
I’m Really a Titled Douluo from the start

Xu Sheng woke up and found that he had traveled to the Douluo Continent! He wanted to spend his whole life in a dull life, but didn’t realize that something was wrong until Wu Hun awakened! First Wuhun: Nine Hearts and Blood! Mutated from the nine-hearted begonia, it uses blood as a sacrifice, and the soul moistens it, completely breaking the myth of the auxiliary system! Second Wuhun: Sword of Ice Rose! The attack power crushes the Clear Sky Hammer and becomes the most powerful weapon in the mainland! Under Su Yuntao’s shocked gaze, Xu Sheng looked helplessly at the nine scarlet soul rings on his body, “Well, I just want to live a lifeless life, but you see, these nine red circles on me look pretty ?” The cover art is not mine! The novel is taken from mtl!

shehroz_ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 2

Xu Sheng waved his hand, "Hey, why do we say thank you for this relationship, but Xiao San, today the old guy Jack said that the day is the day when the spirit of martial arts awakens!"

There was a strong light in Tang San's eyes, he looked down at his arm and muttered, "Is the spirit awakened? I don't know what my spirit is?"

His Profound Heaven Skill has reached the bottleneck, no matter how he cultivates, there is no improvement, and this spirit awakening is the only key that Tang San thinks may break this bottleneck!

Xu Sheng coughed a few times, "Cough cough...Mistress, what if your martial spirit is Lan Yincao?"

Tang San complained, "Brother Sheng, are you cursing me?"

Lan Yincao is a standard waste martial arts soul, what did Xu Sheng say if he cursed himself?

Xu Sheng smiled without explaining, it is impossible to tell him the truth, right?

"Then, Xiaosan, let me help you chop wood together, so you might as well make dinner for Uncle Hao early!"

It seems that although this Tang San has a unique opinion on Lan Yincao, it is undeniable that even he is not optimistic about a waste martial arts spirit like Lan Yincao!

Tang San thought for a while and nodded in response, "It's okay, Brother Sheng will join us for dinner then, Dad should be very happy!"

Xu Sheng sneered at Tang San's statement, "Happy shit! Then Tang Hao coldened his face when he saw it!"

But in order to be able to hug the thighs completely, it's not too much to slam the door?

His face was delighted and said, "Then thank you Xiaosan, it just so happens that I have nothing to do with dinner!"

Later, with Xu Sheng's participation, the two quickly cut the firewood, bundled the firewood into a loop, and went down the mountain...


After arriving at the blacksmith's shop, Xu Sheng sat down on a chair, patted his chest and panted and said, "Little San, your physical fitness is really great, I haven't seen you breathe!"

Hearing this, Tang San, who was about to cook dinner, suddenly turned around and smiled at Xu Sheng, "Brother Sheng, that's because you are too lazy. You sleep in the afternoon and do not exercise. Can you be healthy?"

His physical fitness can be so strong, thanks to Xuantian Gong working in his body, coupled with the early morning exercise!

However, even his father didn't know about Xuantian Gong and hidden weapons, how could he tell Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng, who was sitting in a chair leisurely, didn't reveal it, and casually skipped the topic "So did you!"

Looking at this blacksmith shop full of bonfire atmosphere...

With a loud "bang", the door of the blacksmith shop was kicked open...

Xu Sheng, who was directly scared sitting in a chair, almost fell to the ground...

Tang San immediately put down the things in his hand and walked over, walked to the door to look at the tall figure with beard and scum in front of him, "Father, are you back? The dinner is not ready, you are waiting for a while!"

Tang Hao replied coldly, "Yeah"

Then I walked into the blacksmith's shop, and my eyes just happened to see Xu Sheng sitting in a chair getting colder...

Xu Sheng, who was stared at by this line of sight, only felt that he was being stared at by a terrifying behemoth at the top of the food chain. The strong pressure forced him to gradually feel a little suffocated!

Xu Sheng just wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't utter a human character anyway, he was swallowed abruptly in his throat, his face gradually hard to look...

Seeing this scene, Tang San walked over and apologized, "Dad! I called Brother Sheng from here. If you want to blame it, please blame me!"

Tang Hao let out his pressure on Xu Sheng with a cold "huh!"

Xu Sheng was like taking his life back, vomiting from the bottom of his heart, "Whhhhhhhh, shit, this Tang Haoju is terrifying, just a look in his eyes seems to kill himself! I knew I wouldn't come!"

If this reveals the nine horrible spirit rings, wouldn't he be scared to death!

After that, Tang Hao didn't bother to talk to Xu Sheng, glanced back at Tang San and urged impatiently, "Hurry up and cook! When it's done, call me!"

Seeing Tang Hao obviously displeased, Tang San didn't dare to say anything, "Yes, Dad!"

After Tang Hao entered the room, Tang San walked up to Xu Sheng and apologized, "Excuse me, Brother Sheng, you also know Dad's temper..."

Xu Sheng was full of spirits, and he waved his hand quickly, "It's okay, it's okay, Uncle Hao, this is... um... you should be strong!"

Although Tang Hao was in the room, Xu Sheng was sure that if he said something bad, he might enter Tang Hao's ears in the next second...


During dinner, Tang San bit his lip, raised his eyes and looked at Tang Hao hopefully, "Dad, Village Chief Jack said that heaven is the day when the spirit awakens, I..."

Tang Hao's pupils became cold, and his whole body suddenly burst into a fierce aura, and the whole table began to shake frantically...

But the next moment it seemed to remember something, the whole person's aura seemed to languish like a dozen years old...

Tang Hao calmly said, "Go if you want!"

Tang San's expression was suddenly happy, and he said gratefully, "Thank you Dad!"

Seeing the "affectionate" conversation between the father and son, Xu Sheng, an outsider, shivered and buried his head to eat...

Secretly prayed, "You two continue to say, just ignore me! Ignore me..."

Tang San took a sip of porridge, and casually mentioned Xu Sheng, "Besides me, there is also Brother Sheng who will go!"

Xu Sheng, who was taking a big mouthful of porridge, almost choked, and cursed in his heart, "I'm lost! Xiaosan, don't you take me when you talk?"

However, he quietly looked at Tang Hao not saying anything, he was lucky to breathe a sigh of relief...

At the next moment, Tang Hao asked abruptly, "Boy, do you also want to awaken your spirit?"

Xu Sheng smiled awkwardly and politely, "Yes, Uncle Hao..."

"I advise you to give up! In your body...nothing, I'm going to sleep, don't bother me!" Tang Hao said in a cold tone, stood up abruptly, slapped the spoon on the table, and turned towards him. Go to the room...

Only Tang San two people who looked at each other...

Tang San shook his head and continued to lower his head to drink the porridge, Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes secretly, "In my body? Could it be said that Uncle Hao knows something!!"