
HxH Poker Face

In this short story we will learn more about one of the most fearsome gangs in the hxh world, in a world where violence seems to be the only way to solve things, where cruelty reigns in every person and hatred turns out to be your best ally. And revenge is the only desired end, will there be room for hope and forgiveness?

Niltom33 · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs


Like every morning, piles of garbage flood the landfill: leftover TV sets, computers, car parts, radios, plastic, glass bottles, aluminum cans, shattered glass and putrid food waste are just a part of the immense amount of waste and filth present at the landfill.

Flies hover around the place attracted by the putrid stench and hurriedly land on the waste, rats with a voracious appetite scavenge among the piles of garbage are masters that reign underneath the landfill. Silence seems to rule on the surface of the landfill when barking in the distance indicates the arrival of the garbage dogs, aided by their sense of smell they quickly find their food, the carrion birds soon perch close to them claiming their share in the feast.

In the distance, energetic voices can be heard, the dump once inhabited by a bunch of flies and rats, now looks like a different place.

-Boys! -He said with exultation, "Hurry up!

-Ralf, Uvogin, Zeto, check all the garbage bags. Remember to keep everything with copper in it.

-Understood! -they nodded in unison.

They quickly began to inspect every sack and bag present in that area of the landfill, the mastery with which they identified all useful waste demonstrated the vast experience they had; any waste that had copper did not escape their expert eyes. The material that gradually accumulates is deposited in large bags.

At the end of the day the joy in their faces is present because this time they were very lucky. The copper has a great commercial value, so they will obtain a considerable sum of money.

-Hey Uvogin, imagine what we can buy by selling what we find," muttered one of them.

-Oh, this will be enough to buy a nice bowl of noodles, or better yet a super bowl of ramen," I exclaim with pleasure on my face.

-I expected no less from you.

-What about you, Ralf? -What will you do with the money you get?

-Well, I want to buy a present for my sister, said Ralf with a blank stare.

-As you have so much time to chat. Hurry up and pack the material.

-We are a group of collectors! -We do our work quickly and efficiently. Remember that!

-Just watch Zeto, -someone of few words-. But he plays his role efficiently.

-Come on, Jim! -said Uvogin. You must have something you want, too.

-What i want ....

-... it can't be bought with all the gold in the world. After Jim's words, a hush fell over the room.

On their way home the collection group came across a group of children carrying many black bags, as they got closer and closer they noticed that these little ones were very young; perhaps less than 8 years old, they thought, and just like them, they were probably working hard to support their families.

These children were traveling the same shortcut used to reach the city quickly, so it was only natural that the two groups would meet each other. As they got closer and closer to the group of children, a foul stench pervaded the air, so unpleasant that it caused many discomfort and discomfort.

When the children noticed the presence of the collection group, they fearfully fled the area, leaving their belongings behind. The black bags were in the middle of the road, so it was impossible for them to go unnoticed.

One of them approached to inspect them, staying a long time observing them.

-How much are you observing Jim, did you find anything valuable? -said Ralf.

-I also want to take a look!

-As you wish," Jim replied. He immediately reached for the bag.

-They must have thought we came with the intention of stealing their belongings.

-This kind of act is common among collectors, exclaimed Jim. You avoid the work, but you get the benefit.

-Puagg!!! , was the sound that Ralf emitted and then vomited.

-Oh, I forgot to mention that you didn't smell the contents," Jim said wryly.

-Hahahahaha, Ugovin began to laugh uncontrollably.

-That's what you get for sticking your nose into matters that are none of your business.

-You big shot, you're going to pay for this! -I expressed bitterly. Ralf's countenance recovered, he approached Jim, and asked him:

-What the hell are they doing with all this waste?

-Do you think they will come back for them?

-It's very likely, said Jim.

-Jim, those kids must have worked long hours to put all this together," replied Uvogin.

-We must wait for them to return and clear up the misunderstanding.

-Waiting for them? -Ralf replied, "You think we're a goddamn charity. We must be on our way.

-You are a....

Angrily Uvogin grabbed Ralf's neck preparing his fist to strike him.

-You're too kind, said Ralf, We can't help every child we come across!

-You think their needs are our problem? -Wake up already!

-We live among the garbage! We find helpless people in every damn place! - And you care about children you don't even know?!

-You're a bastard! -In anger, Uvogin punched Ralf's face, causing him to fall to the ground.

-I'm not finished with you yet! -I replied angrily.

