
[Bonus chapter]Education

" I am willing to tell you everything, Nora. I can explain. Please..."

Nora stared at the man in front of her and sighed. "Fine. I have some work. I can meet you tomorrow. Same place. Same time."

Nora could see that Antonio wanted to protest and insist on talking right away but seeing her determined look he stopped himself. With a nod, he stepped back and spoke," I'll see you tomorrow then."

Even though he agreed, he did not turn away and go. Instead, he started to walk with her to the residence registration office. When she looked at him questioningly, he answered," I am just tagging along. In case you need any help."

It was the tone that caught her attention. He used to do this in the past as well. He would tag along to 'help' her. As if she could not do anything by herself. What was so difficult about filing a form and getting back the registration deposit? Even if she was no math professor, she could do basic math like calculating and deducting the penalty. Why had she ever thought that this was him showing his care for her? There was nothing more condescending than him offering to help for something like this.

Nora reminded herself that she would not waste her energy over something in the past and ignored the man next to her. He wanted to come along, sure. If he tried to take over, then she would not spare him.

As they reached the lobby, a senior student called out," Ah. It is you. I was wondering when you would be coming for registration. Your fiancé has already registered with us first thing! You should have just ordered him to do it for you. If I had a girlfriend as pretty as you, I would do whatever she told me."

At this, the senior girl who sat next to him, bopped him on the arm and pouted," Are you saying that I am not as beautiful as her?"

"Of course not, baby! You are the most beautiful! Don't I always do whatever you tell me? I am just trying to guide our juniors!"

Nora almost winced as the senior in front of her teased her and each other good-naturedly. They were the same couple who they had met last time when they had come together to take a look. They'd even said that they looked forward to having another couple residing in the dorm.

With an apologetic face, Nora handed the cancellation form and said tartly," Your education came a little too late, seniors. We are no longer together."

The couple looked between her and Antonio before looking at the form. They looked at each other before silently looking through her application. Finally, the boy offered," Would you like me to recommend other dormitories? Even though most of the good ones will be full now, I can arrange something with the others."

"You are cancelling your registration? Why would you do something so foolish? Nora, you cannot do that!" Antonio spoke loudly.

As Antonio moved to snatch the application from the senior's hand, Nora quickly swatted at his hand and bit our, "Well forgive me if I do not want to live in the same residence as the man who jilted me at the altar for another woman! If my foolishness prevents me from being uncomfortable by avoiding looking at your face, then I am quite happy to remain foolish. And by what right are you trying to stop me?"

Antonio gaped at her but after having said her piece, she turned back to the seniors and gave a small smile," Thank you for the kind offer. However, I have taken up housing with a friend outside the campus."

The senior girl directed a scathing look in Antonio's direction," So you were looking for an extra place in the dorm for your new girlfriend? You really expected your new girlfriend and ex-girlfriend to live in the same house! You've got the guts!"

Nora was shocked when she heard this. How was that possible? Sara was in her final year, and there was no way she would be able to...

Askance, she turned to look at Antonio who avoided looking at her. Not missing the shock on her face, the senior girl patted her hand kindly and spoke," Don't worry. The other girl will not be getting in here even if you cancel now. I will make sure of that. As for you, if you need anything, you can come to this big sister! We don't support cheaters. As for your cancellation, I'll simply put this cancellation on hold for two days till the term starts. And after that, if you are still comfortable with your new residence, then I'll process the refund. In case you want to come back here, let me know. I'll make sure that this scumbag ex of yours is thrown out of here."

While Antonio stared with growing agitation, Nora nodded with another 'thank you' before quickly stepping out of the building. She walked faster and could hear Antonio calling out her name, but she was in no mood to listen. Quickly, she saw an approaching bus and climbed it. She would simply go on this bus and get off at the next stop. Antonio would never follow her onto a bus.

The gall of him! He kept on questioning her and pestering her all the while hiding everything from her! The two faced ba*tard!

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