
Chapter 6: Wolfsbane Bullet (Edited)

After Scott and I had a proper introduction, he was surprised to discover that he and Derek were not the only werewolves in town. He learned that there are two others who are even more formidable and possess greater powers than him and Derek.

The day after was rather uneventful, apart from the fact that I had to have a difficult conversation with Allison. I gathered up the courage to tell her about her family's secret profession as werewolf hunters. Surprisingly, she took the news rather well, which relieved me a lot.


"Let me get this straight, you're telling me that my family hunts werewolves?" She inquired.

"Correct, that's what I stated."

"Why was I left in the dark about this?" she retorted.

I reassured her with a gentle hand-hold and conveyed my belief that they underestimated her ability to cope with the truth.

"I'm dealing with it pretty well."

Yeah, you've got it under control. I think they should give you a bit of credit and believe in you as an argent," I said

It's clear now - the constant moving, the firearms, and our family's reputation all make sense.

"Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent" is the code that some of your family follows."

"We hunt those that hunt us" she translated It into English before frowning, "You said some of why family follow. What do you mean?"

"Sigh! Because the only one who follows the code to a T is your father," I told her as her eyes went wide, "These are a few memories that I got from the alpha when I fought him the night before," I said as I transferred to her the memories of Peter of the fire through our bond.

she saw the hale pack and a few human friends were having a gathering. She saw how the fire engulfed the house burning the people inside. she also saw something that she wished wasn't true because as Peter looked through a window he saw Kate argent standing a few feet away from the burning house with a smirk and then everything went black as the memory ended.

"I'm sorry you had to see that but I just needed you to know who she truly is underneath all that happy and smiling face. To her and Gerard every supernatural creature is just an animal that must be eliminated,"

"How I'm I going to even look at her, God there were children in that house," she said, tears in her eyes as I hugged her tightly.

"Just act normal but know that the only person you can trust is your father and maybe your mother" she nodded her head.


At the moment I'm home getting ready for bed. After showering I walked over to my bed but before I even reached it I heard a gunshot from not that far.

I put on my clothes before vamp speeding in the direction of the gunshot. when I got there I saw Derek climbing the roof of a house chasing the alpha. I jumped to the roof right next to it before running after him pushing him forward just as a gun was shot, hitting me right on my right forearm.

The bullet passed straight through my arm leaving behind a lot of wolfsbane in there. I fell off the roof as I groaned in pain.

Derek came down quickly helping me sit up and l lean on a dumpster.

"Why did you do that I could have taken it"

"No, you can't, that shot would have killed you slowly and painfully," I said to him pulling up my sleeve to see the wounds glowing blue, "I'm gonna need you to take care of me for the next 24 hours"

"What why"

"Because this is no ordinary wolfsbane it's nordic blue monkshood, very rare and very potent wolfsbane, gods these are going to be a very painful 24 hours like last time"

"You've dealt with this before," Derek asked me

"Yeah, once I was careless and got cocky with a hunter I was fighting allowing enough time to stab me with a knife coated with this, wolfsbane. I remember it being so excruciatingly painful that it hindered my control" I told him as I tried to get up and accidentally leaned on my right hand resulting in pain shooting through my arm.

Derek helped me up as we started walking out of the place. The more we walked the more the pain rose at one point Derek decided to check it and my blood got on his right hand.


In school the next morning Scott and Stiles were in class. Stiles looked impatient and wanted to ask questions so he did.

"If Derek isn't the alpha and Astrid is but not the one who bit you, which I'm still processing by the way, then who did"

"I don't know," Scott said

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles asks again.

"I don't know"

"Do the Argents know about the alpha?"

"I don't know" Scott shouted in frustration making everyone in the class turn in their direction. The teacher passes by them and gives them their test results Stiles gets an A while Scott got a D.

Derek and Astrid got to school to look for Scott and Allison. Derek didn't like seeing Astrid in pain, especially since he considered her his sister. That bullet was supposed to hit him but she took it for him.

