
Spider Swarm

Just as Yuga was about to head back to continue sleeping, a white silk thread entwined around his hand, tightly gripping him.

Even in the darkness of the night, this white silk thread was incredibly conspicuous. Yuga soon spotted the other end of the thread, attached to a spider-like Pokémon.

However, due to the darkness, Yuga couldn't discern the exact species of this spider-like Pokémon.

This Pokémon rapidly closed the distance between them, simultaneously pulling the silk thread attached to Yuga's hand in an attempt to bring him closer.

However, the row of Litwicks behind Yuga wasn't to be underestimated. Seeing Yuga in danger, one of them shot a flame beam that severed the silk thread, freeing Yuga.

Benefiting from the Litwicks' Will-O-Wisp, Yuga finally managed to see the true appearance of this Pokémon: it was an Electric-type Galvantula.

With the silk thread burnt, the Galvantula revealed a menacing presence in the darkness. It moved swiftly on its four spider legs, closing in on Yuga in the blink of an eye.

However, just as it opened its mouth to attack Yuga, it was struck by Shadow Balls one after another, causing it to be knocked backward.

As it was about to land, the Galvantula spewed silk once more, using it to swing back up onto a tree. The relentless assault of Shadow Balls from the Litwicks kept it on the defensive.

Yuga had instructed the Litwicks not to use Fire-type moves, as flames could easily spark forest fires and attract the attention of other Pokémon, especially in the pitch-black night.

So, although Fire-type moves had a type advantage against Galvantula, the Litwicks refrained from using them and instead employed Ghost-type moves.

The Galvantula, scurrying around, didn't expect that shortly after emerging to hunt, it would encounter a tough challenge. Those creatures with flames on their heads, what were they? It had never seen anything like them before!

There's no way the speed of one Galvantula could compete with the simultaneous skill attacks from dozens of Litwicks. In no time, it was exhausted and hit by dozens of Shadow Balls from the Litwicks, falling from the tree.



Type: Bug/Electric

Ability: Compound Eyes

Gender: Male

Potential: Green

Level: 45

Moves: Spider Web, String Shot, Thunder Wave, Bug Bite, Electro Ball, Signal Beam, Agility, Electroweb, Thunderbolt, Cross Poison.


Yuga hadn't expected to encounter a Pokémon with green potential at random. He decided to catch it by tossing a Poké Ball, securing this male Galvantula.

It seemed like a good match for the shiny Ariados he had back at his Ecopark.

However, this Galvantula displayed noticeably higher strength compared to the shiny Ariados in Yuga's Ecopark.

In spider Pokémon species, the females typically dominated and led the pack, whether it was Ariados or Galvantula. The females usually possessed greater strength than their male counterparts.

The shiny Ariados in Yuga's Ecopark had been the leader of its group.

Yuga wondered whether the shiny Ariados could subdue this Galvantula when he returned. If not, he could resort to using its unique appearance as a means of attraction.

The shiny Ariados was undeniably more visually appealing than regular Ariados, although he couldn't be sure if spiders shared his sense of aesthetics.

Despite the minor scare, Yuga considered it a worthwhile gain to have captured a Galvantula with green potential. He proceeded back to his sleeping quarters in high spirits.

The first thing Yuga did upon waking up the next day was to release the newly captured Galvantula and have a proper conversation with it.

The Galvantula that had been subdued through a group beating naturally didn't take kindly to Yuga's authority. As soon as it was released, it glared at Yuga with anger, even considering an attack. Being captured by its prey was a huge blow to its pride.

However, after Yuga's Pokémon took turns giving it a severe pummeling, the Galvantula understood that the bipedal creature before it was not to be trifled with.

Now, when the Galvantula saw Yuga, it trembled in fear, careful and cautious, dreading another beating.

Yuga proceeded to question the Galvantula about its group, aiming to gather information about the size and location of the Galvantula colony in the vicinity.

Just like Ariados, Galvantula were communal creatures. The presence of this Galvantula indicated the presence of a nearby colony.

However, whenever the subject of its own group came up, this particular Galvantula remained stubborn. No matter how much Yuga tried to coax or threaten it, it refused to divulge any information about its colony.

In this underground world, the inhabitants held their groups in high regard. They were willing to protect their groups at any cost, even if it meant their own sacrifice, as was evident from Kabutops's lack of complaints despite being abandoned by its group.

Yuga could understand this group-first mentality. In this underground world, the law of the jungle was prominently displayed, where survival of the fittest was the fundamental rule.

Many Pokémon groups couldn't ensure their survival unless they banded together. Over time, the concept of prioritizing one's group over everything else became deeply ingrained.

Eventually, after repeated assurances from Yuga that he had no ill intentions towards its colony, the Galvantula reluctantly allowed itself to be led to its group's territory, still wary and skeptical.

While most Pokémon had intelligence that rivaled humans, creatures like the Galvantula, who lived solely in the wild, were easily deceived.

Despite their fearsome appearance, these creatures were quite simple-minded. Their thoughts were driven more by instinct than reason.

Yuga, however, wasn't deceiving the Galvantula. He genuinely had no intentions of harming its colony, primarily because he believed he might not stand a chance.

Galvantula possessed strong reproductive abilities, and Yuga could anticipate that what he was about to witness was no small colony.

Upon reaching the location, Yuga's suspicions were confirmed. The Galvantula colony was not only large but also intimidating, with both Galvantula and Joltik congregating together, sending shivers down his spine.

Within the Galvantula's territory, golden electrical currents were omnipresent, the primary food source for the newly hatched Joltik.

Without these currents, the newly hatched Joltik couldn't survive because they couldn't generate electrical currents themselves. Instead, they relied on their parents to feed them.

Yuga believed that if he stepped foot into the Galvantula's territory, he would likely be reduced to ashes by those sparkling electrical currents.

Carefully noting the geographical location and information about the Galvantula colony, Yuga promptly left, realizing that he couldn't afford to offend this group.