
I’m Really a Titled Douluo from the start

Xu Sheng woke up and found that he had traveled to the Douluo Continent! He wanted to spend his whole life in a dull life, but didn’t realize that something was wrong until Wu Hun awakened! First Wuhun: Nine Hearts and Blood! Mutated from the nine-hearted begonia, it uses blood as a sacrifice, and the soul moistens it, completely breaking the myth of the auxiliary system! Second Wuhun: Sword of Ice Rose! The attack power crushes the Clear Sky Hammer and becomes the most powerful weapon in the mainland! Under Su Yuntao’s shocked gaze, Xu Sheng looked helplessly at the nine scarlet soul rings on his body, “Well, I just want to live a lifeless life, but you see, these nine red circles on me look pretty ?” The cover art is not mine! The novel is taken from mtl!

shehroz_ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 4

Then, Tang San and others followed Su Yuntao into a very luxuriously decorated house...

"Wow, these things look so precious"

"As expected of Wuhun Palace, I have never seen such a delicate thing before"

Xu Sheng also looked around. Although these things are exquisite, they are already covered with gray dust, which seems to have been useless for a long time.

Tang San looked at Xu Sheng curiously, and asked, "Brother Sheng, why don't you seem nervous at all?"

Although he has been a human for two lifetimes, it was the first time he had come into contact with Wuhun Awakening. There was no expression on his face, but he was still a little excited...

But only Xu Sheng is different. His current age is logically just a child, but his mind is even more mature than himself!

Xu Sheng shrugged and said faintly, "If there is any nervousness, what should come will come. If there is no spirit power, isn't you still there?"

Tang San rolled his eyes, and didn't know what to say to this answer, "Uh..."

At this time, Su Yuntao had already reached a step, he clapped his hands and said softly, "Okay, children, all come to me and stand in a row, preparing for the spirit to awaken!"

After everyone heard it, they stood in a row in front of Su Yuntao in an orderly manner and straightened their waists...

Su Yuntao then took out six black stones from his sleeves and gently tossed them towards the sky...

These six stones were thrown into the sky and emitted a pale yellow light, and quickly began to rotate in a circular shape...

Su Yuntao thought for a while and reminded again with concern, "Children, don't be afraid of whatever you see later! The child on the far left, you come first."

The boy on the far left heard that he was coming first, and quickly moved forward and excitedly said "Yes!"

Su Yuntao said coldly, "Lone wolf! Possession!"

I saw two spirit rings, one white and one yellow, rising from under his feet. Then, behind Su Yuntao, a wolf with a huge body appeared immediately. Its dense hair covered the lower body, and its eyes widened. The blood-colored fangs exudes a bloodthirsty aura, condescendingly looking down at the child in front...

The boy at the forefront stepped back in shock, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...what is this?"

"This...Is this Martial Soul? That's amazing!"

"Oh my god, am I going to have a powerful spirit like this kind of martial arts soon?"

Looking at one person and one soul, Tang San instantly understood the relationship between the two, and secretly thought, "Is this a martial soul? It seems that Su Yuntao should be able to obtain part of that martial soul's ability!"

Xu Sheng shook his head with his arms in his arms and said, "This lone wolf is only a low-level beast spirit among the many beast spirits, isn't it? And with Xiao Taozi's two levels of spirit power, he will be a great spirit master for a lifetime."

Su Yuntao looked at the boy who was the nearest, pale in fright, and comforted, "My child, don't be afraid, this is my spirit, a lone wolf, and it won't hurt you."

The former nodded and stepped back into the six rapidly rotating stones...

He slowly closed his eyes, and then a sickle appeared in his hand...

Su Yuntao sighed, "The sickle? It can barely be considered an offensive power. Now let's test whether you have spirit power."

He handed a crystal ball over and guided, "Now put your right hand on this crystal ball..."

The boy slowly placed his right hand on the crystal ball as instructed. However, the crystal ball did not shine...

Su Yuntao shook his head and said, "I don't have soul power, I'm sorry, you can't become a soul master... let's go back first."

The boy looked at his palm in a daze, his eyes gradually rosy, and he walked out sadly...


Su Yuntao "Next, Xu Li!"

A delicate girl walked forward, then closed her eyes, and a **** gradually appeared... Then she stretched out her right hand and placed it on the crystal ball... There was still no light...

"I'm sorry, you can't be a soul master"


Su Yuntao "Next, Li Guang..."

"Martial soul hoe, no soul power"


"Next, Zhang Ga..."

"Martial soul bricks? Interesting...but no spirit power..."


Finally, Su Yuntao was already weak. "Next, Tang San, please go forward and awaken the spirit!"

Tang Sanchao Xu Sheng nodded, walked among the six stones, then closed his eyes and began to feel...

The next moment, a blue silver grass with vitality appeared from his hand...

Tang San just opened his eyes. When he saw the grass on his right hand, he wanted to scold his mother...

"Is it really Blue Silver Grass? Really cursed by Brother Sheng!"

Unexpectedly, it was just a joke, and now it really came true, this is the standard waste martial arts everyone knows!

Tang San couldn't help but feel a little lost...

"No!" The next moment, he felt something was wrong, as if something was about to come out in his left hand, he touched the shape concealedly, and found it was a hammer!

He didn't know why he took his hammer back into his palm very vigilantly...

Observing this detail, Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows and murmured, "It hasn't changed much from the original, it seems that it is Lan Yincao and Clear Sky Hammer!"

I thought that his arrival would make Tang San change a little bit, but he seemed to think too much...

Already mentally prepared, Su Yuntao was too lazy to waste his expression, waved his hand and said directly, "Blue Silver Grass, the standard waste martial arts soul, next!"

Tang San stopped speaking, "Wait! Master Su Yuntao, haven't you tested my spirit power yet?"

Su Yuntao shook his head, "Your martial arts soul is Blue Silver Grass. I have never heard of someone with soul power for so many years. Next!"

Tang San bit his lip and said again, "Master Su Yuntao, just let me try it, it won't take long!"

Su Yuntao hesitated, "This..."

Xu Sheng in the back coughed a few times, "Ahem, Master Su Yuntao, let Xiaosan test first, anyway, there are only two of us!"

Hearing this, Tang San cast a grateful look at Xu Sheng...

As expected of Brother Sheng, reliable at the critical moment!

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he wants to test whether he has soul power!

Su Yuntao looked at Tang San's firm expression and handed the crystal ball over, "Well..."

Tang San took the crystal ball and gently placed his right hand on the crystal ball...

At the next moment, a dazzling light burst out from the crystal ball, blinding everyone present...

Su Yuntao, who was the first to recover from the dazzling light, said in astonishment, "It turned out to be the first... innate soul power!! Are you kidding me?"

Tang San looked at Su Yuntao with doubts...

After Su Yuntao noticed, he explained without delay, "The so-called innate full soul power is the highest soul power that can be achieved innately when a martial soul awakens!"

He was quite sorry and said, "But it's a pity, your martial spirit is a waste martial spirit Blue Silver Grass!"

It's hard to come across an innate soul full of spirit power, turned out to be a waste martial soul... This is really a bit of a shrimp and pig heart...