
I’m A Rouge

Melody is a brave girl from a gang of rouge that she's struggling to accept that she's a rouge, she was dreaming to join on a pack but despised on her character, they won't accept her. But all changed when she meet her mate, she was trying to keep distance between them specially that his the alpha of all alpha, anytime he could be a threat on her life, but all of her conclusion turn into a opposite one, ever since she step on his pack she felt free yet confused. Now that she's the Luna, her life was In danger knowing she will be the target of all Rouges and wanted to claim her life, and the other one is to take her back, why? He was important part on melody's life that she have to know, and it happens to be her real father. The Black sorcerer who wants to slay all creatures that lived on the world, to rule the world along with his daughter, Melody.

JewelleAragon302 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1


I look at my back and saw Sean, my brother walking toward me with a smile, showing that smile, i know his planning to do useless things again, with his friends, that always calling them selves cool.

"What?" I ask confuse, and he seat beside me, handling me a paper bag "what we gonna supposed to do with a paper bag?" I ask, pushing it back to him, even his always hangout with his arrogant friends, he never forget to care about me.

"Gave this to Emily when you saw her again.." i rolled my eyes in annoyance and accept the gift.

"Your always sending gift on that emily girl, can't you just wait for your mate?" I grumbled and he let out a 'nah' sound made me want to kick his face.

"While im still single, i have to enjoy my life, so i wont stuck about this wolf thing" he shrugged standing up and offer my hand "wanna go a run with Lucas?" I look again in the TV and digged my neck at the hoodie, hoping i will disappear.

"Oh come on sis, it's been week! You have to let your wolf out" i shook my head, remembering the alpha on the terror forest saw us, he was going to kill us that day but luckily sean was there to save my ass.

"You know i hate that I born to be a rouge" i whisper and his eyes soften, taking a seat beside me "We have to take it, and besides they won't touch us unless we touch their territory" he smile and i punch his shoulder lightly.

"Lucky you, I didn't tell this to mom" i smirk and his eyes wide, who's afraid on momma now?

"Tss' if you tell it, you will be grounded at the garage too" he smirk and i stuck my tongue out "We should gonna go, and if we step on their territory again? I will left your butt over there" i threatened standing up he let out a 'yey!' like he was force to do it.

"Mom!" He called and i hear mom hummed "me and melody are going on a run, we be back at midnight!" He said, we don't have to yell, because wolves can hear even your away.

"Yeah, be careful okay?" Mom respond and we both hummed, exiting the house, walking toward our garage, to grab our bikes.

"where are we going to run?" I ask sean "At Terror forest? Where are supposed to be?" He shrugged and i rolled my eyes, hopping on my bike and began to stump the pedal.

"You should try to be friends with alex, his a sensible man, and maybe you will learn how to wash a plates from him" i smile.

"Over my dead body" i chuckled, trying to jump my bike like other bikers do "you sound like a girl, when you said that...I may be happy if you tell me that your a gay" i joked and he sprint toward me about to kick the wheel of my bike.

But I fasten my drive, so he can't kick it "not can do it, dummy!" He groaned threatening to kick me "wait till mom hear this!" I laughed hearing him yelled and glance at him.

"What a brilliant idea, Malfoy!" I yelled and he growl fastening his drive "Oh! Wand is now not allowed in hogwarts, malfoy!" I yelled and he soon chuckle.

"look what happened to you, after your done watching that stupid 'Harry Potter movie'" he said shooking his head in disbelief.

"Atleast I'm not the one who's watching 'Fifty shades' repeatedly" i smirk and i hear him gasp.

"you saw that?!" He gosh and i nodded my head "zeyne told me.." i smirk and he growl "I'm not!" He yelled in a defensive tone, and I look at him mischievously.

"Oh yeah, You do!" I laughed.

Me and sean, take minutes to reach at lucas house, while talking and arguing, as we stop our bikes, lucas and his friends approach us high fiving, and making a bro fist.

"What took you guy's so long! We've been waiting for you two" lucas said dragging us inside of the forest.

I was remaining silent, not daring to make any conversation, they're not interested anyways, and they are not a good listener, no manners, always disturbing when someone was talking.

Ugh! Why i sound like a granny?

"Melody you can shift at the back of that rock.." zeyne said pointing at the big rock, and i nodded walking toward behind of it and started to remove my clothes, after all removed, i focus on my mind, thinking of my wolf.

Sooner i hear my bones cracking, while smoke from my heat flew above me, i close my eyes and growl, and sooner i open my eyes and see my white tail.

And my white feets, i started to walk toward sean, who's already shift and he bite my ears make me growl and push him away, he wiggle his tails, like his joking while moving his ears up and down.

All of them howl except me, and started to run, and i follow them wherever they go, enjoying my self, Sean's wolf was faded grey that mixed with brown, and mine was...weird, all white, they said it's lucky, but for me, it's bad luck.