-As you wish! -said Ralf, who instantly stood up and prepared to fight.

-You know, I'd rather be a bastard than a hypocrite! -I exclaimed with disdain. For seconds, perhaps minutes, the mood was tense, until a voice calmed the situation.

-Stop!!!! -an imposing shout resounded throughout the place.

-You know the rules, there will be no fighting between us! -Seconds later, the two in discord stopped their movements.

-Zeto, this is none of your business! -Why are you getting in the way of the fight? -Or are you on their side? - Ralf replied.

-I'm not on anyone's side, declared Zeto. If I had to choose, I'd be on the side of the rules.

-When we created them, we all agreed.

-That is why, -, no one can break them!

-Is that clear? - expressed Zeto.

Uncertainty gripped the place, any action would trigger a battle where everyone would lose.

-Everybody calm down, Jim said, trying to resolve the situation.

-Zeto is right - it is strictly forbidden to fight among members.

-How the hell are we going to solve this? -Ralf shouted.

-Do you have a coin? - Can I borrow it? -Jim replied.

-What the hell are you asking such questions for! -said Ralf with annoyance.

-Shut up and do as he says! -said Zeto.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a coin and tossed it toward Jim.

-Tch - here you go, said Ralf.

-Tell me, do you prefer heads or tails? -Jim asked.

-What the hell are you trying to do? -he questioned again.

-Shut up and answer, said Jim.

-With a demon - heads! I choose heads, damn it! -grumbled Ralf.

-Accordingly, Uvogin will be tails, said Jim.

-Any complaints?

-None - answering in unison.

At that moment Jim took the coin between his fingers and threw it into the sky, the momentum of the coin started to spin around and around on its way down to the ground, he caught it in the middle of the road and quickly slapped the coin in his left hand.

-Whatever the outcome, we will all accept it!

-That of course includes me - if Ralf wins we leave and if Uvogin wins we stay. Jim expressed.

He slowly slid his right hand to unveil the coin, while the participants became more and more anxious. Until at last the whole coin could be seen.

-The seal came out! -announced Jim. Therefore, we will stay and take care of your belongings until you return.

-After all, it was our fault they ran away, he said.

-Tch! -whatever. exclaimed Ralf.

-Ralf, don't try to pretend you don't care, you were planning to help them on your own, weren't you? -. Jim questioned.

He said this staring into her eyes.

-I don't know what the hell you mean? -said Ralf.

-You know exactly what I'm talking about, I've known you since we were very young, Jim replied.

-Shut up! -You don't know anything about me! - he replied very angrily.

-How can you be so indifferent to your best friend? -Your sister would be very sad to hear that, Ralfaedus! - Jim replied.

-You idiot! -Don't mention that name again! Unless you want me to tear you to pieces! -. Ralf replied furiously.

-I knew it! -said someone ecstatic.

-I knew you were good at heart! -Ralfaedus, come and accept a loving embrace of reconciliation! - said Uvogin.

-Don't you ever fucking say that name again! -Get away from me, you muscle ball! -. Ralf said.

-No one has been able to escape the power of love - and you will be no exception.

Ralf hurriedly started to run away from Uvogin, as soon as he tried to hug him, Uvogin rejected him outright.

-Jim! You stupid idiot! -You're going to pay for this one! -Ralf protested.

Calm returned to the group, until suddenly.

-So it's you! -said a voice in the distance.

Those words belonged to a little girl who, propelled by a pile of garbage and armed with a bat, launched an attack on Jim, who did not flinch in the least as if he knew he would not be able to hurt her.

Suddenly a shadow came between the girl and him.

-Stop right there little girl! -Put down that bat, you might hurt someone.

These were the words of Uvogin who held the bat with one hand, but the girl clung to the handle full of courage, as if her life depended on it.

-Let go of me, you piece of shit! - or I'll tear you to pieces! - she said.

-I wonder if that will be possible? - Will those little arms be able to perform such a feat? -. Uvogin asked.

-Set me free! -and you'll find out! - she said, very angry.

-Oh, what courage you have, little one! -. Uvogin answered and then released her.

-I have never taken advantage of a woman, let alone a girl.

-I'll tell you what, you can give me a punch.

-I will not lift a finger to defend myself from your attack," said Uvogin, brimming with confidence.

As soon as he hit the ground he launched a new attack directed towards the head, when it hit the target the bat broke in two, product of the force applied, Uvogin collapsed. With a smile he announced his victory over the unfortunate guy, then he prepared to attack the boy behind him.

