
Announcement And Warning

__________ POV Ashton__________

It seems that actually finding the Zodiacs will be a lot harder than anticipated. The ship seems to have a class system.

I'm basically a regular hunter now, so I have a residence in the tier 1 zone. But the actual rooms are poorly decorated.

Politicians are obviously superior human beings so they get to stay on the ship with the best accommodations... Yeah, no.

I obviously will take a room there for myself. Who's going to stop me? Their shitty bodyguards?

I will have to disguise myself for that though. Heh, a bit of mischievous fun never hurt anybody. At least it never hurt me, and that's all I care about right now.

I'll worry about all of that later. The journey is around two months long anyway. I'd likely be able to get there faster by myself. But by the time I reached that point, I'd be exhausted.

I planned on using a relic to reach the Dark Continent. One called 'Noah's Ark'. It's one of the stranger ones that I own.

It's basically a small ring that transforms into a giant ship. It also has a few hidden features, but those aren't really important to my current situation.

Now, I am hearing some of the most amusing information I possibly could.

We were all gathered in a huge auditorium. That's right, this gigantic ship housing 200000 people is actually being treated like a cruise ship.

The announcer on stage was talking about some unimportant things, like informing the passengers of the dangers and whatever.

Eventually, I heard that the Kakin Empire is actually promising to have 100 million people sent to the Dark Continent within 5 years.

"Pfft.." I couldn't hold it in. I started cackling out loud.

Do these idiots actually want to colonize the Dark Continent? Did they not learn anything from the last expeditions?

Humanity isn't welcome in that place... Not anymore.

Some people looked at me weirdly. I couldn't help but laugh harder.

Do these people actually consider this a valid strategy? Did they actually put such a tight bottleneck on information about the Expedition?

These 200000 people are all going to die, I don't even have to do anything about it. Humanity hasn't even discovered Relics yet. And they already want to Conquer the Continent.

"Sir! Please be quiet. You are being a nuisance." Said the announcer, she was looking straight at me. Did I really laugh that loudly?

Well, by the way, some of the people around me were holding their bleeding ears, I guess I did. But I am quite mad. Should I speak up I wonder?

Of course, I should. At least I should give these ignorant sheep a bit of a warning before they jump inside a den of starved wolves.

I jumped on stage. An action that alarmed the announcer and the guards, as they all rushed me with their spears.

The audience was either panicking or cheering on. I guess this is the type of idiots I have to deal with, taking pleasure in senseless violence...

Why do I have a nagging feeling that I am also speaking about myself? Oh well. I'm sure it was nothing.

I looked at all the guards rushing me. All of them were decent Nen users. Maybe they were a bit stronger than Gon? Oh well, not important.

If these are the common guards, then this expedition is really down in the water.

I simply tapped a necklace that I was wearing twice. It looked like a small harp on a chain of gold. The sound it made reverberated across the room.

The sound waves washed across the room and touched every corner of the massive auditorium.

"Cease Your Aggression!" My voice came out quickly and it seemed to have the same effects. All of the guards froze up. This is one of the best artefacts to use on intelligent beings.

I call it 'Cold Command'. It's simple in nature. It just requires a lot of Nen, formal speech, and powerful vocal cords. If I don't enhance my vocal cords I will lose them whilst using this artefact.

I also need to be able to speak the language of the target. Or they at least need to be able to understand me. And there it is! A command that they can't refuse at all.

Well, a stronger minded individual would be able to break through the control.

But I can use it repeatedly and affect the mind of the target like waves crashing into a beautiful shore. Eventually, the targets would pass out.

But I just want these people to calm down a bit. It's not like I came here to kill them, just a little warning.

I extended an open plan towards the announcer. She was shaking heavily. Seeing me dispatch their guards with only my voice took a bit of a tool on her.

She seemed to get the hint, and put the microphone in my hand.

"Perfect," I said calmly. As the guards all fell on the ground, fighting against their own bodies must've been tiring... Oh well.

"Now then~" I looked at the audience. None were actually scared. They are really 'important people, after all, they don't believe their lives could ever be in any danger.

"It seems you people think this trip is going to be exciting, nay fun even! But..." A short pause to keep a bit of suspense always works wonders.

"The horrors that await you on the unexplored continent will not be anything fun, of that I can assure you." I stretched a cheerful smile on my face as I thought of their fates.

If they even manage to reach the shore of my homeland, they will only be greeted by death and despair.

Not everyone is strong like Zigg, Linne and Netero. These people won't even survive if they meet a single nest of HellBells. Let alone any of the more dangerous threats...

Like an 'Ai'. If these greedy pigs were to meet one they'd all die.

After giving them that short warning I just wandered off stage. I inadvertently gained the attention of many people by doing that. But I really don't care anymore.

Turn my homeland into an amusement park, will you? We'll see about that...


Hope you liked the chapter!

And yea, double uploads today.

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