
I’ll Start A New

.... In her past life she was an assassin though not the best she was still pretty good. After dying in an explosion she awoke in the body of a baby. How will Scarlett’s life be from now on? Will she be able to live a different life than her past life? Or maybe this life will be full of surprises waiting for her to discover. After all this is a world of cultivation. **** **** It’s my first time writing something so yeah! If you find that my story is similar to something else you read it probably is! I read a lot and take inspiration from here and there but I’ll try to make this an original. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Let me know if there’s a spelling or grammar mistake. Thanks! The cover photo isn’t mine I just edited a picture I found! Updates are random!

Snowlotus56 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 7 - Cultivation Pt. 2

Not knowing how long it took, Scarlett finally felt something.

'This should be spirit energy right?'

An expression of relief could be seen on the tiny girls face. Not wanting to loose this sensation, she tried to absorb the energy into her body.

Clear energy was floating towards her. Approaching her body it seemed to be blocked from entering. Gritting her teeth with sweat dripping down her back, she tried to force the energy into her meridian paths.


An excruciating pain over took her mind and body as soon as the spirit energy entered.

'Holy shit!!!! I didn't think it would hurt this bad.'

Though the pain was making her feel miserable, it wasn't even close to the pain she felt when her body exploded in her past life.

'Ha,ha it's still do-able..'

Little by little the spirit energy entered her meridian paths pushing out the impurities that were previously there through her pores. An overwhelming stench started to spread in the sealed room, which went unnoticed by Scarlett as she already entered a perfect state of meditation.

Flowing in her path ways, the spirit energy finally gathered below her navel, the dantian.

Reconstruction Stage Level 1!!!

After stepping into the first stage of cultivation, Scarlett didn't show any signs of stopping. She repeated the absorbing, cleansing, and gathering more times that she could remember.

By the time she came out of her meditative state, she felt her body brimming with energy.

'So this is how it feels so have spiritual power', she wonders fascinated. She didn't know what her current level was but she was positive that she had entered the Reconstruction Stage.

Opening her eyes, she was welcomed by the sight of a shocked Elle staring at her in a daze. She wanted to say something to her but before she could, a horrible stench of something rotting entered her nose. "Ewwww….Elle what is that smell." Easing her hand to her nose she found the smell getting worse. Looking at her hand that was covered in a black goopy substance, she heard Elle speak.

"Th..that would be you Scarlett," she spoke in a shocked voice.

Only then did Scarlett look down and discover that her whole body was covered in the goopy substance. Wrinkling her nose, she asked, "This should be the impurities right? Why is there so much?"

Not getting a response she looks up at Elle in confusion, "Elle?"

Finding her voice, she spoke in a shakeup voice while trying to calm down, "The reason you expelled so much impurities," she pauses, "Is because you reached level 6(success) reconstruction stage. In just as short as 3 months?! To think you actually did it," she mumbles that last part.


She didn't think she had spent three months cultivating. Time passed by so fast she barely even realized. Excitement flickered in her eyes at the thought that she was just on step away to breaking through to the next cultivation stage.

Then that flash of excimer meant was gone as she realized the stench was getting worse. Holding back her barf she gets up and starts walking to Elle.

"Elle, it's great and all that I'm a genius but I would rather focus on taking a bath. I really stink!!"

Elle did think she stunk too, so she put away her excitement and grabbed the smelly little girl. Then she teleported them back to Scarlett's bedroom.

"Go bath, then we'll talk and eat dinner."

Responding to her with a nod, Scarlett hurried into the bathroom. She passed right by the bath tube and ran strain in to the shower.

Ten minutes later she was done and changed. Sitting in front of her vanity Elle put in a year ago, she stares at her reflection. Sometimes she really forgets how pretty she is.

Doing a quick brush threw of her hair she grabs a random hair tie and puts her hair in a bun. Dressed in silk pajama sweats and a long sleeve, she makes her way to the kitchen.

The house had a total of 2 bedrooms that were in use with there own bathrooms. Then there were 2 guest rooms that were just collecting dust. The kitchen was the largest space in the house. Then there was the living room with the softest couches Scarlett had ever sat on. The appliances were kind of like earths but instead everything kind of ran on spirit energy. Below the house was a training center where she spent most of her lessons. This house really was Scarlett's little paradise hidden from the rest of the world.


She really would be content if she could stay here forever.

Pushing open a door she, found Elle sitting by the kitchen island waiting for her to arrive. Not saying anything, Scarlett walk in and sat next to Elle.

They both really weren't talkative people so they sat in silence but not an awkward silence and ate there food.