So he came up with the plan that Allison to get the bullet to cure her. As they walked into the hallway Derek spots Jackson putting his books in his locker so he walks up to him.

"Where's Scott McCall," He asks him as Astrid leans on the lockers shutting her eyes in pain.

"Why should I tell you," Jackson says as he closes his locker.

"Because I asked you politely and I only do that once"

"Hmph, okay tough guy, you know, how about I help you find him if you tell me what you're selling him. What is it, is it uhh Dinoball huh? HGH" Jackson asks while Derek blankly stares at him.

"Steroids," Derek says getting frustrated with the kid as he tries to leave but Jackson speaks again so he turns to him.

"No, girl scout cookies," Jackson says sarcastically before adding, "What the hell do you think I'm talking about. oh and uhh by the way whatever it is you're selling I'd probably tell her to stop sampling from the merchandise she looks wrecked" He tells Derek as he looks at Astrid who was paler than usual.

"I'll find him myself," Derek says as he walks past Jackson only for Jackson to grab his shoulder.

"We're not done yet..." before he can say anything else, Derek grabbed him by the neck with his right hand and slammed him on his locker his claws digging into Jackson's neck inserting my blood which contains wolfsbane into Jackson.

"Derek the last bell will ring soon we'll catch them outside," Astrid told him as he lets Jackson go. As they walk into the parking lot the bell rings and students walk out of the school building.

Derek sees Stiles getting into his jeep ready to leave so he walks them in his path. Stiles slams on the break when he sees Derek and Astrid walk in front of the car. The cars behind him start honking creating a commotion.

Scott looks up from his bicycle to see what's going on as does Allison as she gets out of her car they both to stiles jeep when they see Derek and Astrid standing in front of it.

"Oh god, Astrid what happened," Allison asks her girlfriend as gets to her she grabs her right hand only to feel something wet she frowns and looks at their hands to see blood.

"She was shot," Derek tells them.

"Why isn't she healing?" Scott asks

"She can't it was a different kind of bullet"

"What a silver bullet," stiles asks

"No, you idiot..." Scott cuts him off

"Wait wait, That's what she meant when she said you have 48 hours"

"Who said she had 48 hours," Derek asked but Allison answered.

"My aunt" she as everyone looked at her with Scott and stiles being shocked since they thought she didn't know, "She got here last night"

Astrid groaned in pain as her eyes switch between her normally blue eyes and her red alpha eyes. Scott panicked and looked around to see if someone saw her eyes.

"What are you doing stop that"

"I can't," Astrid said her eyes flickering between colours. Derek and Allison help her get in the back seat of stiles jeep while Derek sat in front. Derek turned to Allison as he said.

"Allison you have to find that bullet or the pain is going to increase until it kills her," Derek says

"she's going to die," Scott and stiles ask at the same time with wide eyes.

"Temporarily," Astrid says from the back seat.

"what," stiles said confused.

"How am I going to find one bullet if you haven't noticed my family has millions," Allison says.

"it's a special kind of bullet if it's you're aunts then she's gonna keep it close," Astrid said.

"I know where it is, "Allison says as she remembered a specific bag her aunt didn't want to unpack.

"Alright, you get the bullet and meet us at Astrid's house," Stiles says as he started the car. Allison nodes and heads to her car and drives home.

When Allison got home she hurriedly entered the house and went upstairs to her aunt's room. She looks around the room until she sees a bag under the bed.

she pulls it out and opens it to find a few clothes and a metal box. She opened it to find a lot of bullets.

"Astrid said it was a special kind of bullet," Allison says to herself before seeing a small wooden box. She picks it up and opens it to see it contains 9 bullets with the 10th missing.

"This must be it," she said as she took one and put everything back to the way it was. She got up and ran back to the car and drove to Astrid's house.

When she got there, she parked in the driveway and ran to the house. Derek opened the front door.