After hours on running we all stop at below of a huge tree and we all sat.

'Let's walk in random direction, who got on my house first got a big price!'

I hear lucas yelled, and all of them except me started to run, i just stay seat on the ground and sean notice it walking toward me.

'You okay?'

I nodded my head, and touch his face by my paws 'You can go with them, I be there in few hours' i mind linked and he nodded his head, began to run.

I'm not scared at all, i already know this place since we're eight, lucas and his friends was acting like a child even they are turning into seventeen.

I learned how to shift when I'm twelve, me and sean meet lucas on the rouge training camp, we all get well when we save each other's life, when our town been attack by other's packs.

We're not rouges, as In rouges who's attacking others territory, we lived in peace and avoid wars, that's mom said to me.

I look up to the sky, and it's already dark, moon was visible on the sky along with the stars, it was a beautiful view, all werewolves admire it, we admire the Moon Goddess herself.

I stand up and began to walk, before sean left me at lucas house, even we already meet since we we're kids i still hate their guts, who wouldn't? their imagining to high that they're a handsome and popular guys, even it is not.

When i get back to lucas house, i went to the big rock where i leaved my clothes, and shift back into human, i wear back my clothes and walk in the front house and saw lucas seating at the stairs.

"Did sean already left?" I ask and he nodded, in a shruggie look "he said you have to come back home immediately" my brows furrowed and pick my bike up.

"Is there an emergency?" I ask and he shook his head "it's sunday, so for sure all alpha's will going to roam at the town to check us if we did something wrong" right they will come at the town in eleven.

"what time is it?" I ask cooly and he glance at his watch and he smirk "one minutes and it's eleven.. so the time is running melody.." i hop on my bike and quickly kick the pedal, and fastened my ride.

'shit, shit shit shit! I never thought this will happen!'

But why would i be scared? I didn't do wrong right? And twelve is our curfew, so i don't have to bother my self on kicking this pedal, poor pedal.

I easy my legs and started to chill, removing negative thoughts on my mind, but wait– did lucas said 'all alphas' what the?! But i thought only the alpha on the Emerald pack, are just going to visit the town?

No, lucas must be joking he must be trying to scared me, damn rouge life, ugh! Melody stop thinking about that!

I look up the sky and stare at the moon, I know this time my eyes was turning into crystal blue, i quickly blink twice covering it and started to fastened my drive.

'there they are!'

I yelled on my mind, seeing many mans walking with cold glares, I'm the only rouge on the street, makes me felt fear.

As for respect, i hop down on my bike, and decide to push it, instead of riding it, and while looking down.

As i walk passed them, i was shock when someone trip me make me fall on the ground grinding my legs at the metal of my bike, creating a wound.

"I-I apologize" i whisper and stand up about to pick my bike up when someone kick it away, i close my eyes trying to be brave and not show them my fear.

"A filthy rouge shouldn't at the streets, they look like a garbage" that's why i want to reborn and not to be a rouge anymore.

There was a strong of authority in somewhere, stronger than strong, I don't know where it comes, but i know for sure it's from one of them.

"Look at me" someone demand, and i look up, saw a creepy Alpha, the alpha of the Red stone pack, he was smirking devilishly, and glaring at me with his grey orbs.

I look at the others and they all staring at me coldly, i look back down, feeling a sensation that i never felt before, but it's familiar, mom told me about this.

"I-I am really sorry"

"I'm not done to you.." before i know someone already pinned my head at the cold hard concrete floor, it was the alpha from the red stone.

"I-I didn't do anything! Please don't kill me!" I yelled started to sob, Great i was wishing that i be die, but why now I'm afraid?

I open my eyes, and met a grey orbs, it was staring at me deeply like it's hypnotizing, i snap when his eyes showing a hint of gold, i can't describe mine, i feel like there's a sparks on me.

I close my eyes in hesitation, already solve my confusion.

One wrong word that slip from my mouth, i will found my self without my head, so i better be careful.

I bit my own tongue when Alpha doran was pinning my head hardly on the ground like his planning to crush my head, but sooner the pain goes away, like it just disappear.

I open my eyes and saw Alpha doran, was been pinned on the ground, by him, the Alpha that I stared seconds ago.

"Your hurting your luna, My mate" he growled and my eyes widen.

He feel it too? I should left before he kills me too, i just see him, and I don't even know who he is, two choices was on my mind.

A.) His a newbie. B.) The strong sensation i felt minutes ago is from him, so his the Alpha of all alpha.

or I should say three, C.) None of the above. I quickly kick my pedal and left them their busying on looking at Alpha doran, but when i glance, My mate was staring at me, walking toward my way.

"Please don't, please don't, please don't" i ranted.

"Your not going anywhere.." i hear him whisper. All i can do is....

'Well fu–'