

What has a price and what doesn't? If you ask me everything has a price. It's just sometimes you don't pay with money.

nightlyskyy · Realista
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1 Chs

Everything has a price

Have you ever wanted to buy something, but didn't have the funds to? Is the saying a rich man can't buy happiness true? If you ask me it isn't.

The rain was pouring and the creaking sound of rats running above me, the cold space that was my room, and me trying to fall asleep while my stomach eats itself out. And the fear of never seeing tomorrow.

"I'm home!" barged my father into my room, drunk and just a whiff of him smelled like poison. I closed my eyes out of fear like every other night, my heart racing. "What you not even gon' look at me?" He wobbled closer and closer, as I was more and more afraid, he grabbed me by my cheeks and slapped me, I was afraid of letting out a sound because if I did it would only be worse.

After several hours of beating me, using me, he left. "Here's your meal." He threw a piece of soon-to-be molded bread. I ate it, not like I had a choice.

I was again spending a cold, lonely, terrific night locked in. I fell asleep on the cold floorboards watching a cockroach crawl.

"I'm home!" The sound of the door opening woke me and what followed after that was my father's voice. I was petrified. "Come here, there's a man I want you to meet." There were so many thoughts running through my mind, what other nightmare could follow.

As I came out of my room there stood a tall man with a slim figure, wearing a suit and a necktie., with grayish black hair.

"Hmmm.." He leaned closer to me and started looking me all around, inspecting me. "Yes! Perfect!" He went away and started talking with my "Father" after several minutes they came back and father kneeled and looked me in the eyes while patting my head, "You will go with this mister, okay?" He smiled like never before, a smile full of happiness. The mister took me by the hand, and handed my father a pouch, coin, he smiled as the happiest man in the world, he never smiled like that at me.

The man brought me into a carriage and sat in front of me. "What's your name?" he addressed me. "I... Don't know." Timidly I replied, afraid of saying something. "From now on your name will be Michail, alright, young lad?" I was surprised not because of the name, but because someone gave me a name. I felt finally like something.

The carriage ride seemed long and tiresome, and without feeling it I dozed off on comfortable seats.

"Mm.. mmmm... Huh!" "A nightmare." I thought to myself. I was feeling warm and fuzzy, like bathing in silk, I started to look around, amazed, this was the first time seeing such a room, everything around seemed high quality, cushions, bed, pillows, floor, mirror. after looking around I stood up and walked around, the floor this time didn't let out a creaking noise, inspecting things that I have yet to see, I walked to the mirror and found a weird looking bottle "Is it a drink?" I thought to myself and accidentally pressed it "Achoo! Is it poison gas?!"

"That's perfume, lad." Laughed it off the mister who brought me. I didn't even notice him walk in. "If you're feeling better go downstairs food will be soon ready, because you seem malnourished." The misted advised me and went out. I was excited and confused as to why is this mister treating me so well, but right now what was on my mind was food.

After a little more looking around I went out of my room and what I saw was a huge beautiful hallway with big windows, decorations. "Where is downstairs?" I asked myself. "Head straight and turn left, hehe." I got jumpscared because of the voice right next to me, it was a young lady, wearing black and white, with pretty blond hair, they reminded me of my memory of mom.

"T-thank you." I replied and was about to head straight "Did master bring you here last night?" She asked. "Yes, h-he did." I stuttered. "Oh... Okay!" She mouthed off and ran off. I was left confused as to why.

Walking the hallway seemed long, "Just how big is it?" I thought. After reaching downstairs that led me straight into a big, big hall with a magnificent view through the windows. The mister was already sitting in the middle as to waiting for me. When he noticed me he brushed his hand pointing at a seat motioning me to sit. "S-sorry." I said for taking long, but a sorry was all that came out. "Sorry for what?" He tilted his head. "For t-taking long." I looked down avoiding making eye contact. "Feel safe here, no one is going to hurt, and feel free to ask questions." The man said as he was about to eat.

"T-then may I know y-your name?" I reluctantly asked. "Of course. It's Ivan." I smiled, I get to talk with someone after this whole time, Mister Ivan said to eat, so I should eat. "A-and what about a b-b-blonde woman I e-encountered?" I was curious about her. "Lizzy, she's a maid with many other people who work here." We spend a lot of time chatting and I learned a lot of new things, like maids, different foods, people.

After a very fulfilling meal, Mister Ivan led me to my room and even wished me a good night. This all seemed like a dream and I felt like I could belong somewhere, tomorrow I decided to ask Mister Ivan if there is something I could help with, even a little. Experiencing so many things in one day led me to become quite exhausted and I didn't even notice how I fell asleep for the first time inside a warm bed.

"I will always stay with you my dear Ga...."

"No, wait! mom!"

The sun shone through the window and woke me up, I even dreamt about mom... I felt sad. "Rise and shine! Lizzy barged into my room with clothes in hand. "I-s this for m-me? I asked out of curiosity. She nodded with a bright smile which she seemed to wear all the time. New clothes, even if it seems like little, I was happy very happy.