
Husband, let me go.

“Give me a son” Those four words have haunted Elizabeth for nearly 2 years. Feeling unloved and lonely in her marriage she decides it’s time to leave, only her husband,Anthony does not think so. “You can leave after you give me what I want” Suddenly Anthony changes after she becomes pregnant. “ I hope it’s a girl” he says lovingly But Elizabeth is 100% sure she will give him the son he asked for so that she can escape this loveless marriage. Anthony learns after almost two years of marriage that his wife is not who he thought she was. Realizing all of the mistakes he had made he is desperate to keep his wife but Elizabeth refuses to compromise. “I don’t care about the past,I will give you your son and you will give me my divorce”

All_Smilez09 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 17 No.No. No

What does that mean?" She murmured

" Love for who"

Was he referring to Alison? If he certainly cherished the different girl so much, why on earth marry her? It made no sense.

"None of your damned business," he grated furiously, a muscle working frantically in his jaw.

"Your right" Elizabeth eventually nodded bitterly.

"It has nothing to do with me, but it impacts each and every component of my life. You want a son buts it's my body and it's my choice to make..."

"I'm your husband..."

"Husband? You have never been my husband. she interrupted in a voice thickened with hatred and tears. "A husband loves, honours and cherishes! A husband is a lover and a champion... Look at those two in the living room if you really want to see what an actual husband is, because you are no such thing

Anthony reeled away from her, like a man who'd simply been bitten by his favorite pet. She pushed herself away from the fridge to walk past him

"Elizabeth, wait..." he grabbed one of her hands to stop her from walking off.

"I'm leaving , tell Justin and Danielle that..."

"No," he interrupted gently. "You stay. This is your family and your place of refuge. I shouldnt have intruded, I'm sorry..."

his eyes skirted away from hers as he made an apology and Elizabeth's jaw dropped at his 2nd apology in twenty-four hours. She felt positive that the world would grind to a halt at any moment.

"I will head out it"

With that he dropped her arm and walked out, leaving her to stare after him in confusion.


Their home was was dark and quiet when she got home, with no seething Anthony ready at the front door this time, simply echoing silence as she made her way upstairs and returned into the spare bedroom. After a warm shower, she collapsed into mattress and did not stir till the following morning, when she woke to vibrant sunlight. She sat up in confusion as she tried to get her bearings and realised that she wasn't in the spare bed room anymore. A speedy look round verified that she was once again in the master suite and a look down at the empty area beside her verified that Anthony had certainly slept beside her. She peeked down at herself and was once more relieved that she still had on the t-shirt she had worn to bed.

She checked the clock and groaned when she realised that she had slept to almost ten in the morning. Pushing the tumbled mass of her hair out of her face, she got up and was alarmed when the room started out spinning wildly round her. She stumbled a couple of steps before grabbing onto the headboard of the mattress and steadying herself. She frowned as she tried to recall the last respectable meal she had. Barely anything at breakfast, which had come returned up after that overheard call, or lunch which had been spoiled by Anthony's unannounced entrance and dinner, which I skipped. Even though by Justin and Danielle had advised her to eat. Elizabeth simply couldn't stomach the idea of food after the day she'd had! Saturday had been simular, all she'd had to eat was the popcorn at the movies.

Heading for the bathroom, she determined to give with herself to a first rate breakfast. Monday is the housekeeper's day off and they had no other live-in workers so she had the residence to herself.

Less than an hour later she was dry-heaving over the toilet in the downstairs visitor bathroom. Just the scent of frying bacon and eggs had been ample reason to set her off. After her belly stopped revolting, she stumbled out onto the patio, as some far away from the nauseating scent of cooked meals as she could get, and sank down onto a chaise longue overlooking the massive infinity swimming pool.

"No..." she whispered staring blindly at the area of the pool, the place the aquamarine water of the pool regarded to merge with the darker blue of the ocean and the cobalt blue of sky. "No no no no... no... please God! No..."