
I’ll Start A New

.... In her past life she was an assassin though not the best she was still pretty good. After dying in an explosion she awoke in the body of a baby. How will Scarlett’s life be from now on? Will she be able to live a different life than her past life? Or maybe this life will be full of surprises waiting for her to discover. After all this is a world of cultivation. **** **** It’s my first time writing something so yeah! If you find that my story is similar to something else you read it probably is! I read a lot and take inspiration from here and there but I’ll try to make this an original. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Let me know if there’s a spelling or grammar mistake. Thanks! The cover photo isn’t mine I just edited a picture I found! Updates are random!

Snowlotus56 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 19 - Seer abilities pt.1

Not sure how long had past, Scarlett woke up feeling refreshed. She opened her eyes and found her self in a cave like abode with a huge opening on the top.

'Where am I?'

"Your finally awake", a strong feminine voice rang out from her side.

The little girl pushed herself up into a sitting position and found a dragon laying down next to her.

She blinked and blinked again before she opened her mouth,


'At least she didn't hurt her head and become stupid', Phi heaved a sigh of relief and mumbled in her mind.

"Yeah I'm not stupid Phi we should all be thankful for that", Scarlett replied in a sarcastic voice.

'Did she hear my thoughts?'

"What do you mean", she used air quotes, "hear your thoughts, your obviously speaking out loud. If I didn't have the ability to hear thoughts that would be-", she got cut off as she remembered everything that had happened before she passed out and shivered as she recalled the explosive pain in her head.

"Wait so I can actually hear your thoughts now?" She tried again just for good measure but came up empty after a while.

She looked back up at Phi in disappointment only to see the big dragon nod.

"Yes. I used my Spirit energy to unlock your Seer fixed abilities your were born with. Though , since I didn't take into account how small and young you are your brain weren't able to take these abilities and caused your spirit consciousness and energy to go on a rampage", she replied carelessly.

Just as Scarlett was about to flip out over the fact that this was all basically Phi's fault, she continued,

"No need to flip out little one",she used her claw and flicked her forehead, "I suppressed and controlled the rampant energy so everything is fine now. Your Seer abilities will gradually unlock now at a much fast rate than it would naturally. It looks like you could already read minds. You even read mine….hmmm….to think you actually read mine even when I had a barrier up….that's very surprising", Phi was looking at her as if she wanted to study her brain.

She shook off those strange thoughts, "Well you won't be able to read mine anymore as I reenforced by barriers."

To say she was shocked would be an understatement. Scarlett didn't actually want to be able to read peoples minds, she just thought that it was a cool ability in GENERAL.

So now what, will she always be hearing people's thoughts? What if people are talking shit about her? How would she handle a situation like that?

As her thoughts were spiraling, Phi cut her off once again,

"Sigh, little one your thoughts are really loud…..You don't need to worry about people's thoughts just randomly flooding into your head. Only if you want to listen to people's thoughts will you be able to hear then, also there are some cases where people could project there thoughts too. Though people with mental shields are a different case. Only if your spiritual conscious is stronger than there's will it work."

Scarlett heaved a sigh of relief after Phi finished speaking.

"That's good then. But Phi what are these Seer abilities you talked about? Also where are we?"