
I’m Really a Titled Douluo from the start

Xu Sheng woke up and found that he had traveled to the Douluo Continent! He wanted to spend his whole life in a dull life, but didn’t realize that something was wrong until Wu Hun awakened! First Wuhun: Nine Hearts and Blood! Mutated from the nine-hearted begonia, it uses blood as a sacrifice, and the soul moistens it, completely breaking the myth of the auxiliary system! Second Wuhun: Sword of Ice Rose! The attack power crushes the Clear Sky Hammer and becomes the most powerful weapon in the mainland! Under Su Yuntao’s shocked gaze, Xu Sheng looked helplessly at the nine scarlet soul rings on his body, “Well, I just want to live a lifeless life, but you see, these nine red circles on me look pretty ?” The cover art is not mine! The novel is taken from mtl!

shehroz_ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 38

The pale yellow spirit ring gradually melted into Ning Rongrong's body, and her confined eyes gradually opened...

He immediately lowered his head and stretched out the palm of his hand for the first time, releasing his martial soul, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Pagodas are distributed in layers, and the whole body is shining with brilliant light, and such a delicate space has seven layers, and each layer adds a bit of aura that belongs to the first auxiliary system of the mainland.

The next moment, a light yellow spirit ring emerged from her feet...

Ning Rongrong turned his head back with joy and said, "Xu Sheng, I made it!"

But when her eyes focused on Gu Rong's body, her face suddenly became cold...

Gu Rong's expression was a bit awkward, he could see that Ning Rongrong hadn't calmed down...

Turning his eyes, he praised very graciously, "As expected of us, it is indeed our glory, even a person in the sunset forest also obtained a spirit ring, much stronger than Fengzhi!"

Ning Rongrong let out a "hum", pursed his lips and whispered that I would ignore you! I blame Grandpa Bone and Grandpa Jian, I was scolded by my father..."

Gu Rong's eyes are full of pampering colors, and he repeatedly praised, "Yes, yes, Rongrong, this time it was my fault with your grandfather Jian. Now that you have absorbed the spirit ring, then quickly follow us back to the sect. It's not safe outside!"

"Hui Zong... wait? Grandpa Bone, you just came to me, did you see Xu Sheng?"

Gu Rong frowned and said bewildered, "Xu Sheng, I have never heard this name before."

To say that the people who came here saw only the kid who intended to betray Rongrong, but now it should have been resolved by Chenxin?

I just don't know if he's getting old, even if he wants to solve a kid...

When Ning Rongrong saw this scene, a premonition of inexplicability surged into his heart...

While speaking, he looked at Gu Rong worriedly and said, "Oh, Grandpa Bone...Xu Sheng is a boy who protects me."

A few thoughts flashed in Gu Rong's eyes, and suddenly, he seemed to remember the scene that happened before!

The boy who intended to tell Rong Rong who was unruly in the past said that she was protecting the law for the latter. Could it be that...

His face became complicated, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Hi...Could it be that the kid before was Xu Sheng, and his dagger was just to protect Rongrong!"

These words suddenly rang in Ning Rongrong's ears, and she anxiously grabbed Gu Rong's sleeves, "Grandpa Bone, you said the kid before! Did you do anything to him?"

Gu Rong, who was being pulled by Ning Rongrong, looked hard, and said with shame, "Rongrong, I'm afraid it's bad! Your Grandpa Sword probably already killed that kid..."

It is nothing to kill a kid by mistake, but I am afraid that this incident will make their relationship with Rong Rongde worse, that is what worries him the most!

Ning Rongrong's whole body seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and his body swayed...

"Xu Sheng... was killed... by Grandpa Jian" Ning Rongrong looked lost, and at the same time he uttered these words, his eyes were already red...

how come...

How could this be...

Obviously he just wanted to protect himself, but he was killed by himself...

And it was his own grandpa sword who killed him...

Gu Rong walked over, trying to comfort him...

Suddenly, there was a loud "bang"! The forest in front suddenly burst into an explosion!

Ning Rongrong and Gu Rong, who were absent-minded, looked over subconsciously...