"Did you get it"

"Yes," she said as she handed him the bullet and they entered the living room. Derek removed the bullet shell and poured out the powdered wolfsbane on the table and lit it on fire. When it died down he took the ashes and walked over to Astrid.

"This is going to hurt a lot," He tells her as he puts the ashes on the wound. Astrid's eyes open wide as they glow red, she screams her lungs out her scream turning into a roar at the end. The Black veins growing from the bullet wound return back as the wound heals completely.

She sits up breathing heavily still looking pale. Her eyes still glowing but this time they have black veins going down to her cheeks.

Stiles jumps back in shock tripping over a chair in the process, "What the fuck? Her eyes---"

"Derek, the fridge," She says trying to control her blood lust as she hasn't fed in two days and added to how much energy her body used trying to heal itself.

Derek and Allison understood as he ran to the fridge to get her a few blood bags while Allison held her hand. Scott and Stiles stood there confused as to what's going on.

"Here," Derek says as he hands her a blood bag she takes it and drains it in seconds and Allison hands her a second one and a third.

"Holy shit, you're a vampire" Stiles screams as he turns to Scott "Dude, I thought you said she was a werewolf"

"She's a hybrid, you idiot," Derek says

"what's a hybrid," Scott asks confused.

"A hybrid is something born from two different things but has traits of both in this case she's a vampire and werewolf" Stiles explained to him.

"Wait does that mean vampires exist," Stiles asked stunned.

"Not in the last 300 years, the vampire race got too cocky and prideful in their numbers so they made enemies, of every race supernatural or human so they were hunted to extinction," Astrid told him as she finished her 8th blood bag

"Then how do you exist," Scott asked while stiles nodded.

"Well it helps that I'm a hybrid but being one of the original vampires has its perks," Astrid told them with a smirk that looked more sinister with the blood dripping from her chin.

"Are you telling us you're one of the first vampires in existence and there's more?" Stiles says both scared and amazed.

"Yes, we were only two and no his not alive anymore I made sure of that"

"What do you mean," Scott asked.

"Sigh! To know that I'd have to tell you about how I came to be what I am today," Astrid said. After that, she told them her story, how her mother was a witch which shocked Scott and stiles again. she told them how she and her brother were attacked by a rogue alpha who killed her brother but she survived with a bite wound.

she told them her father convinced her mother to make a spell that will make them stronger, faster and above all immortal. The spell worked but they hadn't expected the amount of blood lust that came with it and for Astrid to turn into a hybrid of both species which helped her control her blood lust.

Her father, not so much which resulted in him killing her mother. After that, he was never the same he became a monster. He gave in to his blood lust creating the vampire race.

"300 years ago the other races had enough of the vampires so they started hunting them down until they reached my father they couldn't find a way to kill him while he killed hundreds of them since the only way to kill an original was to stake them with a stake from the White oak tree a tree me and my father made sure was destroyed."

"So how did you kill him," stiles asked listening to the story attentively.

"I kept one stake with me for a time like this. Some witches came to me asking for help and I helped them but what I didn't know was that the few remaining witches were creating a spell to seal me after I killed my father," Astrid said the last part with anger.

"So you were sealed for 300 years," Stiles asked in shock.


"Just a question but how old are you?"

"Don't you think it's rude to ask a lady her age stiles?" Astrid said," But if you must know I'm turning 1017 a week from now"

"You're 1016 years old, you know what I've had enough information for one night so I'm going home Scott let's go" with that he and scott left.

"Thank you for taking that bullet for me," Derek said sincerely.

"I wouldn't be a good pack leader if I didn't take care of my pack members plus like I said before I consider you as my little brother Derek" Derek smiled at that and left not before hugging Astrid.

"Are you not going home?" Astrid asked Allison.

"Not after what happened today so I'm staying overnight," she said smiling. After that, Astrid lead her to her room and they slept in each other's arms.