
I’m Just a Superman

I’m just an ordinary superman. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight dawn on the ground, I will appear in the sunshine on time. When the last glow of the evening disappeared, I will disappear again. Occasionally, I will take a look at what kind of drama this dramatic world can perform for me. But why, obviously I am just an audience, why do you always want me to join in? Well, in that case, here I am!

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23 Chs

Chapter 2: Am I Superman?

All the tests related to endurance could not measure accurate numbers and after getting the speed and strength data, Li Wei had no reason to stay in the gym.

Instead of spending time with those muscle guys in this sweaty gym, Li Wei is more willing to go to a spacious place to enjoy the sun.

After all, his current abilities are suspected to be superhuman and with his additional talent, sunbathing is the right reason to get stronger.

As for fitness, that's a way for people who don't have this kind of talent to become stronger.

Li Wei has no idea about getting involved in the fitness industry. For him, the role of the gym is only to test his speed and strength.

He was very ambitious but only when he stepped out of the gym that Li Wei swept across all his ambition as he comes across a certain problem.

The memory he brought with him made him proficient in reading and writing English but the embarrassment was that Li Wei could not recall the memory of him having to earn money for a living.

After paying the tens of dollars in the monthly fee for the gym, Li Wei's shriveled wallet was as clean as his face.

As for the credit cards…

With the American concept of over-consumption, he has always paid wages and his credit card may have already expired or doesn't have any balanced. How could Li Wei, who has become a homeless man without a job still have a source of income?

Li Wei doesn't have much to say about his deposits but it's a good thing to not owe money to institutions such as banks.

Although Li Wei had a foreboding feeling that one of his credit cards might not have been repaid, luck is always there so he found an ATM in the corner of the lane and inserted the credit card, entered the password, and after a few seconds of waiting, the refreshed screen shows the amount of property he currently owns—0.03$.

Considering that the card's overdraft limit is about $3,000, he should still owe the bank $2999.97. Although he doesn't know how long it has been overdue, it's clear that he can't afford to pay this much money.

Overdue will lead to credit damage, in addition to hiring illegal workers, most other companies are unwilling to hire a person with 'credit damage'.

Li Wei needs a job to restore his credit, but he must first repay to restore his credit if he wants to find a job, and he is now unable to find a job because of his credit damage.

At this point, an almost unsolvable cycle was born.


Realizing this, Li Wei cursed inwardly as he faintly felt a strange feeling coming from behind him.

He turned his head and looked back, several street gangsters were chatting nonchalantly about ten meters away but with Li Wei's vision exceeding the 1.0 standard value and reaching 1.2 or more, he could see that the eyes of several people were prying their eyes on him.

He was a little confused at first and Li Wei suddenly realized something: "These people…couldn't be robbers, right? Don't these people see that I am a poor man? And yet they still want to rob me?

Realizing this point, Li Wei could not help but cursed, he reached out and took out the credit card from the ATM as he hurriedly left the alley through another exit, he made his way through the crowd and disappeared.

Seeing Li Wei leave, the faces of the gangsters who were talking could not help but show a trace of disappointment: "Fuck! That guy runs faster than rabbits."

A black man wearing hip-hop attire took out his hand from his pocket and shook his head: "No one will come here, let's change the place, maybe we can find some unlucky guys."

Robbery is also a job with technical content, and the kind of people who stare straight at the target or hold a weapon from a long distance may not succeed in taking their prey's item or maybe not in their life.

Experienced robbers naturally know the way to rob. The first thing is to get close without alerting the target, and then quickly use the weapon to control the situation. In this way, they can succeed eight out of ten.

Relying on conversation as a cover, their small group has succeeded many times, but something went wrong when they met Li Wei.

It was just as soon as they fixed their gaze on Li Wei, that Li Wei discovered them.

After a while, sitting on a bench by the roadside, quietly watching the people passing by on the road, Li Wei couldn't help but sigh: "It's such a free place, you can even encounter this kind of robbery during the day"  

"If it were night, wouldn't it be a group of demons dancing wildly?"

"I don't have a penny with me, let alone staying in a hotel. Even eating later may be a problem…Does Superman eat anyway?"

As if he had discovered a solution, Li Wei's thoughts became active in an instant: "If I use the sun to eat, then I just need to find a rooftop to lie down on!"

"High-rise buildings face the sun directly and at the same time, there is no need to worry about robbers robbing me on the rooftop. It's perfect!"

"In this way, I only need to wait until the miracle is accomplished, and the moment I leave the mountain, it will be the moment of invincibility in the world!"

Thinking of the bright road ahead, Li Wei's eyes suddenly lit up, he got up and disappeared into the crowd.

Three days later, Li Wei, who had basked in the sun felt that he was strong enough to kill a cow in one blow. He came to the gym again to measure his power, still using the four familiar tests.

But after receiving the power from the sun, Li Wei's measured data is completely different from the last time.

Weight 67kg, shoulder press 67, bench press 97, squat 126, deadlift 143, compared to the last test score, the increase is about 1.34.

The three-day sunbathing has increased his power by 1.34 times. Even if it was calculated according to the arithmetic sequence, his strength can be doubled in 10 days. If it is calculated according to the geometric sequence, this increase will become even more terrifying.

Under the calculation formula of a geometric sequence. In ten days, his power will be 2.5 times stronger than it is now, 17 times in a month, and 13780 times in 100 days. By then, his power will reach at least 600 tons! One year later, it will be 64 trillion tons!

No matter what formula is used, with the development of time, the future that awaits Li Wei will be bright!

And in the past three days, Li Wei has one more interesting discovery.

As long as he gets enough sunshine for a few hours a day, he can avoid eating and drinking.

Correspondingly, because there is no intake, some metabolic activities including sweating and excretion are naturally gone.

No food, no drinks, and no excretion, Superman is Superman!

Without the trouble of eating and drinking, Li Wei can be said to be debt-free.

As for the bank's debt of as high as US$2999.97… that is the amount owed by Levi Deller who has gone to hell. What does it have to do with Li Wei who is a visitor from another world!

What? Does the bank doesn't think so? It doesn't matter, he, Li Wei thinks so.

If it doesn't work, when he is strengthened enough to ignore the pressure of the sea, he can just go to the sea to fish some metal ores and pay it back.

If anyone dares to play slick tricks with him, he doesn't mind sending those people to personally meet the true Levi Delle to ask for money.

Carrying the travel backpack that contains all of his wealth, Li Wei took a step towards the rooftop of a building he had chosen after days of inspection.

(TL/N: Do you want me to retain the name Li Wei or is it better for me to use Levi Delle?)