
I’ll Start A New

.... In her past life she was an assassin though not the best she was still pretty good. After dying in an explosion she awoke in the body of a baby. How will Scarlett’s life be from now on? Will she be able to live a different life than her past life? Or maybe this life will be full of surprises waiting for her to discover. After all this is a world of cultivation. **** **** It’s my first time writing something so yeah! If you find that my story is similar to something else you read it probably is! I read a lot and take inspiration from here and there but I’ll try to make this an original. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Let me know if there’s a spelling or grammar mistake. Thanks! The cover photo isn’t mine I just edited a picture I found! Updates are random!

Snowlotus56 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 5 - Training

Author here! I'm going to be continuing from 3rd person from now on. I'll probably add a bit of first person here and there.


Alone again, Scarlett sat by her window looking outside at a patch of tulips planted.

Thinking back to Elle's words she over heard, she felt a bit out of sorts.

'Just five more years? Is she going to leave me in five years? But from the looks of it she must be sick. So maybe….in five years she..will die?!'

Because She had known Elle for only 2 years, she didn't really have much attachment for her. Still that's doesn't mean she didn't enjoy her company!!


*3 years Later*

Inside a underground training center, Elle was sitting on a bench watching little Scarlett attack a training dummy. Ever since that incident 3 years ago when Scarlett left her room, Elle started giving her LESSONS FROM HELL.

Why would she do that to a 2 year old you ask?

Elle had told Scarlet that her mother was something called a 'Seer', that could see the future and the past. Supposedly, before her mother died, she told Elle a lot of things. One was that Scarlett would be especially smart and strong from birth.

That got Scarlett thinking.

'Did my mother know that this was my second life?'

It was a pity that she died otherwise Scarlett would have loved to talk with her.

'So, that means I'm an orphan in this life to? Wait shouldn't I have a dad too?'

She wanted to bring up the topic with Elle, but she just never got the chance to ask.

'Anyway if I did have a dad, where is he? Where was he when mom died? Is he dead too?'

The only thing she new about her mother was that she was a seer and the happenings before her death. That also included the poisoning. Meaning that Elle was dying.

She had found out just before her birthday. Elle's episodes were happening too frequent that, knowing how smart Scarlett was, she knew that her finding out was just a matter of time.

So she told her. That's also when she found out about her mother. Also when the HELLISH training started.

When she was 2, it was only hellish lessons about the world and it's inhabitants. Along with a bunch of occupations. Elle was really trying to cram her brain full. Good thing she had a photographic memory.

Right she also found out that this world was called Earth. But wasn't the Earth she was familiar with. It was kind of better it call it a parallel version of Earth.

But this Earth had a particular energy, called Spirit Energy. Using this energy people are able to become what is called a 'cultivator'. Cultivators are able to manipulate spirits energy and unlock there elemental affinity.

On Earth, which was ten time larger than her previous world, were 5 five continents.

Amier in the north(where Scarlett currently was) where humans lived.

Estelle in the west, where the elves lived.

Doman in the south, where the Demi humans lived.

Astro in the east, where the spirit beasts lived.

Orion is the central continent.

Scarlett was pretty shocked when she found out that there were different races, but soon she got over it because she was to lazy to worry about it.

She stopped basic geography lessons when she was 4 and thought she could just laze around. But soon Elle wanted to teach her martial arts. And there was no getting out of that.

So now it's been a year since she started martial arts and to say she was good at it would be an understatement. Her innate strength was nothing to scoff at, so hand to hand combat was as easy as pie to her.

Performing a round house kick, Scarlett sent the training dummy flying and turned around with a bored look on her sweaty face.

"Elle, could I go back and sleep now pleaseee!"

It was pretty ironic. When she was younger she couldn't wait to get out of her room but now all she wanted to do was head back and sleep all day.

Elle shook her head at the little girls words and sighed in distress. This girl was amazing at everything from learning to fighting. Her only downfall was that she was lazy.

Walking up to the sweaty girl she handed her a towel.

"Not today Scarlett, were learning something new today."

Wiping her face with the towel, she rolls her eye annoyed.

"Elleee but it's already dark outside."

"It's funny you say that as there's no windows in here."