The latter's eyes suddenly flashed with light, and he looked at Ning Rongrong eagerly, and quickly stared at her seriously, "Rongrong, don't cry first, Xu Sheng might be fine!"

Because the direction from the explosion just now was the direction where the fluctuations of Chenxin Soul Power stopped!

That kid is most likely not dead!

Ning Rongrong's lost face gradually showed a hint of joy, "Then let's go over quickly!"

After speaking, I turned my head and trot in the direction of the explosion...

"Hey, Rongrong, wait for me, there is danger ahead!" Gu Rong reminded out loud, seeing that Ning Rongrong ignored him, he sighed helplessly and hurried to follow...


Suddenly holding on to one knee, Xu Sheng's stomach suddenly rolled, spitting out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, "Puff..."

After using the seventh spirit ability, Xuetang's real body only felt that his whole body was being torn...

Even so, Xu Sheng's icy pupils stared at the heart of dust floating in the air, stepping on the Seven Kill Sword in front of him...

Chen Xin, who was stepping on the Seven Kills Sword, glanced at Xu Sheng's indifferently, and said coldly, "Boy, it's enough to be able to beat the heroes this step, but it's time to end here!"

However, his story should end here!

Each level of Title Douluo is separated by a vast sea, not to mention the difference between the two of them by a full six levels of spirit power!

After all, there is still an insurmountable gap!

The voice fell, and the eighth spirit ring under Chen Xin's feet suddenly lit up, "Eighth spirit ability, twelve advancing cut"

Countless selves suddenly appeared beside him, which was very similar to a certain spirit ability before, but!

Every clone around him now possesses nearly 80% of the attack power of the body!

Chen Xin closed her eyes silently and whispered "Goodbye, kid"

With a move of his mind, dozens of avatars mixed with the horror enough to tear the world straight towards Xu Sheng!

The pain of tearing Xu Sheng narrowed his left eye, his eyes filled with countless bloodshot eyes. He clenched his thin lips firmly, "Without the sword of ice rose, with the defensive power of Jiuxinxuetang, now he is not at all May resist this trick!"

Only relying on the ninety-one level spirit power of Jiuxinxuetang, under Chenxin's attack, I am afraid that he will be annihilated instantly!

Just when Xu Sheng's heart mobilized the second Wuhun...

A figure rushed out from behind him at an extremely fast speed, and saw the person rushing out, the eighth spirit ring under his feet lit up...

This person is surprisingly Gu Rong who rushed over quickly. He knew how terrifying his old friend's offensive power was, so he had to stop with his full strength...

Xu Sheng was so strong that his whole body was so painful that he lost his feeling...

His eyelids were very heavy and squinted...

Then Ning Rongrong, who rushed to see Xu Sheng's painful appearance, squatted down and hugged him tightly, shook his body violently, and hurriedly said, "Xu Sheng, are you okay with Xu Sheng?"

However, in Xu Sheng's vision, Ning Rongrong's cheek finally appeared...

Knowing that it was Ning Rongrong, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, his whole body drooped, and he lost consciousness...

Ning Rongrong, who hugged Xu Shenghao without knowing it, subconsciously thought that Xu Sheng was dead, and said with a cry in his tone, "Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng, don't scare me! Xu Sheng!"

Gu Rong and Chenxin who blocked the attack came over...

Seeing that there were still spirit power fluctuations in Xu Sheng, Gu Rong coughed and interrupted, "Rongrong, this kid is not dead yet, he just passed out."

Ning Rongrong was stunned. "Huh?"

Chen Xin approached Gu Rong and whispered, "Old bone, what are you doing to save this kid?"

He was a little bit confused that he was going to kill this kid soon, what trouble Gu Rong came out to make...

Gu Rong just gave him a wink of unknown meaning...

When I looked at Chen Xin with my doubts full of doubts, I suddenly enlightened...

Ning Rongrong stared at Chen Xin fiercely, and then worried again, "Grandpa Bone, what should I do now? Xu Sheng seems to have suffered a serious injury!"

It's impossible to leave the injured Xu Sheng alone in this sunset forest, right?

Gu Rong looked at Xu Sheng in a coma, shrugged helplessly, and suggested, "We can only take this kid to the sect temporarily."