to work .but it seems like she already got everything planned out.

“I know what you are thinking Oli, but it won't work “.aunt said those words and left the dinning table.

I hissed and hit the table in anger.

I did my morning chores and made breakfast. I and aunt ate in silence but did not say a word.after breakfast I tried speaking with Aunt, but she ignored me and went to her room.

I went back to my room and picked up a book, so I could read, but my mind wasn't focused on it. I threw the book away and lay on the bed.

A few hours later, aunt came in with my phone in her hand.

“Derick has been calling, so I think you should pick up “.

She handed the phone to me and stood at the door.

Derick's call came in again and I quickly pick it up


“Thank goodness, oli you scared me “.he spoke with so much relief from his voice 

“I'm okay, sorry for scarring you”. I replied, 

“No need for that, I'm sorry for what dad said to you “.

“Let's talk about it when we see each other “. I did not want aunt to notice or know anything.


“Your aunt told me you were grounded, I'm sorry it was my fault”

“No, it's not your fault, don't blame you for it “. I told him, 

“You time is up”. I heard aunt voice.

“Sorry, Derick, I have to go “.

“Alright, see you Oli”.he ended the call and I gave the phone back to her.

She stared at me before leaving the room.

This is great, this is fucking great, I told myself.

The rest of the day went on smoothly, with me eating and sleeping.

Night came, and I went to bed hoping tomorrow will be better.

I was asleep when I heard a sound coming from my window.at first, I thought it was my imagination, but when I stood up, I saw a figure standing by my window.

I walk towards the window and the figure knocked again.

“Who is there “. I whispered in fear. but got no answer from the person.

I took a deep breath and gently open the window half way.

The figure brought forth his head and I could clearly see it was Rona 

“What are you doing “. I whispered

“I came to see you little bird"