
Chapter 1

Angels POV

It's early morning, right before sunrise as i sit on my window writing in my journal about absolutely nothing

i can see the sun coming up in the distance as i feel the fresh spring breeze blow in my face and throw my long curly hair at these moments i feel in heaven, like i have all the time in the world to just relax and not have to worry about princess duty or being undercover all the time as a warrior its nice, it's peaceful and all is perfect until-


My youngest brother comes in every morning screaming my name to wake me up and snapping me back to reality, the life i was born into.

I'm not complaining i love my life, i have an amazing family, amazing friend and life but sometimes i just need to get away.


" yes, yes Aaron I'm up I'm up, I'v been up for an hour now no need to yell and shout to get me up" i say in the same annoyed tone as every morning .

"Good, now come on you can help me wake up James and Asher the sleeping princesses" Aaron says.

"Haha ok I'm coming".

Aaron has always been the early bird like me, we both always get up an hour before the sunrise and he's made it his job to wake everyone up its nice some times but its gets a bit annoying.

" JAMESSSS ASHERRRRR" aaron screams in the Castle.

" omg Aaron every morning, don't you just for once wanna sleep in? You're a 10 year old boy, what do you really have to do this early in the morning?" James complains as he leaves his room just waking up.

" i mite be 10 but that doesn't mean there aren't any things i couldn't do, a king always gets up early and as future ruler that's one thing i need to know how to do" Aaron says with confidence.

" ok little buddy you keep doing what you have to do"

"Wait where's Asher" James asks

"Right here, i was trying to sleep" he says in a cranky way.

" you know no one sleeps in, in this castle with Aaron " i say

We all laugh as Aaron stands there proud.

We hear foot steps running up the stairs to where we all are, its one of the house maids who looks relived when she sees all of us up.

" oh good your all up, your dads waiting for you 4 at the table, breakfast is being served" she tells us

We all share excited looks and run down the stairs racing to see who gets there first

of course its Asher always speeding past everyone.

As we enter the room we see our dad in his usual spot at the table always at one side of the end of the table, our mom would be at the other side but she passed away a few years ago from a bad sickness.

As we sit down our dad looks at us proud, like he's the luckiest men in the world and thats what he tells us every morning before he starts talking about what our day is going to be like, and luckily every other day is something different.

He tells my oldest brother that he's going to finally be able to get his own office which my brother has been waiting for, for years now and now that my brother is 21 he can finally really start training to be the next king.

My dad tells my twin brother or as you know him Asher that he will be going into town with him today to meet some important people he will need to know for when he gets older and the exciting thing about that is were not allowed to go into town until were 16 so now that me and Asher are 16 we can finally go and i hear there are a lot of fun things to do in town.

Father tells Aaron to just focus on his school work and hanging out with friends like always because he's only 10 and he needs to live out his young life before he starts taking responsibilities because once he does all the playing he does he wont be able to do much of that anymore

Last father looks at me with a look, a look like he has something big for me to do which makes me excited but also nervous because I've never really had much big task to do especially now that Asher is not much of a warrior anymore, well I mean he is but he's focusing more on training to be a duke which I understand.

Father tells me to meet me in the thrown room after breakfast so he can explain to me what i am going to be doing and to give me something, i just nod and finish eating the rest of my breakfast.

I finish eating and start heading to the thrown room to see what my father has for me.