Moments before the incident she heard the group talking and sensed that he was the leader; his fall meant the defeat of the whole group, she was ready to take another impulse when suddenly:

-How much longer do you plan to keep pretending, Uvogin, said the boy he planned to attack.

-Jim, don't spoil the fun! -I wanted to see what he would do after he knocked me out. Ugovin expressed.

-Impossible! -I'm sure I fractured your skull. How can you still be conscious! - replied the girl.

-What a pity - our little drama came to an end!

-Your attack didn't even scratch me, were Uvogin's words as he dusted off his clothes and hair.

-Monster! -said the girl in incomprehension.

-Hey, that was rude! -Are you saying I'm a monster? I could say the same thing.

-You possess monstrous strength for a girl, Uvogin replied, if it were anyone else I would probably be seriously injured.

Stunned she thinks of a way to escape from the adverse situation in which she finds herself, her initial plan was to teach a lesson to the guys who stole her friends' belongings. Not long ago they came looking for her help, they told her that they were four boys who should not be older than 15 years old, she accepted a tall and stocky man who is probably around 30 years old.

When she arrived at the place she observed that the bags were under her protection, they did not represent any problem, she thought, except for the big guy with a silly face, she told herself that she could deal with them, after all they were not the first group she had faced.

The fights for the resources provided by the landfill are very frequent, after having participated in countless fights, he knows perfectly well that to defeat the enemy one must first know him, and wait for the most opportune moment to attack and always go for the weakest.

So the smartest plan is to attack the guy they call Jim, at first glance he looks like a wimp that everyone should help and protect, is just a pretty face who doesn't know what the effort is so the others do everything for him, she intuits.

-Girl, it's not what you think, Jim said.

-And what am I supposed to think, they are just cowards who steal the belongings of the weakest! -I replied angrily.

-You mean these bags, said Uvogin. It's just a misunderstanding because we were never planning to steal them.

-As if I would believe you! -You're just saying that so I'll let my guard down? -so you can capture me? she exclaimed.

-Whether or not you believe what we say is your business, we'll leave your friends' belongings here - take them back or keep them, it's up to you. Those were Jim's words.

He then began to gather his belongings in preparation to leave.

-We're leaving! -he said hurriedly.

As soon as he uttered those words, the members of the group prepared to leave.

-By the way, girl, what is your name? -asked Uvogin.

-It's none of your business! -she replied.

-Hey, you pinkhead girl, you've got a serious attitude problem," exclaimed Ralf. Be thankful this pile of muscle is so soft, it wouldn't be the same if it were me.

-Therefore, I suggest that you control your mouth," he said coldly.

-My name is not Pinkhead! -. Turnip-headed bastard," she said with annoyance.

-Your piece of...

-Stop it, Ralf, you must be gentle with her - after all, she is just a child. expressed Uvogin.

-Girl, she's more chaotic than a pain in the ass," Ralf repeated.

Uvogin stared at the girl and said:

-It's true, it's none of our business....

-...so you are not obliged to answer," I whisper sadly. Where are my manners, maybe it's late but my name is Uvogin, the stubborn one is Ralf, the talkative one over there is Zeto and this is Jim," I exclaimed while patting him on the shoulder.

-My name is ....

-What the fuck are you talking about, you have such a small voice that I think it's some kind of insect! -said Ralf in a sarcastic tone.

-Fuck you, turnip head!

-My name is Machi! Machi Komachine ! keep it in mind!

-Nice to meet you Machi," said Uvogin.

-It is a pleasure to meet you Machi," said Jim.

-Fmm," Zeto grunted.

-Machi is the name of a wimp," exclaimed Ralf.

-Nobody asked for your opinion! -Instead of worrying about me, you should pay attention to that awful hair you have. Machi exclaimed.

-You fucking bi...

-That's enough, Ralf," said Jim. I beg your pardon.

-Machi is a very beautiful name - it matches perfectly with your blue eyes and pink hair.

-If you would stop talking so much nonsense, you would be even more beautiful. After saying these words, she began to walk away without looking back.


-You fool! -Don't make fun of me," declared Machi in shame.

-See you Machi," said Uvogin.

-Tch, hey, wait for me," Ralf replied as he noticed that his companions were leaving without him.

Hello my fellow readers, not long ago I became interested in writing the ideas of my mind, however English is not my mother tongue, I ask for your understanding and I accept all constructive criticism, may peace and love be in your homes.

Niltom33creators' thoughts