
HxH x reader

This story is about Y/n and B/n, they are twins, and they are on a ship that is about to make a turn toward whale Island. To take the entrance Exam, will the twins make friends? will they pass the exam? read to find out.

xX_Xee_Xx · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 Entrance x Exam

Y/n pov

We finally got to the entrance exam. I was number 407 "so this is the place," I said with a sparkle in my eyes "It's so crowded," I said with a smile "wow," my brother said. After a while, a guy with a big nose walked over to us and started talking about the people around here, But I stopped listening and walked toward the clown guy. (Hisoka)

B/n pov

"So who is the clown guy?" I said looking at him "oh he's number 44, he is the worst one yet, his name is Hisoka he is dangerous, I would stay away from him" the big nose guy said. I looked towards Hisoka and saw Y/n walking over there.

Y/n pov

I walked over to the clown guy and saw a guy who disappeared into a bunch of cards ``wow, so cool" I said out loud "oh hey little girl, Did you lose your way?, come on let go find your mommy and daddy" A guy with the number 188 said "ok one, I'm NOT A LITTLE GIRL, two touch me I will kill you with me bear hands, and three if you find my dad, tell him to go to h3ll, You got that'' I said as I punched the guy in the gut "oh come on little girl" the guy said as he grabbed my arm "I said don't touch me!!" I yelled and punched him back into a wall "you %$#@$" The guy yelled, and everyone was looking at us, he tried to punch me multiple times but missed every time.

"Come on you can do better than that," I said giggling while dodging his attacks, I sighed "wow that's all you got," I said while yawning, and the guy fell to the ground. "Wow that was boring," I said walking away from his fallen body.

I walked over to the group "hey guys" I said looking at them, we all started chatting for a few hours(they didn't see/say anything from fear), then a guy with a pink mustache walks into the room "Hello everyone sorry for the wait, and no more candidates will be able to join, please follow me to the 2nd phase." The pink mustache said and started running.

'So this is the first phase, seems easy enough'` I thought to myself, after a few hours of running, I look back at the other patients ``hm, there are fewer people now" I said while jogging with the pink mustache guy, I look at the mustache guy "so what your name?" I asked him "my name is Satotz, you are?" Satotz looked at me "oh I'm Y/n and number 408 is my brother" I said while jogging "well I'm gonna go to my brother bye" I said, I walked back to my brother who was with Gon and a white-haired boy.

I hear a person yell "hey Kid you giving up already" a guy with the number 33 said "huh?" I said in a confused tone "you're slowing down, huh, you must be tired." 33 guy said with a smirk "wow, How much did Tonpa pay you?" I asked "w-what" number 33 said with a surprised expression "I know what Tonpa is doing," I said looking at him.

After that encounter, I ran over to my brother "So who's the white-haired boy?" I asked Gon and B/n "oh he's-" "I'm Killua Zoldyck," the white-haired boy said, while putting his hand out "It's nice to meet you," I said shaking his hand, "sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Y/n and this is my brother, which you probably met already," I said rubbing the back of my neck "oh it's fine," Killua said looking at us.

I hear someone panting behind us, I look back and see leorio with his hands on his knees and sweating like crazy, "hey you okay?" I said looking at leorio while offering my hand to him "yea, how are you not tired?" Leorio said while taking my hand, "Well, I and B/n have been training for this for years" I said helping him up, and grabbed his suitcase "I'll carry this for you" I said with the suitcase in my hand.

After reaching the end of the tunnel, 'finally, we made it I thought to myself while walking out of the tunnel "woohoo" I heard someone yell "we finally made it" "it's finally over" I heard two people yell "It's not over yet" I said and everyone looked over at me "How do you know little brat, Huh?!" some guy said while he grabbed my shirt collar "put me down" I said looking him in the eyes "also it's pretty obvious, or are you just stupid?" I said with a smirk, my brother was about to punch him when suddenly a guy with brown hair "no I'm the instructor he's a man-faced Ape" I looked over at the ape "uh are you stupid?" I asked the brown-haired man, I walked over to the man, and that's when the clown guy threw a card at the man and the instructor, I caught the card that he threw "was that supposed to kill him?" I said looking at the clown, the clown gave me the most perverted smirk I've seen "It was supposed to, but I see you caught it" he said, I grab my daggers and slice the browned-haired man's head off "If you want to kill someone, I would suggest a close range, It gives them the honor to see their killers face" I said with a small smile while walking away from the decapitated body.

After That we started running again, I was beside my brother, Gon, and Killua. While I was running I saw something in the distance. It was on the ground, "hey guys'' I said looking worried "What?" Gon said while running, "Is it just me or is something in the ground over there?" I said pointing in front of us "what are you talking about?" B/n said, the thing I was talking about started to rise out of the ground "That!" I yelled as it swallowed us whole, "well if you warned us earlier, we would have known" B/n yelled 'Is this he serious' I thought to myself "I got this" Killua said as he pulled out a soda (the one that Tonpa poisoned) and poured it into the thing that swallowed us, It threw us up.

After that we went back to running "I feel like something or someone is watching us" I said "I feel that too" Killua said looking around "wait, where's Gon" Killua said, I looked around "when did he leave?" I said looking at Killua "I don't know" B/n said while looking at me.

After a while, Killua, B/n, and I got to the end and started to wait for Gon, that's when we saw the clown carrying Leorio, "why are you carrying him?" I asked him while B/n was standing behind me "huh, who said that" the clown said looking right above my head "Look down, Idiot clown" I said looking up at the clown "wow, feisty" the clown said, I rolled my eyes "whatever, where's Gon?" I asked, "hey, Guys" Gon yelled while running towards us "Hey, Gon" I yelled.