
Hybrid in the hybrid universe (HPxMarvel)

Klaus always wanted to travel to a magical world, and experience how it feels to be able to use magic and have superpowers. When he wakes up in what looks like his old room,and is given chance to do just that. Only price is that he must make sure that his new world isn't destroyed by humans, mutants, wizards, crazy aliens and many others. While he is at it he should probably do something about all those animals that are going extinct, and that ice that is melting. What is newly created Hybrid to do,but give it his all. ----‐------‐---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc is tasked with keeping Earth from being destroyed by humans,but at the same time he must let humans prosper,explore and be free. The story will concentrate a lot on magic and how it works while mc lives through human history. (Marvel × Harry Potter)and there might be some elements from DC. This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I am trying to get better at grammar as well as story writing. I noticed that everyone does this so I am going to do it too. I don't own anything except mc and some original characters this is a fanfiction everything else is owned by companies that own them. (Cover isn't my creation, and if the creator wants it removed please contact me.)

Strongi · Livros e literatura
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48 Chs


(Klaus POV)

As we fly above Himalayas I ask "Lily, how is that family of shapeshifters adjusting to life on Avalon?"

"Well they are getting used to it, luckily they lived in more civilised parts of the world, so the transition wasn't that bad." She answers.

Shapeshifters are interesting thing, they are children of hybrids and humans. For Lily and me only way to have children is by turning them, we are originals, true immortals, but those we turn can have children with humans, and probably other mortal races.

Those children are what we call shapeshifters. They aren't immortal, although they do have exceptionally long life span. Shapeshifter children are extremely rare, ever since we allowed our daughter's to turn humans, only one was born.

As for their abilities, they are born with healing factor, higher then human strength and speed. They also have hybrids ability to shapeshift in an animal, but they are never born as feline or canines instead they can be any other animal. Because of this quirk they can't be turned into a hybrid.


After flying for a while we notice something happening in the distance, and yes we fly almost everywhere, even though we have portkey ward stones almost all ower the world. It is just more enjoyable, and we get to see if something interesting pops up.

We decided to go and check it out, but stay far enough so we wouldn't get involved. We have learned local languages from hybrids that were sent to search the region for magical creatures, but it is better not to be noticed.

We landed on a hill under invisibility illusion, and observed a fight " That one in purple robes is a wizard, but what is that on in red armor?" Lily asks.

"I am not sure, might be a mutant." We discussed as the wizard sent a fireball on the red guy who used his guandao to cut it in half somehow.

"No, I can feel magic from him. It seems to be internal, like he is using magic to strengthen himself." Lily says.

I frown at that "That shouldn't be possible. If wizard tries to use magic like that it destroys their body."

While wizard bodies are supported by their mana, making them age slower, more resistant to damage and diseases. They can't direct mana inside of their bodies to strengthen them or heal them. There are some rituals that allow wizards to strengthen them self or give themselves faster healing, but that is all.

This applies to Lily and me to, but we don't really need it anyway being Hybrids.

As we were talking, those we were observing brought their fight to the end. Red armored on had gotten close to the wizard and stabbed him through, but he was stabbed in turn by a dagger wizard was hiding in his robes.

"Well that was disappointing." I say.

"Should we do something?" Lily asks.

I concentrate for few seconds and start rummaging through their minds. As they are dying they don't notice anything.

After I am done I say "No, world will be a better place without this two in it. They are both killers, using a war that is happening between wizards and 'martial artist' to kill and r**e to their heart's content."

" 'Martial artist' like in kung-fu movies" Lily asks.

I smile at that, Lily has little tolerance for r**e and unprovoked murder. "Yes it is an interesting concept. Are you familiar with concept of chi?"

"Not really, it sounds familiar but no."

I explain what I remember form my past about the energy, mostly from cosmic and manga.

"So is chi what he is using?"

"No, not really he is using mana. He is what in the future will be called a squib." At that Lily's eyes widen " He believes to be using chi, but he is using mana to strengthen his body. He seems to be incapable of using it to influence outside world, but his reserves are spread through most of his torso and he has strengthen everything about his body including his senses."

"Well that is one mystery explained, I always found it wierd how squib could make potions and interact with runes, but couldn't do magic. If they are born with different talent for magic, it would make more sense." Lily says.

"And I would guess that Asgardians and their kind can use mana both ways together." I say

"So want are we going to do now?" Lily asks as we lend in front if two dead magic users.

I search through their pockets for a while, and the answer as I pull something out " Well we could find out how to make this."

"A pill, what does it do?" Lily asks "Well it is basically a potion, but compressed using alchemy." I answer.

Lily eyes shine at that "Where do we find out how to make this?"

After coming to a decision we fly towards a palace that, squib is from and we need to find a better name for them then a squib.

It wasn't that hard to snake in and rummage through one of the alchemist mind to find out how to make the pills.

We also got as many scrolls on magic as we could. This war between wizards and squibs is destroying a lot of the knowledge wizards in this parts have gathered.

We also found out how it started. It would seem that wizards in this parts of the world found out what squib could do and proceeded to use them as slaves who could do all those pesky things they found boring: Alchemy, potions, runes...

After a while squibs found out that they could strengthen them self using chi, and decided to fight back.

After we were done exploring what in the future will be China, and seeing few more fights we decided to move on.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story, and like what I did with the squibs. I also wanted to thank Daoist681011 for giving me the idea for the pills.

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