
Our relationship

so, I'm a girl, and yeah…she's a girl… and uhm…I'm kinda…in love with her? Okay I know you're kinda confused right now, so let me just explain how this started..

Demi, sitting down in the library is reading a book, suddenly, a group of girls come up from behind her and one snatches the book, Demi turns around in fright, already knowing who was picking on her.

"Ah, what are you reading friend?"

Brooke, the popular girl is dangling the book Demi was reading in her hands, she held it in her hands and started to read it, seconds later she started to laugh.

"are you serious?! You actually read those anime comics?!"

Brooke shows the book to her friends and they all start laughing.

Brooke gives the book back to Demi and asks Demi, "hey friend, what's your favorite page in this book?"

Demi thinks that Brooke is actually invested, and quickly flips to page 103, she points to the page and smiles at Brooke.

Brooke smiles back and rips the page out of the book, draining Demi's smile.

Demi looks up at Brooke "b-Brooke…why would you do that?"

"Because, friend, your a broke, ugly, skinny, loser, and me and my girls are just simply better than you, so why not have some fun, hm?"

Brooke and her friends laughed as they walked out of the library, demi watched as Brooke threw the book page into the garbage.

And as soon as the girls turned the corner, demi hurried up and dug the paper out of the trash. Then ms. white , the librarian entered the library and jumped in shock at demi.

"Demi what In gods name are you doing?"

She said. Demi quickly got the page, stuffed it in her pocket and stood up. "Sorry ms. White.. I uh.. I dropped my glasses in the trashcan and I had to dig in there to get them out.. haha." Ms. white lifted one eyebrow in disbelief. "Demi, honey.. you don't wear glasses.." demi cringed and quickly responded "nevermind, sorry ms. White!" And walked back to her table, got her book, and rushed past ms. White and walked out the library.

demi walked quickly In the hallways and bumped into someone. She fell to the ground a thought. •ugh, could this day get any worse??!• the stranger held their hand out for demi and she took it. When she stood up she was about to thank the stranger and leave, but she looked them in their eyes and quickly realized who they were. it was Rebecca, one of the mean girls who picked on demi in the library. demi said the words, "thank you" and was about to rush to her next class but Rebecca stopped her in her tracks.

What happens next? get my views up to find out!